kucoin withdrawal limit

account balance notice), please make request as follows after authorization to obtain the server list and authorized token. UUID. On the rare occasion that we will change the currency name, if you still want the changed symbol name, you can use the symbolName field instead of the symbol field via “Get all tickers” endpoint. The P2P marketplace supports various payment methods, including PayPal, Wire transfers, Interact, and other popular payment methods using most popular fiat currencies like USD, CNY, IDR, VND, and CAD. If the subscription succeeds, the system will send ack messages to you, when the response is set as true. 1000 KCS for 1% discount; max 30,000 KCS for 30% discount). For example, enter the command below to open bt1 multiple tunnel : {"id": "1Jpg30DEdU", "type": "openTunnel", "newTunnelId": "bt1", "response": true}, {"id": "1JpoPamgFM", "type": "subscribe", "topic": "/market/ticker:KCS-BTC","tunnelId": "bt1", "response": true}. But if the balance in your main account is not sufficient to support the withdrawal, the system will deduct the fees from your withdrawal amount. transaction direction,include buy and sell. The maximum order size required to place an order. The value shall be a positive multiple of the quoteIncrement. Request via this endpoint to get the last 300 fills in the lending and borrowing market. Request via this endpoint to get the configure info of the margin. For limit buy orders, we will hold the needed portion from your funds (price x size of the order). The funds field indicates the how much of the quote currency you wish to buy or sell. GET /api/v1/withdrawals/quotas?currency=BTC. You may use the web interface in the sandbox environment to create an API key. Additionally, it does not force KYC checks on all of its users, which remains a valuable perk for privacy-conscious individuals. leverage or the risk limit of margin, then you will fail in borrowing and order placing. For each order traded, the system would send you the match messages in the following format. KuCoin also offers its users an ability to employ their digital assets in a variety of staking and lending programs. Endpoints like /api/v1/deposits, /api/v1/orders, /api/v1/fills, will return the latest items by default (50 pages in total). The sequence of the snapshot should not be less than the minimum sequence of all increments of the cache. Hit “Send Code” and check your email or phone for a verification code, which must be entered below, too. See the Pagination section for retrieving additional entries after the first page. A successful response is indicated by an HTTP status code 200 and system code 200000. A phone number provides basic account access up to a $5,000 daily withdrawal limit. Note. Request via this endpoint to post lend order. You will not be able to query for cancelled orders that have happened more than a month ago. For high-volume trading, it is highly recommended that you maintain your own list of open orders and use one of the streaming market data feeds to keep it updated. The max pageSize is 100. 4.2.5 If it is a change message, modify the number of buy or sell order corresponding to the orderid. If the system returns other code, it means the repayment fails. The trading website is translated into 17 languages, including English, Russian, South Korean, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese (simplified and traditional), German, French, Spanish, Vietnamese, Turkish, Italian, Malay, Indonesian, Hindi, and Thai. Request via this endpoint to get the Level 3 order book of the specified trading pair. Coinbase Pro has a long history of leading the world of cryptocurrency exchanges, although it went by the name GDAX until recently. - Transactional settlement Check if your API-KEY, API-SECRET and API-PASSPHRASE are correct, Check if the string sequence is correct: timestamp + method + requestEndpoint + body, Check whether the timestamp in header is the same with the content above, Check whether you are using the correct encoding in your signature, e.g. To prevent the TCP link being disconnected by the server, the client side needs to send ping messages every pingInterval time to the server to keep alive the link. If there is no change within one second, it will not be pushed. FOK Fill Or Kill orders are rejected if the entire size cannot be matched. The transaction detail is as follows: Request via this endpoint to get a list of 1000 fills in the last 24 hours. 403 "The request could not be satisfied. Kucoin is currently offering relatively low fees for trading and also for withdrawals. As you may have noticed, KuCoin is an ever-growing crypto ecosystem with an increasing suite of services. Binance charges different withdrawal fees for different cryptocurrencies but they are all quite low. GET /api/v1/accounts/ledgers?currency=BTC&startAt=1601395200000. The last thing you need to do is to confirm your email address via the link they send to your inbox. In total, 200,000,000 KCS were issued and distributed to founders, private investors, and regular investors. Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Items are paginated and sorted to show the latest first. IOC Immediate Or Cancel orders instantly cancel the remaining size of the limit order instead of opening it on the book. After playback is complete, apply real-time stream messages as they arrive. If the remaining funds is not sufficient to support the minimum product (min. The client_oid is different from the server-assigned order id. Apply playback messages to the snapshot as needed (see below). Required when, Daily interest rate. However, a standard recommendation is that you don’t keep all of your funds in the exchange, as they introduce an extra point of failure. It is required that you use one of the two parameters. This endpoint returns the account info of a sub-user specified by the subUserId. This endpoint requires the "General" permission. I did it correctly but Biance would only let me deposit $1000 per day. Subscribe to this topic to get the push of BBO changes. GTC Good Till Canceled orders remain open on the book until canceled. The settled lend orders include orders repaid fully or partially before or at the maturity time. For post only orders, it will get executed immediately against the iceberg orders and hidden orders in the market. Click the “Go To KuCoin Exchange” button above to go to KuCoin’s homepage. Takers, as the taker in the market, would be charged with taker fees; while makers as the maker in the market, would be charged with less fees than the taker, or even get maker fees from KuCoin (The exchange platform would compensate the transaction fees for you). The post-only flag ensures that the trader always pays the maker fee and provides liquidity to the order book. If true, the order is active, if false, the order is fillled or cancelled. Proof of a VIP level is also acceptable. When you are going to place a stop market order, we recommend you to specify the funds for the order when trading. FROZEN_RENEW: When the auto-borrow renewing is complete and the position returns to “EFFECTIVE” status, the system will push this event. There will be no more messages for this order_id after a done message. The cancellation request will be processed by the matching engine in sequence. This interface is used to transfer fund among accounts on the platform. If any part of the order is going to pay taker fee, the order will be fully rejected. Unsubscribe from topics you have subscribed to. The chain name of currency, e.g. For the POST, PUT request, all query parameters need to be included in the request body with JSON. GET /api/v1/margin/lend/assets?currency=BTC. To reinforce the security of the API, KuCoin upgraded the API key to version 2.0, the validation logic has also been changed. The fees on those transactions may vary according to the chosen payment method, but should not exceed 5 - 7% on any given day. The trading account is used for transaction. Request via this interface to cancel a batch of stop orders. Here, you can invest in new hot crypto projects vetted and supported by KuCoin. All private REST requests must contain the following headers: The KC-API-TIMESTAMP header MUST be number of milliseconds since Unix Epoch in UTC. Although the exchange started operating in mid-2017, its founding team has been experimenting with blockchain technology since 2011. 0.002 is 0.2%. In order to trade using KuCoin P2P desk, you must verify your KuCoin account. The order will be filled at the price specified or better, depending on the market condition. The order type must be a limit order of the same symbol. If the post only order will execute against an iceberg/hidden order immediately, you will get the maker fees. If an order executes against another order immediately, the order is considered done. 4.2 If the sequence of incremental data = sequence+1 of the current snapshot, proceed to 4.2.1 logical update, otherwise proceed to step 4.3. Subscription limit for each connection: 300 topics; Number of Messages of the client side: 100 per 10 seconds; Subscribing one symbol means subscribing a topic; (e.g.Topic: /market/level3:{symbol},{symbol}...), Remove the RequestBody from the GET request. The default value of privateChannel is False. Request via this endpoint to get the settled lend orders . This needs to be solved. Subscribe to this topic to get the order book changes on margin trade. A successful repayment response is indicated by an HTTP status code 200 and system code 200000. Users can also transfer funds from other accounts to futures account, however funds cannot be transferred out from futures account. DONE (Canceled or Filled),PROCESSING. The field is returned only after placing the order under the mode of Auto-Borrow. Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found. Sandbox is the test environment, used for testing an API connection or web trading. If the withdrawal accuracy is 0, the withdrawal amount it can only be an integer. #Example for get balance of accounts in python, 'https://openapi-sandbox.kucoin.com/api/v1/accounts', #Example for create deposit addresses in python, 'https://openapi-sandbox.kucoin.com/api/v1/deposit-addresses', # specifying content type or using json=data in request, "KC-API-PASSPHRASE:QWIxMjM0NTY3OCkoKiZeJSQjQA==", "KC-API-SIGN:7QP/oM0ykidMdrfNEUmng8eZjg/ZvPafjIqmxiVfYu4=", "bf848bfb6736780b930e12c68721ea57f8b0484a4af3f30db75c93ecf16905c9", "0x78d3ad1c0aa1bf068e19c94a2d7b16c9c0fcd8b1", "0x5f047b29041bcfdbf0e4478cdfa753a336ba6989", "0x5bedb060b8eb8d823e2414d82acce78d38be7fe9", "aeacea864c020acf58e51606169240e96774838dcd4f7ce48acf38e3651323f4", "error.createOrder.accountBalanceInsufficient", "The account of the borrowers reached a negative balance, and the system has supplemented the loss via the insurance fund. The old resting order remains on the order book. a VIP level which matches your volume on other exchanges even though you are not trading as much on KuCoin) for 30 days. The ICO price for a single KCS was 0.000055 BTC. I know there must be tons of support enquiries for binance now. System-wise, the exchange was constructed according to finance industry standards, which grant it bank-level data encryption and security. KuCoin continueD to grow its ecosystem in 2020. DELETE /api/v1/order/client-order/{clientOid}, DELETE /api/v1/order/client-order/6d539dc614db3. The trading platform uses an advanced core trading engine that can handle millions of transactions per second (TPS). For average users, the request limit for each API key is 1800 requests per minute. This is the ideal solution to create your own reports and charts with your CoinTracking data. For users who prefer to trade on the go, KuCoin has a convenient mobile app available on both Android and iOS mobile devices. The whole documentation is divided into two parts: REST API and Websocket feed. A maker order, on the contrary, stays on the exchange order book and awaits to be matched. Subscribe to get snapshot data for a single symbol. You can sign up on the exchange using our KuCoin referral code: f7MKe6. Currently, KuCoin’s instant exchange lets you swap Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and XRP (XRP) for Tether (USDT) and Bitcoin (BTC). Business related information such as order ID, serial No., etc. See the Pagination section for retrieving additional entries after the first page. this library is not under active development by sammchardy. To use this feature, you need to download and install the Arwen client, which is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux-powered devices. If you want to make a trade, you need to go to the “Markets” tab and search for the market you want to trade. Note: Never worked. The max pageSize is 100. 4.2.4 If it is a done message, remove the buy or sell order corresponding to the orderid. Request via this endpoint to cancel a single order previously placed. GET /api/v1/margin/lend/done?currency=BTC¤tPage=1&pageSize=50. Asides from the products mentioned above, KuCoin is also developing the following digital currency products: All in all, KuCoin is a leading cryptocurrency exchange that is easy to use with a number of services for both beginners and experienced investors. If you need further assistance, reach out to the help desk or see the KuCoin FAQ section or contact the support desk. After that, use base64-encode to encrypt the result in step 1 again. If your order is not fully filled, it may probably be led by the unfilled part of the order exceeding the threshold. Deprecate '/api/v1/accounts/inner-transfer' endpoint for, Add the usage description to the favorite withdrawal address, Add the description of how to transfer assets in the, Delete the "size" and "funds" fields of the “received” message in the subscription for, Delete the “remainSize” field of the “open” messages in the subscription for. The length of the client_oid cannot exceed 40 characters. Level-2 order book includes all bids and asks (aggregated by price), this level returns only one size for each active price (as if there was only a single order for that price). It's heartbreakin to see such pumps without me? This message will only be sent for orders which are not fully filled immediately. Request via this endpoint to get the recent fills. Although it may look complicated at first, the exchange has a clean and straightforward layout. Request via this endpoint to get deposit list Request via this endpoint to get the trade history of the specified symbol. For other cases, please update the price. The system will return the 50 best ask/bid orders data, which is the snapshot data of every 100 milliseconds (in other words, the 50 best ask/bid orders data returned every 100 milliseconds in real-time). For example: If the threshold is 10%, when a user places a market order to buy 10,000 USDT in the KCS/USDT market (at this time, the current ask price is 1.20000), the system would determine that the final execution price would be 1.40000. Though this trading interface may be confusing for newbies, experienced traders should find their way around the exchange rather quickly. trade id, it is generated by Matching engine. It will be pushed per 100ms with the newest BBO. Please note that more information may be added to messages from this channel in the near future. Cancel the newer (taking) order in full. Request via this endpoint to cancel a single stop order previously placed. Last but not least, there are deposit and withdrawal transactions. You can filter your orders through clientOid, but it will be posted to L3 message (it may cause your orders strategy to be known for others), it is recommended that you can use UUID as clientOid. If you are already a crypto trader, potential trader or just a crypto follower, certainly you are more than aware of the Coinbase Pro vs. Binance debate—as they’re two of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. A taker order matches other resting orders on the exchange order book, and gets executed immediately after order entry. ETH-BTC. KuCoin has unique assets and an extensive list of tradable coins, it has been plagued by poor Know-Your-Customer (KYC) procedures. Funds in the main account, trading account and margin account of a Master Account can be transferred to the main account, trading account, futures account and margin account of its Sub-Account. $8,000 per 24 hours maximum. You can check the orders in any status. To trade cryptos, you need to transfer funds from the main account to the trade account. Their deposit-fee is as follows (and I quote from a live-chat with “Nesh”, an OkCoin representative)- Regarding OKCoin Fiat Deposit we have 4 … The token is available in many global exchanges such as Binance, KuCoin, Fox.Exchange and more. Subscribe to private channels require privateChannel=“true”. Step 5B: Advance trade setup On the Advanced screen, the price chart takes up half the page. A 200 response indicates that the order was received and is active. After 30 days, your VIP level will be calculated based on your actual trading volume on KuCoin. The order will be executed by the highest price first. There is no fee for making a deposit. In one physical connection, you could open different multiplex tunnels to subscribe different topics for different data. Modify the default chain of USDT into ERC20. of the trade will be returned in field context. Monthly rewards up to 30,000 KCS for the market maker with the best performance. Note that not all match messages may be received due to dropped messages. Get order execution details of the last 24 hours(up to 1000). Once you top your account, don’t forget about the KuCoin’s account security tools: spare some time to set up two-step authentication, security questions, and/or anti-phishing phrases. GET GET /api/v2/market/orderbook/level3?symbol=BTC-USDT. Business type leading to the changes in funds, such as exchange, withdrawal, deposit, KUCOIN_BONUS, REFERRAL_BONUS, Lendings etc. You would then, receive messages corresponding to the id tunnelIId: {"id": "1JpoPamgFM", "type": "message", "topic": "/market/ticker:KCS-BTC", "subject": "trade.ticker", "tunnelId": "bt1", "data": {...}}. GET /api/v1/margin/borrow?orderId=123456789. We will offer you a jumpstart (e.g. The fee rate of your sub-account is the same as that of the master account. The system will push this message to the lenders when the order is completed. The system will push the change event when the position status changes. Currency codes will conform to the ISO 4217 standard where possible. The match message indicates that a trade occurred between two orders. When errors occur, the HTTP error code or system error code will be returned. - Fee settlement. KuCoin Exchange Overview KuCoin.com is a really impressive and reliable exchange, but most importantly it is incredibly easy to use! After that, the currency will be transferred to the account of the user. The platform currently supports spot (TRADE) and margin (MARGIN_TRADE) . When making a request, it is recommended that you also convert your numbers to strings to avoid truncation and precision errors. This endpoint returns the transferable balance of a specified account. If your accounts on different platforms have a total trading volume of more than 1000 BTC in the last 30 days, please send the following information via email to [email protected], with subject "VIP Fast Track Application": KuCoin account ID. 1547015186532. After fixing: No KYC Withdrawal Limit: Bybit: Crypto margin trading exchange that does not require KYC. All in all, it is safe to say KuCoin is a powerful and beginner-friendly exchange. The increment of the price required to place a limit order. /api/v1/accounts?currency=BTC). Data are returned in grouped buckets based on requested type. For a coin, the "currency" is a fixed value and works as the only recognized identity of the coin. When a stop order is triggered by current trading price, you will receive a message with "triggered" type. Request via this endpoint to get your current untriggered stop order list. It can boast of relatively high liquidity, a high number of users, a wide selection of supported assets and services, as well as low trading fees. The encrypted timestamp shall be consistent with the KC-API-TIMESTAMP field in the request header. Lent order history involves orders canceled or fully filled. Here, every deal is subject to the fixed 0.1% fee. Request via this endpoint to get the transaction currency for the entire trading market. Fees generated in transaction, withdrawal, etc. Kraken is one of the prominent Bitcoin exchange accepting fiat currencies like Euro. e.g. DELETE /api/v1/margin/lend/5d9f133ef943c0882ca37bc8. For details about the message format, please check the definitions of topics. Finally, you might want to buy cryptocurrencies with fiat via KuCoin. It simply indicates a new incoming order which has been accepted by the matching engine for processing. A successful order is defined as one that has been accepted by the matching engine. If you specify STP when placing orders, your order won't be matched by another one which is also yours. however, the community has been actively contributing lots of PRs. Request via this endpoint to get the lending history of the main account. Client libraries can help you integrate with our API quickly. Actual fees are assessed at the time of a trade. This price can be found in the latest match message. Instead, keep only what you can afford to lose on the exchanges. There are two versions of KuCoin Futures - one designated for beginners (lite version) and one oriented towards more experienced traders (pro version). The last trade can be found in the latest match message. If you find missing features please submit a PR. If the order could not be canceled (already filled or previously canceled, etc), then an error response will indicate the reason in the message field. The minimum visible size is 1/20 of the order size. The WebSocket contains two sections: Public Channels and Private Channels. This will mean that the order is now open on the order book. On June 24, 2020, KuCoin announced that its P2P crypto marketplace supports sales and purchases via PayPal, as well as more convenient fiat payment methods. The sequence field exists in order book, trade history and snapshot messages by default and the Level 3 and Level 2 data works to ensure the full connection of the sequence. Unsupported Media Type. For cryptocurrency withdrawal, KuCoin supports internal and external transaction fee deduction, which means when the balance in your main account is sufficient to support the withdrawal, the system will initially deduct the transaction fees from your main account. If your order is market order, the system would charge taker fees from you. Update the level2 full data based on sequence according to the price and size. To maintain up-to-date Order Book, please use Websocket incremental feed after retrieving the Level 2 snapshot. The body to be encrypted shall be consistent with the content of the Request Body. await _restRepo.PostApi, SortedDictionary>(url, body, headers) : await _restRepo.PostApi>(url, headers); The outstanding lend orders includes orders unrepaid and partially repaid. An error will occur if the specified time window exceeds the range. I can't do anything. Besides, the exchange has an institutional investor program whose participants can get significant trading fee discounts. The API key of version 1.0 will be still valid until May 1, 2021. USD Coin (USDC) is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. Withdrawal fees would depend on the coin you withdraw. The message contains the details of the change. Modify the maximum matching orders for a single trading pair in one account is 200 (stop orders included). Only numbers, characters, underline(_) and separator(-) are allowed. 1544657947759, For the GET, DELETE request, all query parameters need to be included in the request url. Add explanation to part of the API JSON field, Get real-time market information in the market faster (push speed: Level-3 >= Level-2), Can be used to build and maintain order book, Can get the reason for the quantity change of a single order, Can completely replace most of the pull API function of the Rest API (There is a strict rate limit on Rest request). Unique order id created by users to identify their orders, transaction direction,include buy and sell, self trade prevention,include CN,CO,DC,CB, cancel orders time,requires timeInForce to be GTT, order status, true and false. Level 3 order book includes all bids and asks (the data is non-aggregated, and each item means a single order). Request via this interface to get a stop order information via the clientOid. KuCoin offers a Market Making Incentive Scheme for professional liquidity providers. The REST API has endpoints for account and order management as well as public market data. The increased asset profit becomes up to 4 percent, and you also get an account manager. Now the sequence of your order book is 18 and your local order book is up-to-date. It’s great for quick and low fee crypto purchases using payment methods like WeChat, Alipay, bank cards, and other fiat payment methods. The "currency" of XRB is "XRB", if the "name" of XRB is changed into "Nano", you should use "XRB" (the currency of XRB) to search the coin. First and foremost is KuCoin spot trading fees. Request via this interface to cancel an order via the clientOid. Items are paginated and sorted to show the latest first. “match”: when taker order executes with orders in the order book, the taker order status is “match”; “done”: the order is fully executed successfully; when the order enters into the order book; when the order has been executed and its status was changed into DONE; when the order has been cancelled and its status was changed into DONE; You will receive this message when an account balance changes. GET /api/v1/market/orderbook/level1?symbol=BTC-USDT. In essence it's similar to Tether in the Crypto world, but provides an alternative as every USDC token is backed by a single US dollar. The size must be greater than the baseMinSize for the symbol and no larger than the baseMaxSize. In this case, you will be receiving 0.9999BTC. The current one will no longer accept margin orders by May 1st, 2021 (UTC). For API key-V1.0, please pass requests in plaintext. They also add priority withdrawal and increased asset profit of up to 2 percent. Note: To improve the system performance and to accelerate order placing and processing, KuCoin has added a new interface for order placing of margin. As for (1.40000-1.20000)/1.20000=16.7%>10%, the threshold price would be 1.32000. $10,000 per 24 hours maximum. Items are paginated and sorted to show the latest first. Aside from spot trading, it has numerous initiatives that showcase the exchange’s willingness to innovate and propel the adoption of crypto and blockchain technologies. For the same type of messages with the same topic, you could judge the type of messages through their subjects. After the order is executed and when the left order funds is 0, the transaction is completed. Besides, you can switch between the old and new exchange interfaces. UNFROZEN_RENEW: When the account reaches a negative balance, the system will push this event. Increase of the CSV upload limit: 23.10.2018 02:47 [Improvement] During the next weeks the import limit for CSV files will be increased. If this parameter is not specified, the funds in your trade account will be frozen by default. Order placing window for buying (green) and selling (red). Repayment strategy. base64, Check whether the content-type of your POST request is in application/json form and is encoded by charset=utf-8. Get order details of the last 24 hours(up to 1000). DELETE /api/v1/orders?symbol=ETH-BTC&tradeType=TRADE. All funds and transactions there are simulated for testing purposes. The new order continues to execute. You are recommended to request via this endpoint as the system reponse would be faster and cosume less traffic. Items are paginated and sorted to show the latest first. Kraken. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your Main Account before you post the order. Request via this interface to check the information of a single active order via clientOid. Unless otherwise stated, all timestamp parameters should in milliseconds. Subscribe Topic: /spotMarket/level3:{symbol} to get an up-to-date Level 3 order book data. This will mean that the order is no longer on the order book. If the privateChannel is set to true, the user will only receive messages related himself on the topic. Get a trading fee discount (min. Price and size are required to be specified for a limit order. When you maintain a local L3 orderbook data, if you can't fully understand the above examples, you can check the L3 orderbook maintenance case based on the Go language (https://docs.kucoin.com/cn/#level-nbsp-3).

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