military officer essay

Definition: A military officer, a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, is responsible for the protection of U.S. citizens. It is important then that they know you are willing to follow your own instruction/ direction. It is, therefore, important that anyone serving in the army should have proper motivation to handle all these challenges. Ever since I was a kid, I used to dream of joining the Army, to be in combats and fatigues. Search Pages. Search Pages. To me, being an officer in the U.S. Army is a career unlike any other. I am also expected to be a role model for society. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Essay on Why I Want to be an Army Officer Every child has a dream, and I was no exception to this rule. Leadership is something of utmost value. In add-on. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Essay #1 needs to show what effort you put in to learn more about Army ROTC and the duties and responsibilities of an Army lieutenant. This paper is one of the best military base essay application topics dealing with current or contemporary events. Free essay sample on the given topic "History Of Newspaper". These positive attributes and values that I possess would help me serve the citizens of the USA as well as other citizens across the world. I will put my people’s welfare before my own. being a military officer entails many duties and undertakings which can assist me to develop farther my accomplishments and cognition. At the moment I knew my father was a famous person in the army. to. Accedi. At the moment with the training that I have received from the army school, I have been able to discuss with some residents on self-reliance regarding the security. Besides, I love helping people, promote environmental conservation, encourage positivity among my colleagues, encourage team building and interactions among my teammates. Most of the times, I assist him gardening and watering the horses. … Irrespective of the ups and downs, great leaders have to earn such reputation not only by training but also through experiences, and I see it as the most selfless activity that a person should do in the society. My Role As A Military Officer Essay. As a Warrant Officer and Army Aviator, my leadership, communication, and technical abilities paired with a passion for education and strong values will serve the Army in all missions in which I am involved. They must demonstrate a commitment to being moral and ethical people so that their soldiers and their peers know that they are someone who as principle. Whenever I see men in uniform, I can’t help but feel such admiration not just with their bearing and confidence, their posture and elegance but more so with their passion and purpose, their direction and all that they stand for. Ultimately an Army officer must be good under pressure. our expert writers, Please indicate where to send you the sample, Hi, my name is Jenn I will clothe myself with dignity and honor, with integrity and pride. In regards to my locality, my father was considered as the champion of peace due to his unwavering stand when making decisions. Army plays a key role in a country’s defence system. Free essay sample on the given topic "Dream Family". Free essay sample on the given topic "Sweet Memories Of My Childhood". a military officer Essay Examples. Be honest – Think of “why I want to be an Army Officer” as a question, not an explanation. Why I want to be an Army Officer When I first enlisted, I did not know where my military career would take me. Learning new skills and being challenged are things that I take pleasure in. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. These qualities I see are beneficial and required by a soldier. A pride in your work and service is one of the best qualities in any worker, leader, or upstanding citizen. to. Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Google+ 0 Viber WhatsApp. The assignment will be single-spaced and typed neatly and legibly. As a military officer, I know and I’m sure that my countrymen would expect nothing less than my loyalty to my country. It is imperative that a leader helps his individual team members find their strengths and capitalize them. ("The Armed Forces Officer," 1988) When you look at the first part of what society expect from military officers, integrity, it is clear that they will always show the highest standards at all times. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! The army allows you to switch your MOS and attend more training to further education or to change careers completely which is something…show more content… We, after all, is a society of people and without proper respect and genuine deference for others, nobody has the right to claim to be an effective military leader. These traits make the United States Army the best Army in the world. Below is the essay I was required to write as part of the application process for the Army Officer Candidate school. essay on a scale of 1-12, that score is already part of the complex. your own paper. Every one of us has dreams, be it career wise or just anything about the future. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. This profession is full of great responsibilities and risks. Hire. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, The input space is limited by 250 symbols. music problem solution domestic violence american revolution coming-of-age gender equality expository essay comparative analysis air pollution national honor society the great depression writing music climate change pro gun control animals rights. However, I developed this idea as the best way to honour my father who looked forward to seeing me being like him in the society. A dream of becoming an army officer began at my childhood age. Just like in any other organization, it is a given fact that a leader should be able to establish and maintain good relationships with any and all people he comes in contact with. At home, I enjoy the company of my father who loves taking his duties at home. Since the sheriff from the nearest town has to drive for two hours in his regular patrol, I have taken the initiative of engaging the locals to stay vigilant and inform one another of any suspected activity within the area. I do not regret deciding to become a soldier since it has the greater purpose of serving my family, the locality and my country. (2017, Jan 11). All officers are soldiers first and I will make it a priority to remember this and to live by the Army core values no matter where my career as an officer … Therefore, when the opportunity came for me to join the army, I never hesitated since it is in line with my career that I had dreamt of as a child. military officer Essay Examples. If I am selected to become an officer in the United States Army, I will draw from my experience in the enlisted ranks when I lead and interact with soldiers under my command. There are many opportunities as an officer in the Army to advance, further education, and grow as a person. It is not surprising then that I would want to be one of these elite group of individuals who are able and ready to lay down their lives to uphold our country’s constitution. Looking for College Essays on Military Officer and ideas? Nothing in this world can inspire men and women alike more than to make them see that you “walk your own talk”. Even though serving people of different backgrounds can be achieved in various sectors, I prefer joining the army and becoming a soldier. I will always do what’s legally and morally right for the sake of the majority. essay on my aim in life to become an army officer I always knew that becoming a vegetarian would help prevent cruelty to this is perfect, helped me write my essay! The Army will extremely benefit from my ambition and determination. This quality requires that a person remains transparent in all his endeavours and be ready to serve any individual. I will also fulfill my duties and obligations with the best of my ability, for my people deserve nothing less than the best service I could render. Why Do I Want To Be A Naval Officer (Essay Sample) August 24, 2017 by admin Essay Samples, Free Essay Samples. I aspired to be a soldier since I believed in good leadership, taking responsibility as well as adapting to a different environment that I come across. It is not enough that when one leads, they do everything themselves. The board members see over 200 packets and majority of the board are not Army Aviators. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. Free essay sample on the given topic "Magical Realism In Literature". I learned the virtue of obedience, following directions as well as inspiring others to be good citizens. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! This paper seeks to discuss the import… Like an orchestra, they will be able to perform well together if they will focus on their specialties and a great leader (a conductor) will be able to guide the team towards perfect harmony. Thus, I joined the army school three years ago to as a fulfilment of a promise to my father as well as serving my country to a greater extent especially leading from the front. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! At home, I enjoy the company of my father who loves taking … I would like to share my own expertise in any field that would help maintain, if not improve our military system. My father was a soldier, and I spend quite a lot of time visiting him in the barracks. A good military officer also extends influence beyond the chain of command and thus, gets excellent results most of the time. (Essay Sample), Role Of Technology In Economic Development (Essay Sample), American Psycho (An Analysis Essay Sample), Teamwork And Collaboration In Nursing (Essay Sample), Magical Realism In Literature (Essay Sample). The title isn't mine - it's part of the guidelines for the essay. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Retrieved from, This is just a sample. Another responsibility of a military officer or leader is to develop others to reach their highest potential. Why I Want To Become An Army Warrant Officer. Engaging in such activities especially during my off periods makes me appreciate my line of duty as a good citizen. Becoming a Commissioned Officer would be a challenge I would like to accept. I never knew he was a lieutenant until one day I received a phone call from the barrack with a voice referring to him as Lieutenant Benet. Get them here for free! What better way to do that than to be true to my allegiance to the US constitution, to my superiors, my unit and my fellow military men. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Our Army has an outstanding tradition of bravery, it has incomparable records both during wars and peace. This is reflected through my actions of maintaining a high level of discipline, excellent physical and mental fitness, professionalism, and respect towards all people. Search Categories . Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! As an Army Officer, I would radiate this American tradition and lead others towards the best possible outcome for the United States civilians and military. What does society expect from me as a military officer? Autobiography & My Role as a Military Officer Candidates are required to write 2 essays, an autobiography and Essay to the Senior TAC. to. Society expects that its Military Officers are committed, competent, and capable of taking any mission whose objective is to protect and defend the country. Top Tag’s. They must know how to react without panicking in a difficult situation. Military officers are meant to keep military practices in harmony with the fundamental values of the parent society they serve. Most of the military customs and traditions are not held to this regard. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Of course I left out certain motivations, such as "to lift up and encourage the saints who are there," and "we… Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. giving credit where credit is due, thank you!. An Officer is committed to a lifestyle of challenges, honor, integrity, and professionalism. Working in the essay writing business we understand how challenging it may be for students to write high quality essays. The recruits had just accomplished their training as army soldiers and were headed in different barracks across the USA. However, we need to uphold our traditions and customs so that we do not lose the sense of pride and duty. As an officer, I can be active and face various types of challenges in my life. Ever since I was a child. Get Your Custom Essay on, By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree on the, Military Discipline and Respect for Authority,, Get your custom ARMY LEADERSHIP (competent, confident, and agile), Retrieved May 22, 2008 from, My role as a military officer. Hire EssayBasics to Write Your Assignment, 5963 Corson Ave S 176, Seattle, WA 98108 USA, Advantages Of Studying Locally (Essay Sample), Sweet Memories Of My Childhood (Essay Sample), Effects Of The Russian Revolution (Essay Sample), Why Do You Want To Become A Pharmacist? Indeed an Officer is held as a "living portrayal of the highest standards of moral and ethical behavior" (600-2). With great passion and humility, I will treat people with respect at all times. It is these dreams that keep us ambitious and fixed on the goal. They are Warrant Officers of other specialties and they are evaluating your potential as a future Warrant Officer. Military personnel should be able to endure severe difficulties and deal with dangerous situations on a regular basis. Through such initiative, we have been able to nail down with the help of the town sheriff some drug barons who have been on the hideout and have been causing mayhem within the locality. Words . Cover Letter Military Officer, solar mobile charger research paper, essays about a person, masters application letter example . Like these people, I would like to take part in keeping our country safe from threats of outside forces and even from our own countrymen who do not have the same dedication to preserve what we have worked hard for hundreds of years. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. As a military officer, I know and I’m sure that my countrymen would expect nothing less than my loyalty to my country. What this means to me is that at all times an Officer must demonstrate these characteristics. to. Final Thoughts on Army ROTC essays: Essay #1 and Essay #3 are where you make your “money” sat the Army ROTC Scholarship Board. I have ever taken the enterprise to be in charge whether in school activities or simple domestic activities. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Free essay sample on the given topic "Teamwork And Collaboration In Nursing". This is a broad responsibility however and each officer has a distinct role that (s) he plays in the maintenance of national defense. Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. Why do I want to be a naval officer? 5 Things to Keep in Mind before Choosing Military Base Essay Topics 1. However, his retirement came as a shock to us since he obtained a life threatening injury on his back. During the initial years at the army school, I further developed leadership skills, and I realized that leadership demands self-sacrifice and becoming an example to the rest of my colleagues. The feeling of remorse that is bestowed upon a soldier during the playing of the Taps is derived from nothing other than respect for each other. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Top Tag’s. We have collected dozens of previously unpublished examples in one place. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! At the moment I knew my father was a famous person in the army. Essay on My Role as a Military Officer Assignment Society expects officers to be: to honest, disciplined, professional and willing to give their life in defense of the nation. This virtue of leadership earned him respect hence I have decided to follow his footsteps to become an example for my colleagues who have ventured in other fields. My father was a soldier, and I spend quite a lot of time visiting him in the barracks. Advice from EssayBasics: if a deadline is coming, writing essays for pay from EssayBasics sounds like a good idea. My role as a military officer essay They must uphold the Army values as well as their own. I never knew he was a lieutenant until one day I received a phone call from the barrack with a voice referring to him as Lieutenant Benet. I developed a selfless character, and this was the point when I decided that I would join the army in the later years. Although in the army most occasions end with sad events, most feel a sense of respect for the fallen soldier who pays the ultimate sacrifice for the country. I will face any danger, physical or moral with selfless service for being a military officer, it is expected that my personal courage and determination must be beyond myself. Furthermore, beyond knowledge in strategy, operations, and tactics, a good Military Officer must possess an impeccably decent character and deep respect of moral values. Words. My father retired from the USA army in the year 2010 and was honoured for his obedience and tremendous work in the military. Soon, as an officer I will have to lead by example. The Army defends, protects, and honors the United States of America. We can handle a wide range of assignments, as we have worked for more than a decade and gained Cover Letter Military Officer a great experience in the sphere of essay writing. Free essay sample on the given topic "Effects Of The Russian Revolution". Our online essay service is the most reliable writing service on the web. What are three of my soon to be responsibilities as an officer? The military bearing essay focuses on how it is important for soldiers to have proper motivation and training, or in other words, military bearing. Free essay sample on the given topic "Role Of Technology In Economic Development". I kept my essay to three paragraphs. cultural diversity death of a salesman mexican domestic violence solution evaluation study abroad smoking death penalty the great depression argument smoke literary analysis culture family. Search Categories . A dream of becoming an army officer began at my childhood age. You can get your custom paper from Back at that time, I thought that I may only complete my initial enlistment and move on to other professional pursuits. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. One time in the year 2000, I attended a pass out parade at the Borough of Manhattan College. My personal belief and willingness to adhere to these values will help me to becoming a formidable officer. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Becoming a Commissioned Officer would allow me to apply my knowledge and experience to the operations side of the Army. Dear Captain , The United States Army is one of the main factors that allows America to be a free and democratic country. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Required length of the writing assignment is a minimum of … If you are misled and stalled while writing your essay, our professional college essay Why I Want To Be An Army Officer Essay Format writers can help you out Why I Want To Be An Army Officer Essay Format to complete an excellent quality paper. This is a very competitive board. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order. Free essay sample on the given topic "Why Do You Want To Become A Pharmacist?". Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! What better way to do that than to be true to my allegiance to the US constitution, to my superiors, my unit and my fellow military men. His loves locating duties to people a virtue that I think he developed as a lieutenant in the army. Free essay sample on the given topic "Advantages Of Studying Locally". In case you can’t find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing Why DO you want to be an Army Officer? Fill out the order form step-by-step. Remember, the people reading these essays are already officers; do not make the essay a research paper on what you think leadership is. We need you to be detailed. Excerpt from Essay : Senior TAC Becoming a Military Officer Good officers are competent, moral and ethical, and I strive to have those qualities and to demonstrate them in my daily life.The reason I want to be a military officer is rooted in this desire: there can be nothing greater that to … Retrieved May 22, 2008 from, FM 6-22. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. It's a further indication to the admission officers that you pay attention to critical events happening in and around you. Free essay sample on the given topic "American Psycho". "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy", Don't use plagiarized sources. It is my personal goal to strive to become the best soldier I can be and utilize all professional advancement opportunities that are available to me. I have integrity, and the residents regard me as a trustworthy person. At the end of my life, I want to be able to say that I did my best in every way.

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