paper 3 english grade 12 fal

National Office Address: 222 Struben Street, Pretoria Call Centre: 0800 202 933 | Switchboard: 012 357 3000. î! Evidence produced Researched Information Collated information Language structure & proper format Effective introductory and concluding paragraphs SpeechAssessment methods + tools Individual Rubric ENGLISH LESSON PLAN: Language level: FAL Grade 12 Duration 50 minutes WEEK 6 & 7 TOPIC: Visual Literacy (Cartoon- See English handbook p.110) & also Teaching Support material on graphic literacy pp1-27) LOs, ASs and Sub-skills LO 2: Reading & Viewing Evaluate the meaning of a wide rage of written, visual, audio and audio-visual texts SS 1: Fid relevant information and detail in text. í í "* î! Learners do the exercise using the dictionary but also look at other derivations in other languages such as Afrikaans to IsiXhosa; Tafel – itafile Stoel – isitulo etcEvidence produced Questions on all three types Assessment methods + tools Groups Memoranda ENGLISH LESSON PLAN: Language level: FAL Grade 12 Duration 2 Weeks Term 2 TOPIC: Comprehension Work LOs, ASs and Sub-skills LO 2: Reading & Viewing AS 1: Demonstrate various reading and viewing strategies for comprehension and appreciation. The learners develop these ideas to create paragraphs. Learners take notes Teacher asks the learners to identify the target audience (i.e. Evidence produced Questions on the advertisement Meaning of words Assessment methods + tools Group Memoranda ENGLISH LESSON PLAN: Language level: FAL Grade 12 Duration 50 minutes WEEK 6,7,8,9 TOPIC: Prepared Speech LOs, ASs and Sub-skills LO 1: Listen & Speaking AS 2: Demonstrate planning & research skills for oral presentations. Teacher asks learners to check whose viewpoint is used in the text and analyse it giving evidence for their findings. ! Learners identify these parts of speech Teacher then asks learners to use these parts of speech in constructing sentences. Your email address will not be published. Pages: 3; I love this service, because I can freely communicate with writers, who follow all my instructions! SS 5: Recognise & use different sentence types such as statements, questions, commands and instructions correctly Teaching and learning activities Teacher forms groups & distributes a passage to learners & ask them to read the text. î! One location for anyone in Matric or grade 12 to get their past papers and Memorandums for their finals revision. Learners go through the text looking for information such as; Who the characters are, are they true to life, caricatured etc. Teacher then asks learners to look up words from the dictionary and look for the origin of those words. SS 6: Use conjunctions, pronouns and adverbs to ensure cohesion. S/he talks about different types such as imaginative & informational Learners take notes Teacher asks learners to go and research topic and come to report Learners go and research Teacher asks learners to go and research topic and come to report. Arranged paragraphs Improved paragraphs First draft A more coherent and cohesive draft A more appropriate essay An improved draft An essay that displays tolerance and compliance to constitution Final draft Assessment methods + tools List of main ideas arranged for paragraph development. Source: (i) The teacher asks learners to organise their work so that it can create a coherent whole. Grade 12 past exam papers in all subjects. >* î! ǝ >* >* ó‘ è ‹š ! SS 4: Demonstrate comprehension of oral texts by recording main & supporting ideas by making notes, checklists, summaries and paraphrases and or by retelling and explaining. Learners then predict what the passage is about and report. Macmillan Education. Learners work on verbs Teacher asks learners to use negative forms Learners use negative forms in sentences Teacher asks learners to use subjects, objects, and predicates correctly Learners construct simple sentences using subject, objects and predicates Teacher asks learners to use statements, questions, commands and instructions Learners follow instructionsEvidence produced Question Negative Forms Sentences Assessment methods + tools Individually Memorandaum ENGLISH LESSON PLAN: Language level: FAL Grade 12 Duration 50 minutes WEEK 7 TOPIC: Comparative & Superlative degree (Ensure that this is taught in context) (See pages 27-30 English Handbook) LOs, ASs and Sub-skills LO 4: Language AS 1: Identify and explain the meaning of words. î! î! Learners do as instructed. . î! î! (iii) What values and attitudes is the writer trying to promote? S/He divides the learners into groups and gives out a topic. SS 5: Summarise main ideas in point form, sentences & paragraphs. SS 5: Research topics from familiar sources & record findings. SS 1: Identify & use parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives & adverbs in a wide range of texts accurately & meaningfully. graad 5 afal vraestel 1 begripstoets en taal in konteks (term 4) formal assessment task – grade 5: afrikaans fal – exam paper 3. mathematics (term 4) formal assessment task – grade 5: mathematics – exam Teacher asks learners to concentrate on verbs and look at tenses and mood. mkm llm ;mTeaching and learning activities Teacher forms groups and hands out the comprehension passage “Women are from Venus and men are from Mars”. Please come back again as we’ll be loading more papers soon. Teacher asks learners to do mind-mapping with the information that they have collected Learners do mind-mapping. Learners in groups then prepare audio-visual materials to assist them to present the speech effectively and convincingly. Curriculum (i)The teacher asks the learners to work on their paragraphing. (ii)S/He makes copies of the text available in class and groups learners according their mixed abilities and asks them to read the article. Evidence produced Questions Assessment methods + tools Groups Memoranda ENGLISH LESSON PLAN: Language level: FAL Grade 12 Duration 3 weeks Term 2 TOPIC: LOs, ASs and Sub-skills LO 1 Writing & Presenting AS 3: Demonstrate the skills of listening to delivering fluent & expressive oral presentation. Teaching and learning activities Teacher asks learners to divide into groups and listen to the text to be read to tem. Evidence produced A finished advertisement Assessment methods + tools Rubric Individually ENGLISH LESSON PLAN: Language level: FAL Grade 12 Duration 2 Weeks WEEK 6 TOPIC: Parts of Speech (Ensure that this is taught in context) LOs, ASs and Sub-skills LO 4: Language As 2: Use structurally sound Sentences in a meaningful and functional manner. Groups work at developing language structures and format appropriate speech conventions. SS 2: Recognise how selections and omissions in texts can affect meaning. SS 5: Listen critically and respond to questions for clarification. . Canadian Tire is your source for T-fal appliances. SS 2: Experiment with format and style for creative purpose. Teacher asks learners to summarise the text in point form learners summarise the passage. Teacher asks the learners to view the entire advertisement looking at how language has been used to manipulate and persuade people to buy whatever is being sold. Teaching and learning activities Teacher asks learners to predict what they expect to get from the passage. Via Afrika. What words s/he uses to demonstrate bias, prejudice or discrimination How learners would remove bias in the text so as to make it objective. Required fields are marked *. Learners design the format Teacher asks the learners to use decorative language for effect. Teacher asks learners to look at the different levels of meaning (direct & implied and look at instances where each is used and give evidence. SS 4: Read fluently & attentively according to purpose & task. Teacher ask learners to scan the text for supporting ideas. SS 6: Locate, access, select, organise and integrate relevant data from familiar sources. (i) The teacher explains to the learners the importance of the target group when writing a creative text so that when they write they observe this. (ii) Learners oblige. SS 7: Re-read, revise & review to promote understanding. SS 3: Identify and challenge subtle bias and stereo-typing, emotive, persuasive and manipulative language and produce alternative ways of expression. Teacher asks learners to look at cohesion and coherence of the advert Learners view whether text is coherent and cohesive or otherwise. Learners do so and adjust where necessary. The teacher is supposed to do task 6 as indicated in the Work Schedule. S/He then asks learners to look up different parts of speech, select & use them accurately & accurately. SS 5: Apply paragraph conventions to ensure coherence LO 3 Writing and Presenting AS 3: Reflect on, analyse and evaluate own work, considering the opinion of others, and present final draft. Learners do as instructed. Teacher explains to learners that there are finite, infinite and auxiliary verbs and ask learners to identify these verb forms from the text. Learners are asked to restate the advert removing all emotive words. 2014 Feb/March: ... 2011 English Paper 3 Memorandum November* 2011 February/March: ... Grade 12 English First Additional Language (FAL) past exam papers and memorandums. Learners do as instructed. SS 2: Use verb forms & auxiliaries to express tense & mood in familiar contexts with increasing accuracy. GRADE 11 NOVEMBER 2017 ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE P2 MARKS: 70 TIME: 2 hours This question paper consists of 20 pages. SS 5: Recognise how languages borrow from one another. Learners can be asked to rewrite the article removing bias, prejudice and discrimination. SS 2: Use verb forms and auxiliaries to express tense and mood in familiar contexts with increasing accuracy. ǝ >* î! Teacher explains to learners the type of text to be produced at the end of the lesson. Teacher asks learners to view the text to see if what is presented is fact or opinion Learners interrogate the text and check for objectivity or subjectivity which may be found and then present their own opinion. î! Teacher ask learners to listen critically and respond to questions and ask for clarities if unclear about something. Learners try to; Identify who the author/writer of the article is. j i / Evidence produced Questions k ./ lpAssessment methods + tools Groups Memorandaum ENGLISH LESSON PLAN: Language level: FAL Grade 12 Duration 50 minutes Term 2 Week 1 TOPIC: Derivatives of Words – Borrowed Words. (ii) The learners apply stylistic and rhetorical devices. What his/her race is How s/he reports the story. S/He explains the requirements of an advertisement to learners. Groups work on words, paragraphs and language to produce acceptable expressions. SS 2: Organise material coherently by choosing main ideas and relevant & accurate details or examples for support. Here’s a collection of past English Home Language (HL) papers plus memos to help you prepare for the matric finals. Teacher then looks at DIMINUTIVES, telling learners that it is about young and old or adult (see p25). Teacher asks learners to listen to pronunciation so that they can emulate the reader. SS 2:Improve coherence and cohesion in overall structure. Teacher asks learners to look for devices used in the text. My writer instantly messaged me and I uploaded it. SS 4: Use subject, object, & predicate correctly. Learners then think of appropriate decorative language to create cohesion and arouse interest of prospective buyers. î! Teaching and learning activities Teacher forms groups and gives each group an extract and ask them to identify parts of speech and write them down. Individual Rubric Individual Rubric ENGLISH LESSON PLAN: Language level: FAL Grade 12 Duration 50 minutes WEEK 5 TOPIC: Nature of bias, prejudice and discrimination (Teacher may use own literature) LOs, ASs and Sub-skills LO4 Reading and Viewing AS 3: The learner is able to read and view for understanding and to evaluate critically and respond to a wide range of texts. î! SS 4: Recognise the difference between direct and implied meaning SS 5: Explain the writer’s/narrator’s/character’s viewpoint and give some supporting evidence from the text. NSC Past papers covering the IEB and DBE. Note: The last two weeks are spent on speech presentation by each individual and task 3 marks are allocated to each individual learner. Learners re-read texts as per instruction. î! The learners develop their sentences using conjunctions, adjectives and adverbs to beautify their language. Learners construct sentences. (v) What words reflect the writer’s bias in trying to promote such values and attitudes? î! ! Teacher asks learners to skimreread text ftor main ideas paying attention to title & main passage. follow instructions. Teacher asks learners to identify subjects, objects & predicates and use them create correct & meaningful sentences. SS 1: Ask questions to make predictions. The teacher asks groups to look at words, sentences and paragraphs to remove inappropriate expressions. ǝ ɝ ɝ ɝ ɝ ɝ ɝ $ æ  ¢ ˆ£ Ò í Q î!

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