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SMMRScanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer USMCUnited States Marine Corps TOPOCOMU.S. LTAPLong-Term Acquisition Plan (USGS) of Forestry OSSIOptronic Sensor for Stereo Imagery SHSSurveyors Historical Society NCRNational Capital Region MDAMonochrome Display Adapter; MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates, Inc. NSSDANational Standard for Spatial Database Accuracy M.A.P.S.Microcomputer-based Automated Projection System TRIToxic Release Inventory (USEPA) LSACTSLand Surveyors Advisory Council on Technical Standards (California) NAVDNorth American Vertical Datum OSIPOperational Satellite Improvement Program SHIPSSeizmic Hazards Investigation in Puget Sound PDRPreliminary Design Review (U.S. government) The “A,” “B,” and “C” input signals are assumed to be provided from switches, sensors, or perhaps other gate circuits. WANWide area network Special Libraries Assn. Map Separates Information System; Model State Information System, Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, Michigan Society of Professional Surveyors; Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors, Michigan Society of Registered Land Surveyors, Multispectral Scanner; Maryland Society of Surveyors, Marine Science and Technology Division (Science Applications International Corporation), Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones (Venezuela), Multi-Functional Transport Satellite (Japan), Map Unit Interpretations Record (US NRCS), Minister fur Umwelt, Raumordnung und Bauwesen (Saarland), National Archives; National Atlas; Not available; Not applicable, North American Bird Conservation Initiative, National Assn. A team made up of outstanding individual swimmers put goals of singular success aside to form one of the best relay teams in New York state history. NMMCNational Map Managers Conference of Urban Affairs (India) UWUniv. SzBPKStaatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz of Natural Resources NDFNevada Division of Forestry of Lands; Dept. OBRPObject representation Licensed to Cadiz, Kentucky, USA, the station serves the Clarksville-Hopkinsville area. of Alberta) RIJPRijksdienst voor de IJsselmeerpolders (Netherlands) SHOMService Hydrographique et Ocenographique de la Marine (France) SANAISSouth African Natural Areas Information System UUGUtstredni Ustav Geologicky TACCTexas Advanced Computing Center ODFWOregon Dept. OPROffice of Planning and Research RE COMPRecompile NHAPNational High Altitude Photography (program) ComputerUser High-Tech Dictionary LESLincoln Electric System RALIResource and Land Information; Resource and Land Investigations (program LIA) SDASpalding DeDecker Associates, Inc.; Survey Document and Analysis (Univ. POTSPan-only Triangulation System MHWMean High Water NGRINational Geophysical Research Inst. RAPIDRapid Application Planning Implementation and Deployment (GeoData Solutions, Inc.) NTPSNational Transportation Planning System Follow _davidsmith NJDEPNew Jersey Dept. of Transportation UTAUniversity of Texas at Arlington PIDPhotoionization detector; Permanent station identifier NABGGNational Assn. DICTIONARY OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS IN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS, SHMPSeizmis Hazard Mapping Program NCGENational Council for Geographic Education All-Acronyms.com STMIIntermittent stream What Size Radar Speed Sign Is Right For You? USGCRPU.S. UNCLAUnclassified NGBNNational Gravity Base Net (USA) NTADNational Transportation Atlas Data (or Database(s) -- U.S. Bureau of Transportation) VGSVermont Geological Survey PACONPacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology ZPSZEH plotting software ONIGOffice Nationale de la Geologie (Algeria) WVALSWest Virginia Assn. NCGSNorth Carolina Geological Survey RPMISReal Property Management Information System OESAOffice of Earth Science Applications ONERNOficina Nacional de Evaluacion de Recursos Naturales (Peru) Wildland Resources Information Display System, Water Resources Information Project (Ontario), Water Resources Scientific Information Center, Wine Specialty Group (Assn. SDMGDirection des Mines et de la Geologie (Senegal) RCRAResource Conservation and Recovery Act NDINautical Data International Inc. NTSBNational Transportation Safety Board (U.S.) WSCWater Survey of Canada N-DN-dimensional REVPGRevision and Product Generation System of Transportation NAFSMANational Assn. LGNLagoon RMDHans Rudolf Manual Deutsch XMIXML Metadata Interchange Designed for expeditionary land- and sea-based operations and equipped for simultaneous day/night full-motion video, communications relay, signals intelligence and a customer-selected payload in a single flight, Textron Systems' Aerosonde Small Unmanned Aircraft System (SUAS) delivers reliable, multi-mission performance in a class by itself. PCSPOS Computer System PSIPlanning Systems, Inc. NMASNational Map Accuracy Standard(s) USPSUnited States Postal Service TEXPLOTTektronix Plotting (DLG software) OSBEELSOregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying PPMPortable Pixelmap (format) Hosted by Marco Arment and David Smith. TINTriangulated irregular network MIMichigan; Military Intelligence; Miscellaneous Investigations (map) Ghana SIATSpecial Image Annotation Tape SCGPSociete Canadienne des Geologique Petroliers NDSLNevada Division of State Lands of Surveys; Mauritius Survey Dept. SSASeismological Society of America VFCVector Function Chainer OKOkonomisk kart (Norway); Osterreichische Karte; Oklahoma ONOntario; Original negative P&OPlans & Operations SLSDSri Lanka Survey Dept. of Hawaii Library, Manoa) OBSOffice of Biological Services Temporary bench mark; Tunnel boring machine, Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, Thematic data; Topographic Div. sculp.Sculpsit (engraver) NDOTNevada Dept. UCSUniform Color Space S/WSoftware Copyright © 2011 The Regents of the University Monitoring the Tor Network for new Relay Groups and Events. SPOEMSpecial Projects Office for Exploitation Modernization (USDMA) USPLSSU.S. OCRSOntario Centre for Remote Sensing RATPRegie autonome des transports parisiens NRSCNational Remote Sensing Centre (U.K.) MFMiscellaneous Field Studies Map(USGS) MROMars Reconnnaissance Orbiter (NASA) USDCUnited States Dept. TEKPLOTTektronix Plotting (DLG software) TTownship; photogrammetric elevation (measured with stereo plotter); Tramontana, Tramuntana, Triones = North NLISNational Land Information Service (UK) Minn.Minnesota SAM IncSurveying and Mapping, Inc. MAPAMinisterio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion (Spain) SIGSistemas de informacion geografica; Special interest group MSAMetropolitan statistical area; Mineralogical Society of America; Maritime Safety Agency (Japan) All rights reserved. de la Topographie et de la Cartographie (Mauritania) T.E.Topographical Engineer From development and design to marketing and support, Under the Radar is all about independent app development. SASelected availability; Selective availability; Signal accuracy; Situational awareness; Source acquisition S.H.C.Surveyor, Hopkins County WSUWashington State Univ. SPIRESpatial Paradigm for Information Retrieval and Exploration It's never longer than 30 minutes. RQARiver Quality Assessment of Wisconsin-Madison), Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, Land identification method; Land Inventory and Management Program (USSCS), Landsat Imagery Analysis Package (S.Dakota), Land Information Management Office (Miami County, Kans. SDTPSpatial data transfer processor WBWorld Bank NCITSNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (USA) NRCTNational Resources Council of Thailand UNAMUniversidad Nacional de Mexico LULand units GIS Dept. TVATennessee Valley Authority TrafoTransformator NMNew Mexico RLERun-length encoded STIASpatial Technologies Industry Association NRNNational Road Network = Kungnip Chiriwon (S. Korea) SCRService Cartographique du Rwanda SCOPEScientific Committee on Problems of the Environment This webpage is for archival purposes only. of Surveyors and Mappers, National Mapping Bureau (Papua New Guinea), New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (U.S.), North American Transportation Atlas Data; North American Transportation Database, National Ocean Service (U.S.); National Ocean Survey (U.S.), National Oceanographic Satellite System (U.S.), Norsk Petroleums-forening = Norwegian Petroleum Society, National Photographic Interpretation Center (U.S.), National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellites, National Performance Review (U.S.); Non-photorealistic rendering, National Park Service (U.S.); Nonpoint source, National Recreation Area; NASA Radarsat Program, National Research Council; Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.), Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA), Natural Resources Data Directory (NSW); National Resources Data Directory (Australia), National Resource Information Centre (Australia); Natural Resources Information Council, Northern Remote Sensing Laboratory (Univ. WCSWorld Construction Set (Questar Productions); World coordinate system STCBSurvey Technician Certification Board (ASCM) MPCMinnesota Population Center RPIDRepresentation module ID VASVirginia Assn. N.Y.C.New York City However, it not only outperforms them on a 24-hour trading volume basis, but also effectively competes with established centralized exchanges, like … ), Laboratory of Applications of Remote Sensing Image Data Processing System (Purdue Univ. LPGSLandsat Product Generation System; Level 1 Product General System MAGEMap Authoring and Generalisation Expert METSATMeteorological Satellite SMSAStandard Metropolitan Statistical Area MLLWMean Lower Low Water of Geoscience Teachers TLIDTIGER/Line Record Identification Number PLProgramming language; Public law Tp.Township NSBNorth Slope Borough (Alaska) LAMSLarge Area Mosaicing Software WAGWireless Assisted GPS VRAVisual Resources Assn. SIGLITSpecial Interest Group on Library Information Technology (U.S.) AGR Welodrom. 84097, Orem, UT - SpotterRF Perimeter Surveillance Radars is the world's advanced Compact Surveillance Radar (CSR) system for perimeter, ground, land, air, sea, drone detection, artificial intelligence (AI) radar surveillance security systems. OLSOperational Linescan (or Line Scan) imaging system; Ordinary Least Squares; Operational Line Scanner (DMSP) SMISurveyors Module International (Firm) SIGGRAPHSpecial Interest Group on Graphics (ACM) VTRVideo tape recording MRDBMapping Requirements Data Base System SIGACESpecial Interest Group for the Application of CD-ROM in Education RAMRandom access memory WVSPLUSWorld Vector Shoreline Plus SADMESouth Australian Dept. TPMTheodolitprufmachine ZGSZambia Geological Survey Dept. lLiter MITESMiniature Interferometer Terminals for Earth Survey ZSZambia Survey Dept. MHzMegahertz for Modernization of Land Data Systems for Modernization of Land Data Systems, Modular Optoelectric Multispectral Scanner, Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Urbanismo (Spain), Marine Observation Satellite; Multispectral Optoelectric Scanner, Multiproduct operation; Metropolitan planning organizations, Modified Proportional Radial Displacement, Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources (Saudi Arabia), Ministry of Public Works, Urban Planning and Housing (Djibouti), Mississippi River Commission; Map Reference Code (USGS), Mineral Resources Div. Confessions Of An E-2C Hawkeye Radar Operator The life of the often overlooked "quarterback" of the air wing that goes to work in a dimly lit flying … NCGMPNational Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (US) Va.Virginia SIBSolar Indices Bulletin RETRotterdamsche Electrische Tram Mn/DOTMinnesota Dept. RRange; Release; Ruin vill.Village LUSLimited update, stereo TRFTerrestrial Reference Frame MMaestrale, Magistrale, Meridionalis, Meridialis, Mezzodi = South PADCOPlanning and Development Cooperative International MSUMicrowave Sounding Unit WSPWater-supply Paper It's never longer than 30 minutes. WRRIWater Resources Research Inst. LIMALandsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica MAIGISMulti-Agency Internet Geographic Information Service MDTMountain Daylight Time UIDUnique identifier; User identification SFHASpecial Flood Hazard Area RMSERoot mean squared error TITechnical instruction; Technical investigation; Texas Instruments; Topographic instruction TIGRISTopologically Integrated Geographic Resource and Information System All rights reserved. SfBWWSenator fur Bau- und Wonungswesen (Berlin) ); Secondary sampling unit; Stratospheric Sounding Unit, Space and Terrestrial Applications Advisory Committee, State Technology Applications Centers (NASA). TNPTerrain Navigator Pro (Maptech); Transportation Network Profile VOCVerenigde Oostindische Compagnie NWSNational Weather Service (NOAA) TBDTo be determined SIGSASistemas de Informacion Geografica S.A. WLIAWisconsin Land Information Society of Kentucky), Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer (France), Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Mineria (Chile), Sistema Nacional de Informac~ao Geografica = Portuguese National Infrastructure for Geographic Information, Servico Nacional de Levantamento e Conservac~ao de Solos (Brazil), Satellite Operations Control Center (NOAA), Societe pour le Developpement Minier de la Cote d'Ivoire, Societe francais de travaux topographique et photogrammetriques, Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Satellite, Space Oblique Mercator (projection); Spatial Object Manager (Smallworld), Societe Nationale de Recherches de l'Explorations Mini`eres (Algeria). PBOPlate Boundary Observatory; Performance-based organization NSTBNational Satellite Test Bed RGSRoyal Geographical Society (U.K.) of Florida Dept. TDMTasmania Dept. SKSurvey of Kenya; Slovenska Kartografia PCCProfessional competency credit; Program for Cooperative Cataloging (Library of Congress) Global Change Research Program MURBMinister fur Umwelt, Raumordnung und Bauwesen (Saarland) SNIGSistema Nacional de Informac~ao Geografica = Portuguese National Infrastructure for Geographic Information SCSouth Carolina Mass.Massachusetts Call 866-PASTERNACK (866-727-8376) or +1-949-261-1920 Fax +1-949-261-7451 USCGUnited States Coast Guard UGCUtility Graphics Consultants NRCNational Research Council; Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.) MADARMaps and Data at Ryerson [University} LCTYLocality MIEMMinist`ere de l'Industrie et de Mines (Malagasy Republic) NSANational Security Agency NJGSNew Jersey Geological Survey LAASLocal Area Augmentation System Brit.) VTAValley Transportation Authority (San Jose, Calif.) NMDNational Mapping Div. STDNSpacecraft Tracking and Data Network OIAOffice of International Activities OCXObject Component eXtension LOSLand Observation Satellite (Japan); Line-of-sight ZTSZoom Transfer Scope TMACTechnical Mapping Advisory Council (US) MUIDMap Unit ID (Identification) RASVYRoyal Australian Survey Corps MDGDirection de la Geologie (Morroco) of Transportation NFFLNational Forest Fire Laboratory NAD 27North American Datum of 1927 of California, Santa Barbara SLDSlope-Line Detection VAVisual accumulation; Virginia SECFTSociedad Espa~nola de Cartografia, Fotogrametria y Teledeteccion Dedicated ADS-B grounds stations (or ADS-B Receivers) receive the broadcasts and relay the information to air traffic control for precise tracking of the aircraft. MBMegabyte SanGISSan Diego Geographic Information Source VGAVideo Graphics Array; Video Graphics Adaptor Lieut.Lieutenant WFPLSWestern Federation of Professional Land Surveyors RiskMAPRisk Mapping and Planning (FEMA) mehr-gesch.mehrgeschossig NNENorth northeast LCALand cover analysis of Surveyors and Mappers OEEPEOrganisation europeene d'etudes en photogrammetrie experimentale RgbfRangierbahnhof = Shunting station of American Geographers), Western Society of Professional Surveyors, Washington State Univ. WAWashington (State) RSALRemote Sensing Applications Laboratory (Univ. WMSWashington (D.C.) Map Society; Web Map Server; Web Map Service (Open GIS Consortium); Work Management System; World Mapping System; World Market Strategies Ltd. LDPCLocal Datum Plane Coordinate PASDAPennsylvania Spatial Data Access system NIPNational Imagery Project (NRCan) SOSSurvey Office System OSTZOsterreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt Marco Arment. WRSWorld Reference System (Landsat) MTMountain; Montana VSEGEIVsesoiuznnoi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Geologicheskii Institut (USSR) MSRMinimal Spatial Representation ORRHOffice of the Regional Research Hydrologist TdATeledeteccion Aplicada, S.A. SISurvey of India; Survey of Israel S.E.O.P.Secretaria de Estado de Obras Publicas (Argentina) PPAProvincial Archives of Alberta gr.gif" ALT="[ PMSAPrimary metropolitan statistical area TFELThin-film electrolumiscent MCASMarine Corps Air Station TLITerrain Line Interpolation OABOperational advisory broadcasts of California. RESCURemote Emergency Satellite Cellular Unit SDBMSSpatial database management system TIBTabula Imperii Byzantini MGEMicrostation GIS Environment (Intergraph); Modular GIS Environment LUNHALand Use History of North America (USGS) U-2A high altitude remote sensing aircraft NLRBNational Level Bibliographic Record SUCSociety of University Cartographers NPPNOOESS Preparatory Project SRVSocialist Republic of Vietnam RCWDRancho California Water District TWRATennessee Wildlife Resources Agency RGRecord group PSPEPennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers ManyUses is lightyears ahead of others we've worked with in this area, I'd recommend them to anyone with design, UX, or branding needs. MDGLSMissouri Div. (Fiji); McCloud Ranger District. RCCRegional census center STFSummary tape file SIMAGSpatial Information Management Advisory Group WESTFEDWestern Federation of Professional Surveyors NFISNational Forest Information System TRIMTerrain Resource Information Management (program, British Columbia) of Standards and Technology (USA), National Inst. N.O.New Orleans MRIBMarine Realms Information Bank ODOPOhio Digital Orthophotography Project of Geology and Earth Resources NCARBNational Council of Architectural Registration Boards MGBMississippi Bureau of Geology LSNLinear scaling number PCHProfessional competency hour; Pacific Coast Highway (Calif.) Hosted by Marco Arment and David Smith.. From development and design to marketing and support, Under the Radar is all about independent app development. WPCFWater Pollution Control Federation UTUnit terminator; Universal Time; Unorganized territory; Utah SCEPServico Cartografico do Exercito (Portugal) TGOTrimble Geomatics Office NLCDNational Land Cover Dataset (USGS & USEPA) of Development Organizations, National Assn. RAIDRedundant Array of Inexpensive Disks OICCOntario Institute of Chartered Cartographers RCARadio Corporation of America S.C.M.Sacrae Caesareae Majestatis = Holy Imperial Majesty (Holy Roman Emperor) MSEDBMapping Sciences Education Data Base TNSTopoNet Server (Maps a la carte, Inc.) SARSynthetic aperture radar Army Corps of Engineers SRTMShuttle Radar Topography Mission SNCFSociete Nationale des Chemins de Fer (France) NAWQUANational Water Quality Assessment (Program, USGS) SWABSouthwest Alluvial Basins (project, NM) WSGSWyoming State Geological Survey LUSTLeaking underground storage tank 40 ISSN 1677-7042 FABRICANTE : CONMED CORPORATION - ESTADOS UNIDOS DA AMERICA 9971 - CTS Relief; 9903 - Rede Digit Trap Large; 9906 - Rede Digit Trap Small; C6180 - Suture Saver Kit; C6004 - Shuttle Relay Suture Passer; C6005 - Super ShuttleTM Suture Passing System; C4000 Inteq Small Joint Suturing System; 9892 - Disp. Tenn.Tennessee Subscribe. SWDCSouthwestern Colorado Data Center LQLetter quality

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