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Photos and pictures showing pornographic situations, illegal drugs, cash and weapons. Start your career today! Most University courses will allow and encourage students to do an internship as part of their studies. You or a third party licensor, as appropriate, retain all patent, trademark and copyright to any User Content you submit, post or display on or through Graduateland and you are responsible for protecting those rights, as appropriate. In order to avoid these situations, research internships carefully before agreeing to one (especially ones you find on the internet), and talk to people at the organization to get answers to the following questions. Then contact the company (in-person, by phone, or through e-mail), and ask if they offer internships for high school students and how you can apply. However, the majority of internships are still primarily for college students, so keep that in mind while searching. Graduateland shall provide notice to You promptly of any such claim, suit, or proceeding. Internship Guide for Students Home Academics Internships and Career Services Work Experience and Internship Program Internship Guide Internships: Taking You from College to Career Internships allow you to explore your interests, find out what inspires you, and apply what you have learned in the classroom to real-world situations. Your use of the Graduateland Services is also subject to any other contracts You may have with Graduateland. The user shall be responsible for suitable software and technological solutions needed to run Graduateland, e.g. Graduateland does not screen or censor the listings, including Profiles offered. Below you will find a description of the personal data, which Graduateland will process about you as well as the purpose and on which legal ground Graduateland is processing the personal data. In any competitive industry, internship opportunities will pop up. When the user establishes a profile on Graduateland the user also accepts that personal information will be stored on Graduateland's servers and that parts hereof can be shared with the universities and the employers using the services provided by Graduateland. In the case that a job posting at some point is not online, when it was initially supposed to be, the duration of the job posting can be prolonged. for any purpose other than as an employer seeking employees or performing employer branding, including but not limited to advertising promotions, products, or services to any resume holders; to make unsolicited phone calls or faxes or send unsolicited mail, email, or newsletters to resume holders or to contact any individual unless they have agreed to be contacted (where consent is required or, if express consent is not required, who has not informed you that they do not want to be contacted); or. To find an internship, talk to your academic adviser, contact places where you’d like to work, or search online. As previously mentioned the user must be aware that his/her profile and activities will be visible to employers and universities. As a condition to Your use of the Graduateland Sites, You agree not to use any Graduateland Site to infringe the intellectual property rights of others in any way. Each time the user visits Graduateland the IP-address will be registered. A Comprehensive Guide. Graduateland is not involved in the actual communications between Users. Write an engineering internship resume objective instead. When you sign up you agree to receive emails from Graduateland. At the interview you should be prepared to expand on these topics, confidently demonstrating what you can offer the company. To operate a system that in general allows us to be in close contact with our users.

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