struggling in computer science reddit

It might be a tiny tiny bit out of date, but it is an excellent resource for newcomers to the language. The biggest Turing point for me where everything clicked weirdly was when I was in office ours with my TA and I was asking how to write a method to add a node in a linked list right before the very last node. I'd never done either of those things in this language before, so I did it basically like this: Select some stuff from the DB and print it out (I'm familiar with DBs, so that part was easy, but figuring out how to print the results took a little tinkering). Ultimately your teachers failed you. Not go to your transactions.cpp and create add, withdraw, getBalance methods etc. I work as a systems administrator at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. If you have trouble with a particular assignment try understanding the problem better. I'm sure you've heard of it though. I thought that joining a company and programming full-time would give me a chance to develop my skills and learn from those more experienced than myself, but I'm struggling … When I took my first programming class (which wasn't until college), I aced it. Btw feel free to reach out if you want help with any coding questions! However, don't copy and paste. I have been doing this for years and it works great, but I had no idea there was a duck involved. If I'm stuck, I explain my code to the duck, and I always figure it out shortly thereafter. As I kept going through classes, making a few friends (And a lot of mistakes along the way), I found I was more and more confident in my skills and love for the major itself. Everything is working, next I’ll import my empty class to the place I want to use it, and test again. Is he still around? We are the most affordable yet professional computer science homework service online. I can keep up during lectures and I follow along perfectly but as soon as it’s time to do a lab I have no idea what to do. It seemed like everyone around me was a gifted CS god. All of this is weighing down on me to the point where I am considering on dropping out. Submitted by Karthik Bala on Tue , 11/07/2017 - 6:40pm. Computer science degrees come with a common misconception, which often discourages students from pursuing a degree: They’ll turn you into an isolated code cruncher. I think not knowing how to solve the problem in front of you is completely normal. Now create a function to print that object. This is a lot like how coding works. Close. I wrote my first program for a course in school which taught Turbo C++, around a year before I went to college. I ended up with a poor grade and a feeling of disdain that caused me to switch my major entirely. I really really want to get into a good college since I am currently attending my final year of HS. How can I climb this wall? and if you can't find the problem on there, post it! That was a very important lesson I had to learn. Experience life, make new friends, expand your social circle. I want to share some words of encouragement. Programming 2 is all in C++. Long story short you need to help your self and use every resource possible. Do you see where I am going with this? I’m in Data structures and Algorithms now and we are working on LinkedList ArrayList and Iterators and our labs are asking us to add specific methods like to sort through a linked list starting from the end of the list. I’d like to share a bit of my story. Make sure you start project well in advance of them being due because an unknown error can really waste time and resources. What do you guys think I should do? Now I actually love coming home after my classes on a friday night and just writing code. There's a lot of good advice here already, so I won't repeat it. report. Convenience and accuracy. But after that, in my second class, I started struggling hard. Yikes, I need at least a 80% to land into the college I want to be in but at the moment I got a 54% which is on the brink of failing. As im well into my last semester of computer science in college, this feeling you have is all too familiar for me. ". Generally, what I did was, checkout Coursera and enroll in specific courses that I struggled in. Posted by 15 days ago. We used a different language and now since I am back in Java I find it challenging to the point where I am struggling. The programming community as a whole is a very welcoming group, and we want to see our peers succeed. Try other learning opportunities. If it's something your super stuck on, look up it. Of course you had. 6 years ago. Sorry for this lengthy reply, but I just want to get the point across that you're not alone. It always helps to try and break the program down into it's integral parts. I spend 90% of the time bug hunting. This won't actually take as much time as you think if you're using good tooling (ide, code linters, debuggers) and will raise your confidence level when doing a lab. I talk with the professor after class. Im having my own problems compiling an engine and I hope you stay up brah. I am currently completely lost. This semester was fucked. It doesn't need to work. Last fall, more than 60 computer science students were referred to the university’s honor council, which investigates cheating allegations. You have your Main.cpp, Transactions.cpp, and people.cpp. Not in your school or in the University spectrum as a whole. Work with friends on every lab. Fill in one method at a time with the right logic and test. The first semester I stayed on top of the reading and started out great. It's all apart of the learning process. git checkout . Who knows it could be that your teacher isn't the greatest. I was in the exact same boat as you. i am a junior so im not much better off but thats how i have been surviving. I feel like I've failed myself, failed my parents especially my father since I promised him I would be a better programmer than him and yet I am on the brink of failing. Since java is your problem, I suggest the excellent book "Head First Java". This may be complicated or a lot to take in and may not be the best advice because I am still in school as well, but the bottom line is YOU CAN DO IT. I keep going back and forth on whether or not I want to change majors. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I am a CS grad and had a lot of the same troubles you are having now... it does get easier, but you have to take care of yourself. I'm a 19-year-old computer science freshman and I'm seriously struggling with math-related classes, and starting to think about what I should do with my life and uni. Does anyone have some textbooks or guides that they could suggest that i look at to kind of get myself up to date with others who have studies computer science? This service does help! I can't imagine keeping my thoughts organized without it, and when I was trying to publish a test message to RabbitMQ, I really mangled a bunch of stuff a couple of times. So I'm pretty bad at math (Currently taking Algebra 2 as a Senior in High School), but Computer Science has been the most interesting sounding major to me. Reaching the deadline is what we’re extremely good at. Graduating Computer Science Major Creates Website to Help Struggling New Jersey Small Businesses. I'm studying computer science at university and as I didn't take A level Computer science, i'm struggling with some of the content even after only 2 lectures. At this point I had only taken programming 1 in java and a few other low level courses. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the AskComputerScience community, Continue browsing in r/AskComputerScience, Press J to jump to the feed. Be the first to share what you think! Hey there! Each problem you solve is based on finding out the steps to take, and how you say them programmatically. If I'm accessing an array many times and I get a set fault I KNOW I'm accessing outside the bounds of the array. So I was scared. So don't let it discourage you and just learn from it. Every time your create something just test it/print it out to verify your program is reacting the way you want. I understand the theory of the program but I struggle on executing it such as typing the code myself and not knowing where to place certain pieces of code. P.S. While it seems like you’re in the best position to give it all up, just don’t. I really really need some help on getting through this. I had never fully understood programming and it never really clicked how or where to start a problem even throughout college!! When that’s stable, add some empty methods and test. The first semester I stayed on top of the reading and started out great. 0. reply. Make programming a hobby, use Google, get help, let bad emotions drive you forward, and have faith in yourself. Find more subreddits like r/ComputerEngineering -- Computer engineering is a discipline that integrates several fields of electrical engineering and computer science required to develop computer hardware and software. 285105, Excel Mar 2021. I’m a retired professor of both computer science and mathematics; I started doing computer science in the early 60’s when it was just beginning to be thought of in academia. View Entire Discussion (15 Comments) More posts from the cscareerquestions community. Get a tutor, makes all the difference. Having now been a software engineer for well over 10 years (a sr. Remember that learning is a marathon, and schools pretend its a sprint. Its like that stuff comes later because the important part is how to lay it all out. But that claim sits uneasily next to the relatively high proportion of computer science graduates struggling to find work, with 11.7 percent unemployed six months after leaving university. First just make a print statement in your main to make sure your program can compile. Computer Science is the study of computers, computational systems, and the software which enables these systems. Don't beat yourself over it, errors are normal and you'll get used to them. Lost my awesome FT job in the pandemic and I'm now burnt out and underpaid with two PT jobs + side gigs. up and devoted everything to programming (except what was necessary for my other classes) and pulled my grade up. I attend classes 100% of the time and the things that I have a problem with is this. Remember that sleeping well, eating right, and keeping a decent schedule will get you really far. Ive literally found solutions to a majority of my labs in the text. Any advice and help will be appreciated, thanks! I know that sounds cheesy but I promise 95% of the time I have a coding problem its sheerly due to the fact that I don't understand the problem or goal well enough. Yet, right now, from my position as a sophomore who just barely made it through her third semester as a computer science major, the struggles of learning code seem to outweigh the benefits of knowing it (Yeah, I know, it'll all be worth it some day). Two things that helped me. Stack Overflow! I’m in my third semester at college for computer science. Once I *forced* myself to actually make it a hobby, I started progressing far beyond my own expectations. He helped exponentially. I retake both courses. If you need two weeks to understand a topic thats okay - once you learn it that knowledge is a foothold to more learning later. If you need to, go ahead and put a log statement on every line until you isolate the bug. I just read that you are in High School, I suggest you take a year off after school to develop yourself and your mindset. Helping you helps me! If you didn't know, around that time many schools make your cs class very difficult relative to your experience. Maybe I didn’t get the constructor right so I get an error...fix that and go again. By the second semester I started to become more and more confused. Having been in your shoes when i was in high school (my father was also a programmer), i can understand exactly what you are going through. As for your parents, I don't think you're going to be failing them. I just want to be able to get to the point where I can finish it during my lab. That's the problem, I'm using Java and the thing is all my friends have left since I have to stay one extra year, I've been running Solo ever since first semester came up, no one in my class I know about so I feel like I have to take it alone myself with all the burdens weighing down on me. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the computerscience community, Press J to jump to the feed. In addition to his work in computer science, Keefe is also an accomplished artist and has published and exhibited work in top international venues for digital art. I feel like Peter Parker from Spider-man 2 to where he is being weighed down by everything, school, life, part time job etc. I don't even know where to even start. Engineer now), I can say that I am pretty confident in my abilities and how to approach a problem even if i am rusty or don't know the exact logic off the top of my head. I am currently completely lost. 285276, C++ Mar 2021. If you need help with any assignment or topic message me, I would love to help out. I've been wanting to become a programmer ever since I was a child and I really wanted to follow in my father's footsteps as a programmer himself. I can understand what you are saying but for me it wasn't a big issue because I never had any social life. More and more people are learning computer science and turning their knowledge into a lucrative career in fields like business, health care, engineering, and many others. Truth is, something may have to give. By all means, seek out the joy in the craft, and reach out to your instructor and the community with specific questions you may have. Back in programming 2 every kid seemed to do this and nobody wanted to build step by step. That's a big no-no. git works for me. It turns out, I was just in a programming slump. Latest reviews on Programming & Computer Science All reviews. I've been going to extra help and plan to go to a computer club to help me boost my confidence. Can you tell us the content of some of the most recent labs? hide. Good luck OP. sophmore year sucks... no real good way around it. I mean, i get what they're trying to do and how the educational system is trying to mold you into thinking a certain way when it comes to coding. However, a major like this sounds like it takes a lot of math to work with. My fiances father was a big influence on me and a big mentor. Yeah, it's weird. This helped me SO MUCH. Is there any specific questions or concepts I or someone else could try to help you with? They do offers where the course comes up as £10ish regularly. I have previously taken this course earlier but I dropped to a lower level and I got a 66 for a average. Print it out. Luckily he was nice enough to, in a way, take me under his wing. We eventually go through the main data structures such as linked list, stack, queue, heap, binary search trees, complexity questions as well, etc. I know, to a point, how you feel. How do you "mentor" younger developer? This time I make every friend I possibly can. But that's ok! Are You Struggling With Computer Science Assignment Help? I was wondering if anyone experienced something similar and if it gets a bit better the longer you stick with it. It does take a lot of time. I know, this is kind of like saying "Oh, you're sad? The computer science help we offer is fast and efficient, so you don’t have to worry about your deadline. I have other responsibilities as well such as a part time job, focusing on graduating, projects, assignments, tests etc. Also helps I’ve already seen some of the exams and understand the structure of how the professor asks questions. In all my labs we were openly asking questions and looking for advice. They are like handy road signs. My advice is to keep calm. Getting through hopeless struggles and figuring out how to get on top is a major skill in this industry. Basically, don’t try to write it all in one shot and slam into all of your errors at once. Go at your own pace, retake the classes if need be, worked for me and after two programming internships over the summers I can say if I can do it, you can too. Write it out in sudocode, just the start and end, then fill in the rest. I’m in my third semester at college for computer science. I feel for you brother, I just started my journey in programming, but I have one thing to say, friend. I'm not the best programmer, and was taking a few other time consuming classes, so these weekly projects consumed most of my weekends. Lots of colleges have excellent CS programs and very few require that you even took CS in high school. I've been a professional software engineer for over six years now, and couldn't imagine myself doing anything else. Computer Science Bachelor's Degree. I end up dropping Programming 2 and Discrete Structures. God bless you man :). There are thousands of people out there in your exact same position. best. Computer Science Homework Helpers is a group of elite experts ready to do your computer science homework for you at an affordable rate irrespective of how complex it is. To all those who are struggling with computer programming or doubting their abilities, or to those considering a mid-life career change. In the end if you know you want to do this and you find CS interesting don't let your mind over complicate things and make you second guess yourself, you CAN do it. It doesnt always help as sometimes they explain shit during lab and im like oh okay so thats what the fuck i should be doing, i also cuss like a sailor that helps too. But you'll gradually learn how to get answers by searching Google rather than asking an expert. I would not get discouraged if i were you especially since you are still young and haven't exposed yourself to many real world cases. node* x = m_front If(x->get_next()->get_next() == NULLPTR) Then stop traversing, otherwise traverse the list. just push through and get lots of tutoring help and you will do fine. After drifting around for while and switching majors a couple more times, I finally went back to programming. That still didn't help a lot, though. Part of me wants to get out this way I have more time for a social life and less stress but the other part of me wants to continue because I really feel like this is something I could love to do. I do this too, its very helpful, kinda blows me away at how afraid people are to read the texts. That may very well help you get over the hump. To all those who are struggling with computer programming or doubting their abilities, or to those considering a mid-life career change. Let me know if you need the link. I had a hard time during that period but I got through it and caught up and haven't had any hard times with my future classes. Good luck. Thank you for taking your time to write all this out! Archived. Don't give up, in our lives we will meet steep hills and non-believers, sometimes we need to take a step back and breath before charging in. Once that looks good replace with real code. When I first started doing my CS major I started 2 semesters late, and on an off semester. With our round-the-clock assistance and professional programmers, you can beat that deadline to the ground. Anyone struggling with Computer Science 1? That was the first test by the way and since I need a 80% I have to really focus but I don't feel like I have the abilities to continue. I ask questions in class. Hey there, I am a 23 year old CS major, graduating this December. AP Jamaal Lascelles rescued Newcastle with a last-gasp equaliser as the Premier League strugglers earned a 1-1 draw in a dramatic finale … I become friends with my TA. If you are searching for Computer Science Assignment Help, then our experts will assist you as per your requirements. Today, computers dominate all aspects of modern life. Raj Jaishi. I think having someone to shadow and have 1-on-1s with def help a lot. For instance, if I’m creating a new class, I’ll just add the file and name it, then run it to see if anything is broken. Posted by u/[deleted] 2 years ago. Advice for someone struggling in the non-profit sector? Endurance is part of the game. 285402, Ruby | Ruby on Rails Mar 2021. Go to the Udemy website and type in Java masterclass - there is a great course by a guy called Tim and it will sort you right out. Did an entire year of these classes and hated it. Now you know your people object can hold info. When I first started coding in python I had a difficult time and had to ask online for help constantly. I didn't know what was holding me back, but it was pissing me off. All the best! Don't Dismiss Georgia Tech's $6,600 Online Master's Degree. I've been wanting to become a programmer ever since I was a child and I really wanted to follow in my father's footsteps as a programmer himself. Throughout my computer science career, I have struggled the most with code-heavy projects in algorithms classes. Go super slow and keep it manageable. I got excited about it again and did a lot of reading on topics that interested me. They can help you along they way, and may even admit to feeling the same as you. PM me if you need any guidance or explanation. Is it brackets and parentheses? I really need someone to help me on this, this is really really stressing me out how do I keep going even though everything is been thrown down upon me. I have never used the command line. The service and quality of work is great! "Yikes, I need at least a 80% to land into the college I want to be in but at the moment I got a 54% which is on the brink of failing. The internet is vast and publications are bountiful. We all struggle on certain topics and levels. I recently wrote a script that reads a list of IDs from a database, and then fires them one by one to a service called RabbitMQ. 23 year old here who is graduating in December 2018 with a CS degree. Join the programming discord and people can help you when you need the extra push to get your code working. My weekly operating systems projects were due Sunday night. Are the labs not interactive? I failed one class senior year due to attendance and was still accepted in a great college. They’re only worth 15% of our grade but part of me feels like I’m the only one who’s actually struggling this much in the class. One thing I didn't see is "use version control." Never write 100 lines of code then click compile, this will just get you a shit ton of errors that is pretty overwhelming. I go to every lecture/attempt all the labs but they are so damn hard. A Computer Science 50 course at Harvard in 2013. if its any consultation if you make it through sophomore year it gets easier and you get smarter. By the second semester I started to become more and more confused. Whether you are looking for help with simple paper or complex computer science paper, we are the right team for you. I don't know if these tips will help you, but they sure as shit helped me: Make programming a hobby, not just something you do in your free time or for school. Don’t feel bad if a class expects you to get it in one week. Your story really helps to see the bigger picture instead of just focusing on how I’m feeling this exact moment. If your teacher has office hours, use em. If not, then go to for some info on it. I hope some of this helps. It was a bit intimidating but not super tough. By Tom McLaughlin. Right now you are filling your toolbox with the tools you will use every day for years to come, so make sure you are taking the time to build that foundation right. For me, becoming an intern with local companies definitely helped understand the concepts a lot better. Before joining the University of Minnesota, Keefe did post-doctoral work at Brown University jointly with the departments of Computer Science and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and with the Rhode Island School of Design. Otherwise just come to terms with it and switch majors. It's just something I had to learn from failing in the past. 100% Upvoted. 0 comments. But don't do this for your parents or in fear of letting them down. Then I got angry at myself. This will allow you to work in small steps, and as soon as you get lost or break something, you can teleport back to a previous, working version. You need to learn the code on your own. Watch some videos on how to use your breakpoints and debugger features. There are many many ways to resolve this and all take time and effort. Now that you're lost, what steps have you taken to try and fix this? Someone somewhere has had the same problem as you. Long story short I feel like I am a below average programmer. Also gave me the opportunity to work on real world problems. I heard the first three semesters they try to weed people out so I was hoping I could get advice on here. My students struggle on that a lot. Stay hydrated and remember to breathe. Make sure not to skip over content "because you know it"! I gave up my entire social life, gaming, hobbies, etc. Our professionals will share your projects before the restricted time. You can do it man just stay the course. The labs aren’t interactive which I’m not a big fan of. First semester of my junior year I am taking Programming 2, Discrete structures, Physics 2, and Calc 2. When I finally got on track with core CS classes. There will be days when you can't get projects done on time, and you feel like the worst person in the class but don't sweat it. Don't rush into things, and don't stop believing! I go to the TA’s office hours. Excellent service. got me back to a blank slate. But it's too frustrating. I have been programming for a long time and when I start a project in a language I don’t know very well I go slow and run the program every few minutes to test each little thing. All it takes is motivation to push through, work with others and most importantly talk to your profs and everyone around you. They should have found your stopping point and helped you get over it. For instance. The first lab was build your one linked list and fill each node with objects that can hold information. If not ask your teacher about it and they will help you. The Benefits of Struggling. Don't be ashamed to, lot's of professionals do. Generally speaking, dont get intimidated and just shut down. Computer science is a field of study that takes computing to the next level, understanding not just how to use the computer but how the computer itself works, and how to make it do new things efficiently.

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