why did jesus change simons name to peter

42 He led him to Jesus. Thus, as Jesus is God, his changing Simon's name to Peter (Petros in Greek, Kepha in Aramaic, the language that Jesus spoke) was significant, particularly in light of the fact that Kepha means rock, and we read that Jesus said he would build His church on "this" rock. Everyone else saw Simon, Jesus saw Peter. It is Simon's testimony. iTunes | E-mail | Facebook | RSSStock Images provided by Stock Unlimited, Pexals, and Unsplash.Website Designed by 4thFloor Media. He was firm and solid in his preaching. 0 0. why did jesus christ change the name of simon to peter? 0 Comments Simon’s name was changed to Peter (Mat. Why did jesus changed simon's name to peter? David Auburn. Why was it important? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? In the New Testament, Jesus changed Simon’s name, meaning "God has heard," to “Peter,” meaning "rock" when He first called him as a disciple (John 1: 42). 'brothers'). It is amazing that Simon adopts the name Peter tokeep the confession and denial foremost. Fundamentalists may object, “Only Christ can be the rock.” However, the same … 41 He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated “Christ,” Greek for “anointed one”). It is his ministry: Acts 2, to the Jew first and Acts 10, to the Gentile world second. really Jesus didnt give simon the name peter, his original name was simon peter. Church, Generosity, Giving, Lifestyle, Money, Podcast, Death, Disciples, Heaven, Hell, Jesus, Podcast, Suicide, http://media.blubrry.com/theologyfortherestofus/p/content.blubrry.com/theologyfortherestofus/042-why-did-jesus-change-peters-name.mp3. Matthew 16:18-20), and if we look at that incident more closely we might imagine the larger Peter portrait as a mosaic of many smaller Simon images. Cephas means 'stone'. 18 Answers. read more. This was a very strange thing to do. In John's Gospel, the naming of Simon as Cephas/Peter occurs when he first meets Jesus, whereas in Matthew's Gospel, this happens rather later, when Peter identifies Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus changed Simon Bar-Jonah's name to Peter (viz., a stone) because Jesus knew what would transpire in Matthew 16, where Peter would utter those famous words: "You are the Christ, the Son of … Why did Jesus change Simon's name to Peter? is not his mother called Mary? Best Answers. Simon’s name was changed to Peter (Mat. Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.” (Matt.16:16) Before I continue, have you answered this question for yourself? Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus. This is exactly what Jesus was doing with Simon, seeing in him some great potential that no one else saw. We can see Peter’s important involvement in the early church in the early chapters of Acts. Jesus did not change Simon's name; he surnamed him Peter, (Mark 3.16), so he is called Simon Peter more than 30 times in the New Testament. … Answer Save. … 18 I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. God also reaffirmed His promise to give Abraham a son, specifically through Sarah, and told him to name his son Isaac, meaning "laughter." You will be called Cephas [Aramaic Answer Save. If we count Simon Peter and the Simon who is the cousin of Jesus (we know nothing about him but his name, cf. That he is restored asSimon by Jesus afterward is the mark of forgiveness andrestoration. In this short episode, Kenny explains what we learn about ourselves from the simple name changing of an inconsistent fisherman named Simon, whom Jesus renamed “Peter” which can be translated “rock” or “big boulder.”. because He was calling them to live out a new mission or identify with a new identity that God was giving them. Jesus changed Peter’s name from Simon to Rock. Jesus changed the fisherman’s name to Peter when He conferred the keys of the Kingdom upon him at Caesarea Philippi (cf. Why did jesus changed simons name to peter. January 10 2017 • 0 responses • Vote Up • Share • Report. Source: gotquestions.org. All Rights Reserved. Peter means rock. Jesus did not change Simon's name; he surnamed him Peter, (Mark 3.16), so he is called Simon Peter more than 30 times in the New Testament. Did Jesus Re-name Simon the “Rock” – Confusion with Petra ... Posted: (5 days ago) Jesus changed Peter’s name from Simon to Rock. Ever wonder what God thinks of you? Powered by Blubrry PowerPress.Copyright © 2015-2020. James and John, gave the name Boanerges, Sons of Thunder. “Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:15). When Jesus gave Simon the name Peter, he did it with a smile; it was to be a sort of nickname. Could the coming great deception be the return of fallen angels or nephilim disguised as grey aliens/UFOs? 16:18) because Jesus wanted to highlight the important role Peter would have in the early church. By giving Peter this name, Jesus was saying that confession of His identity as the Messiah and the Son of God would be the foundational principle (or the "rock") upon which He would build His church. Though Jesus used the name Simon in friendly situations heused the name Peter when emphasizing the confession and againfor the denial. 42: Why Did Jesus Change Peter’s Name? The primary way Jesus works, primary way he changes people is by giving them a new name. Remember when Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter? You shall be called Cephas” (which means Peter). Relevance. 16:18) he was using a pun to refer to Peter’s role as one of the strong, supportive leaders (a “strong foundation”, so to speak) of the early church. True, later on, Jesus did attach a new and significant import to this lightly bestowed nickname. English Standard Version He brought him to Jesus. St. Peter is the Rock in a derivative sense because of his confession of faith at Caesarea Philippi. This name change took place when God gave Abraham the covenant of circumcision. He changes the trajectory of your life He worked that way with the 12 Apostles, works that way in the lives of all of his people”(notes). Relevance. 0 0. Favourite answer. Simon Peter was a man of impulse, an optimist. Simon he gave the name Peter—Rock. Peter means ‘rock’, so when Jesus said ‘on this rock I will build my church’ (Mat. Favourite answer. Paul went up to the third tier of Heaven which was not located on the earth: does this show that the saved go to heaven when they die. What did it mean? By new name, mean a new identity, a new destiny. 41: Why Should Christians Stop Tithing Immediately? The answer is simple: God sees greatness in you, and it’s because He put it there. The fisherman was now the steward of a kingdom. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of John. Matthew 16:18 AvantExec. In Aramaic his name was Cephas, of which Peter is the Greek equivalent.

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