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Barry reminded Joe that he always said it's good to play offense rather than defense at times but Joe told him that was for football tryouts. Jay and Wally are knocked down. The bullets, however, deflected harmlessly off Savitar's armor. While he waited for Vibe to finish, Savitar flashed a new memory of his younger self waiting for him in a warehouse. [86] After tossing Clariss around, he struck a fatal blow that killed Clariss before hitting the ground. As the two were talking about what to do Iris walked in with Marlize. To prove himself, Barry told Lewis that he helped his son steal the Khandaq Dynasty Diamond the previous year. Barry managed to save Norvock from Amunet's shards, but Norvock then begins to attack them. Barry felt betrayed as he was never notified of such a weapon, and this meant he was unprepared. Barry looked at Ralph with a smile and congratulated him but DeVoe, using Killg%re's powers removed the power-dampening cuffs, and finally took over Ralph's body. When they learned the particle accelerator was turned on, they realize the reason they couldn't find Eddie and Eobard was because Eobard was holding Eddie hostage at S.T.A.R. Proclaiming that his ascension is almost complete, Savitar concluded with a reminder to Barry that before long, the Flash would fall. He is also considered a comic geek. Barry and Caitlin later realize the casino wasn't the target but a way to trigger a money transfer. Barry asked why Cisco never told them and Cisco told the team he was going to eventually. The team deduced there's a hallway between the portals which continuously moves, therefore they need to create a "speed cannon". Seconds later, Barry was struck by a yellow bolt of lightning through a window in the roof. Barry rescued the man but was seen by Iris; blurring his face so she wouldn't recognize him, he quickly left. DeVoe also kills Wolfe before escaping. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Oliver claims they need to see, so Cisco vibes Barry and Oliver to the moment when a strange individual meets another man and hands him a book of some kind. They explained that using Cecile's power with DeVoe's chair, Cecile simply needed to find DeVoe's brain wavelengths and the chair will transport Barry into DeVoe's consciousness. Barry celebrates after locking up his childhood nemesis. However, Barry angrily insists Jesse has time and Iris and Joseph need him, insisting they are his family no matter the universe. Thanks to information from Kate the duo learn of the location of Arkham. Flash and Arrow arrived at the house of Mari's foster father Chuck but when she saw the vigilantes she immediately ran and they gave chase. Barry told Lewis that the bomb was extracted by Lisa and Barry was then shocked when Leonard killed his father. Labs systems and take the Enlightenment online. As he rose to his feet, Savitar reaffirmed his intention to escape, kill Iris and destroy his original self, mockingly bringing up Barry's deceased parents. Later, he awakened after his wounds healed and promised that he was going to find Iris wherever she was.[104]. Flash triumphantly stood before Alchemy and went to unmask him. He began telepathically haunting Wally to wear down,[90] which came to a head while the Flash and Kid Flash were out on a run, and one of Kid Flash's hallucinations actually attacked him. While Frankie was reluctant, the alternate personality Magenta agreed and Alchemy restored these powers. Alive Not long after, Barry visited his father in Iron Heights Prison, assuring him that he still believed in him, that he was incredibly proud to be his son. As he speeds away, Oliver expressed his awe at Barry's powers. Barry decided that he needed to make the Artificial Speed Force work if he was to be useful. The team return Jay Garrick's helmet and the two Flash's join hands before leaving to rescue Patty. Labs. When Farooq broke into the lab, Barry tried to talk sense into him but Farooq only struck Barry. Eva sent glass shards to kill Carver, but the Flash blocked the attack, causing Eva to send the glass through him into Carver, eventually killing him. Savitar speaking through Julian to Team Flash. Barry suggested that the two teams should work together, though Oliver refused as he didn't want anymore people in on his secret. Savitar also feels that his original-self had everything yet deserved none of it, indicating that on some level he desired his original self's life for himself.[84]. Cisco chose to leave for Atlantis to get a part needed for the machine; Allegra wanted to accompany him, but Barry told her that he needed her for the battle to come.[96]. After working together they managed to subdue Hawkman and brought him back to the foundry where they questioned him, but he was only interested in Kendra who he also addressed as Chay-Ara. [98], Due to the power boost Barry received from the Spectre to save the multiverse from the crisis, the Speed Force was overwhelmed with the foreign energy and started to meltdown.[99]. Cisco managed to close the doors to hold Farooq off for a short while. Savitar goes on to point out that they're almost the same, but not quite. He also told barry that he had everything and deserved none of it he also promised Barry that he was going to destroy the city like he did in the future and when that happens Barry would treat him like a god. After saying her name, a confused Dr. Light blinded Barry and fled. Barry and Caitlin then witnessed Tony get defeated by Farooq. As she reached the woods, Nora quickly throws the reactor to Cicada but deflects it using his dagger. The blade flew from H.R. Because of this, Barry lost confidence in himself and, face to face with Danton Black, the meta-human that infiltrated the Stagg event, he realized that he did not have the ability to really go up against them. Barry left to defuse the bombs while Oliver dealt with Digger. While his "past self" had lived happily with them all these years, this also left Iris never having grown close to or even really knowing Barry and Joe as an alcoholic with a strained relationship with Iris, and a new speedster vigilante as the Flash. Soon after, Bill Carlisle was attacked at Folston Tech but Barry was too late by the time he got there. When battling his younger self he referred to himself as the Future Flash. He remained in seclusion for a time until Team Flash undid the damage by restoring Barry's memories and Savitar's by extension.[2]. Barry, Wally, Cisco, Gypsy and Jay Garrick who was finally freed confront Savitar and Killer Frost after Savitar's attempt to become a god fails. Wally fought back but in the end it was just another illusion of Savitar and Barry calmed him down Wally finally told Barry the truth. He later greets H.R. find Tracy hoping for her help until Killer Frost shows up trying to kill her but she is forced to retreat. After Caitlin had a few drinks, she walked up to the stage drunk and called Barry out to join her. recapture King Shark, Barry refused, as he was the last of Zoom's henchmen and was going to take care of him himself. John told Barry that they were going to take care of him but Barry obliged. Barry is then given information about a physicist named Tracy Brand before returning to his time. Barry then ran off and returned to Eddie's hospital room.[36]. Alone and overwhelmed by his painful memories, he became desperate to end his pain eventually coming to a realization that "God" feels no pain and he eventually decided to become one himself. for his protection against DeVoe. Later when Iris brought Barry coffee, Barry was told by Iris that she began a blog about The Streak. The two then go and grab an extrapolator to breach to Earth-38 and talk to Kara. when Barry learns that Wally stepped into the street to try to get his speed. is an author of a book titled. As they talked, Barry noticed time slow down, then speed back up again. Labs. The others quickly got her out while Wells stalled Wade. Declaring his relief, Savitar knelt down, removed his armor and revealed himself as none other than a future version of his nemesis with a pale and scarred face. He suspected that Clifford DeVoe was a meta-human (after the Council of Wells informed him that the latter was the mastermind behind the bus meta-humans) despite the fact that he did not have a criminal record, his suspicions of Clifford were further amplified when he and his wife, Marlize lied to Barry's superior officer, David Singh, claiming that he was harassing Clifford (when in truth, he was only conducting the necessary investigation) even when every member of Team Flash believed that he was innocent - Barry's suspicions were proven to be correct yet again, regarding Clifford. As Malcolm Merlyn arranged a meeting to negotiate with Savage along with Green Arrow and the Flash, while running to the meeting, Barry saw a transparent version of himself come out of a wormhole before dissipating, hinting he would travel back in time soon. On March 18, 2000[1] when Barry was 11 years old, he ran home from school after getting into a fight with some bullies. Barry and Cisco then vibe to the future and learn numerous future key events from the news show, and witness HR now present during the event (meaning the future is changeable). Barry had four love interests, as listed in order; According to Barry's daughter, Nora (regarding what she learned from the, Barry's favorite color might be red, as in the Season 1 episode ", Barry is currently one of the two main/lead characters to have been to Six different known Earths; Earth-1 (where he lived until The Crisis), The other individual to achieve this is Cisco, having visited all of the same Earths Barry has. Barry was then glad when Oliver decided to work along with him. Just before they could shoot him, Barry saved him and went after the robbers, only to lose consciousness along the way. Heat Wave, Captain Cold and the Flash face off in public. Barry tried to run to him and stop Savitar, but he quickly stabbed Iris through the back, before speeding away, leaving the Flash to cradle Iris's dying body in his arms, quickly to be revealed to actually be H.R. They locked him in the meta-human prison and learn he was controlled by Grodd. Barry and Oliver while fighting were constantly taunted by their hallucinations until Batwoman appeared and stopped them, recognizing the vials and explaining they were exposed to a serious hallucinogen. Barry then had a call from Patty, who offered to make him chicken soup for his "sickness". However, the Flash argued that no matter how far he sends him he'll always be a part of his life. When iron mask attempts to tell them more Zoom returns and angrily reminds him not to speak again, then phases into Barry's cell and proceeds to brutally beat him in a fit of rage. When Caitlin went to Wells' mansion, Barry rushed over and took her away and told her not to tell Wells anything. Savitar ordering Killer Frost to kill Tracy. Due to the stress Flashtime inflicted upon Killer Frost, she exhausted herself before she was able to cool the bomb enough. Zoom proceeded to beat Barry and broke his spine. At the lab Barry told them of what happened. Using his speed Barry quickly stopped the robber and returned before Iris knew he was gone. Barry told the team of the trap while Harrison Wells told them he developed a serum that could dampen Zoom's speed. At S.T.A.R. They realized that "Wells" was from the future. Through unknown means, he also caused Wally to be catatonic (in which would remain so by 2024), also making him see something that haunts Wally for the rest of his life. Later, Barry took Cisco to Jitters, though the latter expected alcohol rather than coffee. Barry and Cisco took Caitlin to the med bay where she woke up and assured them she was fine, but Barry not wanting to risk losing his friends told Caitlin and Cisco that he refused to keep training them. The time remnant was rejected and shunned by Barry's family and friends as a "fake", leaving him bitter and broken. When he said that, he called Barry "Oliver", which made Barry question Diggle's actions. A Lego version of this Flash made a cameo appearance in the 2015 video game, He is also a playable DLC character in the 2018 video game, Barry's skill in singing is a nod to his actor, In 2014, the Flash is the third DC-owned character to have its own television series aired on The CW, following, Barry's alternate timeline-self, Savitar, served as the main antagonist of. Cisco revealed he prepared an alcoholic beverage that allows speedsters to get drunk. Labs Sara, Ray, Thea, Diggle, and Oliver all got sucked up to the Dominators ship where they were all put into a shared hallucination where Oliver never got on the Queen's Gambit. Joe Wilson, Malcolm Merlyn, and Ricardo Diaz. Labs and Eobard was thrown off S.T.A.R. Barry tearfully reunites with Ralph in the subconscious of DeVoe. Alchemy observed as the Rival fought the Flash, which ended in a draw, though the Flash was unaware Alchemy was watching the two speedsters. He caught up with Felicity and he learned Felicity listened to his entire conversation with Oliver on the rooftop. Barry managed to get a few civilians to safety, though Dr. Light escaped. When Barry confronts DeVoe before his lecture, Clifford confirms his suspicions and reveals that he knows that he is the Flash. Eva McCulloch's team soon entered and a fight between them, Team Flash, and McCulloch's security guards began. After Barry journeyed into the black hole and destabilized it from inside, he was able to save both Chester and the city, with the former finally becoming conscious. Iris gave Barry a microscope which she thought was lame but Barry claimed he loved it. It was then that they all realized that Savitar was imprisoned in the speed force by the future Barry Allen and by throwing the philosophers stone into the speed force they unintentionally gave him everything he needed to escape except the small piece that broke off. Later, while Cisco was in his lucid dream, the team learned Wells' true identity, Eobard Thawne, who called them shortly after Cisco woke up. Barry however concluded that they would just need to figure it out fast. After Iris explained Barry how he was released from the Speed Force, Barry ran fast to open a portal to the Speed Force, grabbed the device, got out from the Speed Force to go to the bomb and throws the device at the explosion. As Martin Stein plummeted to the ground, Barry caught him. Meanwhile, Oliver used Barry's CCPD credentials and Diggle uses his A.R.G.U.S ones to infiltrate their way into an inspection. Thinking that he's still in Central City, he asked Dig what he's doing there, in which he replayed that he's "Kicking his butt". Joe arrived and fired multiple bullets at Wells, though Barry caught them all. He told him that though the city may not believe in him, he would get through it as he had himself when he was framed for Nora's murder. After his visit to the future, Barry is plagued by nightmares of Iris' death and as a result soon becomes obsessed with finding a way to change it. Snart froze the wheels of the train, causing it to derail as he fled. During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons were killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[78] only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe.[79]. Iris shortly arrived with eggnog using her grandmother's famous recipe. Barry was dragged back to S.T.A.R. Oliver then pulled Barry aside and asked why he was acting the way he was, with Barry admitting that he felt the rules of how they stop evil keeps changing and how even with powers he still feels powerless. Going to the top of a building Carter suggested Kendra jump off to unlock her potential. Labs, Barry greeted Linda. When Barry arrived at Jitters, he told Iris his name was Ralph. After the team tracked Snart, Barry decided to take him on his own and turn off all communications. DeVoe shrank the chamber and went into into his pocket dimension when Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin arrive. Nash then berated Barry for even considering the trade, citing that Barry lately was acting less than heroic. Clyde proceeded to point a gun at him, claiming them to be the same, though Barry strongly disagreed. Barry fires the Prismatic filter at "Iris". He received a record seven NL MVP awards, eight Gold Glove awards, a record 12 Silver Slugger awards, and 14 All-Star selections. When Farooq attacked Wells, Barry finally believed enough to regain his speed and save Wells. Labs satellite, she lacked the speed to open the Speed Force to return to her timeline. After his creation, the time remnant was shunned by Team Flash because he was an aberration and not the 'real Barry'. As Savitar seized Jesse by the neck and held before him, he declared that he had plans for the Earth-2 speedster, his arrogance blinding him to the fact that Quick was still holding his gauntlet-blade. Nora convinced him he wasn't afraid of darkness itself, just being alone in the dark and wished him sweet dreams.[13]. Back at S.T.A.R. A week passed and Barry worked on the Artificial Speed Force machine, but his mind continually worked on his domestic problems, causing his Speed gauge to stay red. Savage demanded Kendra and Carter, or Central and Star City would be annihilated. Later, the team tracked down Dr. Light. After the S.T.A.R. With persuasion from Iris Barry also lets Team Flash (with the exception of Joe) in on the future vision. [33] He is respected by his nemesis, rivaling Reverse-Flash at his prime in both speed and cunning. He returned to S.T.A.R. Barry laughed at the man, as he chose him out of everyone else in the city. Wells apologized to Barry for pushing him to focus on the Reverse-Flash but Barry told Wells he made the decision on his own. Barry went to test his speed on the treadmill. With Mardon's tornado heading towards the city, with an increasing wind speed, Barry suggested that he run around the tornado in reverse in order to unravel it. DeVoe escaped into another pocket dimension. the doppelgänger of a recently deceased friend, Time remnant construct/temporal duplication, Post 43 "Cisco Ramon: Intergalactic Adventurer! At the weapons cache, Barry tried to shoot an incendiary arrow at the criminals, but accidentally shot a grappling hook arrow instead. Barry was then furious at Wells, who had used Tony to buy some time. [44], Ignoring Mari's warning Flash and Arrow returned later to her house, where they discovered she'd become a vigilante herself, and Arrow questioned her intentions to take on Detroit's criminals without training. They identified the meta-human to be Kyle Nimbus, a hit-man for the Darbinyan crime family; the family had turned on Nimbus, leading him to be arrested by Joe West and prosecuted by Judge Theresa Howard. He is held in DeVoe's lair within an inescapable energy prison, which DeVoe claimed was to teach Barry there are no happy endings. At Central City Picture News, Linda told Barry that she knows he still had feelings for Iris and broke up with him, though wished him luck with Iris. Ralph's fight there got him, Barry, Cisco and Joe detained, until Harry paid their bail. After things at dinner went downhill with Eddie and Iris, Barry was called back to S.T.A.R. Barry has a lot of respect for the vigilante known as the Arrow, when he found out that Oliver/the Arrow are one-and-the same, he is amazed, he also saved his life after he was injured by Cyrus Gold and consequently poisoned, despite the fact that he barely knew Oliver at the time, he also keeps his secret. After Singh sarcastically thanked Barry for his insight, Joe asked if Barry saw anything that could help the case, to which Barry told Joe he saw one of them unmasked. They had a brief fight before the Nazis escaped. The device works and Earth-2 Laurel is locked up. It pains me and scares me when I see him climbing up 50ft on ladders and lifting heavy materials. [63], Savitar was also ruthless in his actions to the point of cruelty, as evidenced by his murders of the CCPD officers and his treatment of the members of Team Flash. Barry then bragged about his "mad skills". Barry then ran away from the school, 5.3 miles exactly, then ran back towards the school, breaking the sound barrier and knocking Tony down. Civilian When Grodd caught up, Barry once again had flashbacks of being defeated by Zoom and was knocked down by Grodd. Barry was told things were complicated but Barry asked what was wrong so he could help. Oliver tells Barry to run, as he's fast enough, before Savage takes the Staff and wipes out Central City with a magical blast, but not before Barry runs through a wormhole to allow him to re-live the last day. Barry went to Vesper Fairchild who decided not to help them due to Oliver having indeed slept with her Barry reunited with the others and revealed this to them. Julian spent years searching for the Philosopher's Stone and funded an exhibition in India in 2012 and found the container the object was sealed within. When Cisco tracked Snart, the Flash told Lisa that they would see if she was lying and ran off. He was a resilient man. Labs. [76], Unsure of whether to fully trust the Monitor, Barry decided to time travel to December 11, 2019 (one day after his supposed death) to witness the Crisis himself, although he was hit by a wall of antimatter in his attempt to do so, preventing him from completing his journey. Flash gave chase to Mari whose speed was just as fast as his and asked her to stop but she refused and displayed incredible strength caused Flash to fly back several blocks, but eventually resumed the chase with Arrow. Cisco quickly rushed over and reminded Barry that was a different person and Barry quickly apologized. Rising to his feet with an expression and voice full of rage and pain, Savitar coldly recounted being created as a disposable asset of his original self, nothing more than a cheap copy to be thrown away when no longer needed. [83] It is unknown what happened to him after the imprisonment of his younger self during 2020/2021, but is implied that he managed to split himself across the timeline to finally become a god. He then picked Linda up and the two go for a date. Barry was then told that they had found a way to stop Tony and that is to hit him at 837 mph. Barry decided to take a break from working on the machine and went to the house to continue his work on who or what "Iris" truly was, as Barry was convinced that she was not the woman he married. Later, Joe and Cisco presented with their discovery in Starling City, the corpse of the real Harrison Wells. Once he was left alone, Barry figured out how to vibrate his body fast enough that it appeared invisible to the human eye. He is deemed guilty by the judge and sentenced to life imprisonment. Superhero Origins: The Flash, Barry Allen, Barry's time remnant in an erased future as Savitar, Poster featuring the first look at the new Flash suit. Barry and Eobard faced off as Oliver tried to get a clear shot at Eobard. For possible explanations of what happened to Barry that caused him to vanish, see Anti-Monitor Crisis § Fate of the Flash. When he noticed the shatter of the glass, he realized it couldn't have been a teenage prank. At some point in 2056, a 67-year-old Barry contacted former Time Master Rip Hunter, leader of the Legends. Ralph attempts to break Barry out for him to stop him. Barry was then told by Joe and Wells that it's best for him to stay away while they capture the man in yellow. For the next few years, Savitar (as Alchemy) sought out followers for his cult, seeking to slay a younger, less powerful version of his original self.

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