en masse wikipedia

Masse (surname) Massè, an arrondissement in Benin; Massé, a billiards, pool, and snooker cueing technique that produces a curving shot; Masei, the 43rd weekly portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading; Pointe de la Masse, a mountain in France; Levy en Masse Act 1803 by the Parliament of the United Kingdom; Crampe en masse, a Canadian comedy duo "Altogether it was a fabulous coup de théâtre and a stunning deus ex machina," A. "Ed Victor, doyen of literary agents and habitué of the Hamptons, a celebrity playground in Long Island, New York State", P.H.S., "The Times Diary". French phrases in international air-sea rescue. en masse In one group or body; all together. He recalled, "All the Picassos on the wall blanched, but Maugham remained calm", John Whitley, "A little place in the sun". Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary, dough, paste; something perceived as a whole without distinguishing its parts; sum or combination of things treated as a whole, In the case of the very large caps called detonators, which are used in firing dynamite and gun cotton, is there not some risk of explosion, He [Goh Siew Tin] had traded largely with Java, and on the day of his funeral all the Chinese shops trading in Java produce were closed, while the pupils of the Toh Lam (Hokien) Mandarin School (of which Mr. Goh Siew Tin was President), During inclement weather it is necessary for this group to meet in one gymnasium. See also: en, massé en route Currently traveling to someone or something. What are synonyms for en masse? They are not generally regarded as a serious household pest as they do not spread malady and do not damage sound wood or structures. "Fleur Cowles knows everybody who is anybody and mostly has the photographs to prove it. "I've always thought Anne Boleyn was a bit of a madame. "I like my nature programmes à la Attenborough, where Nature is the subject matter and the presenter remains unobtrusive," Christina Odone, "Moving experiences should be private", See the definition given in CNRTL's Trésor de la langue française: ". "Working during the summer is de rigueur for the majority of students," Peter and Lynne Boundy, "When parents are on the breadline". An international group of hospitality management and cooking schools teaching French cuisine, founded in France. VII, p. 67 L'humanité s'installe dans la monoculture ; elle s'apprête à produire la civilisation en masse, comme la betterave. An escalope of veal, chicken or pork stuffed with ham and cheese, then breaded and fried. Synonyms for en masse in Free Thesaurus. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, Not used as such in French — Found only in English — French phrases in international air-sea rescue — See also — References, c'est la vie: "That's life!" The low flow limits of all channels shall be adjustable, American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=en_masse&oldid=60922109, English terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *meh₂ḱ-, English terms derived from Proto-Indo-European, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. En physique, la masse est une grandeur physique positive intrinsèque d'un corps.En physique newtonienne, c'est une grandeur extensive, c'est-à-dire que la masse d'un corps formé de parties est la somme des masses de ces parties.Elle est conservative, c'est-à-dire qu'elle reste constante pour un système isolé n'échangeant pas de matière avec son environnement. en masse synonyms, en masse pronunciation, en masse translation, English dictionary definition of en masse. A. Gill, "Hello dollies, everywhere". "Harry Walston had little option but to let [Graham] Greene form part of their unusual ménage à trois: Catherine had made it plain to Harry that if he wanted to keep her, Greene must remain part of her life," "P.H.S. A saunter through her hallway produces more evidence of a networker par excellence," Mary Riddell, "How to make friends", "A Mirage of Modernity: pas de deux of Consumption and Production", title of Hong Kong researcher Yan Hairong' contribution to. or "Such is life!". en masse meaning: 1. It was fully owned subsidiary of TERA development studio Bluehole Studio.In November 2018 Bluehole and its subsidiaries were rearranged … Un poêle de masse, poêle à accumulation ou foyer de masse est un appareil de chauffage principal. It is a serious breach in most countries, and in international zones, to use any of these phrases without justification. Det här är en förgreningssida som listar artiklar associerade med titeln Masse. Masse (fysik) – fysisk størrelse som oftest måles i SI-enheden kilogram. Des études indiquent que le nombre de personnes exposées aux tueries de masse aux États-Unis a triplé depuis 2011. See Mayday (distress signal) for a more detailed explanation. "[Daniel] Harding is a protégé of Sir Simon Rattle, himself once heralded as the great young hope of British Music," "Nigel Reynolds, Britain's latest prodigy takes up toughest baton". "The focus of the salon was the magnificent chimney piece, a tour de force in moulded and faceted glass – and housing an up-to-date electric fire," Kenneth Powell, "Mayfair's hidden treasure", The Sunday Review. Vanaf dit moment tot de tijd dat alle vijanden van het grondgebied van de Republiek verdreven zijn, moeten alle Fransen voortdurend paraat zijn voor militaire dienst. This page was last edited on 26 January 2021, at 01:31. This article, on the other hand, covers French words and phrases that have entered the English lexicon without ever losing their character as Gallicisms: they remain unmistakably "French" to an English speaker. 1955, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Tristes Tropiques, 1993 ed., Plon, →ISBN, chap. Some older word usages still appear in Quebec French. Masse (materiale) – en mængde af ensartet, tyktflydende eller formbart materiale. "The film begins briskly, with [...] a tour-de-force action scene in mid-air", Nigel Andrews, "Super hero into super-hulk". "Some femmes fatales play to a man's sexuality, some to his intelligence, but she just played to my damn ego," Ed Rollins, "Arianna", News Review. "It [the proposed agreement] also involves the banks swapping at least £2 billion debt into two tranches of convertible securities which would, if converted, give them between 25% and 80% of the fully diluted equity," Jonathan Ford, "Tunnel debt talks hit conversion snag". Chaque département de France doit fournir des volontaires, complétés par des hommes requis par désignation ou par tirage au sort. Perhaps the two German doctors offering their services can help resolve the impasse," Carey Scott, "Inside Moscow". "Undoubtedly his modus operandi is not unlike the fluent pub raconteur who augments a story until he gets a laugh," Bill Bryson, "A Yank at the court of Little England". a leading airfoil attached to an aircraft forward of the main wing. Many words in the English vocabulary are of French origin, most coming from the Anglo-Norman spoken by the upper classes in England for several hundred years after the Norman Conquest, before the language settled into what became Modern English. A critical mass is the smallest amount of fissile material needed for a sustained nuclear chain reaction.The critical mass of a fissionable material depends upon its nuclear properties (specifically, its nuclear fission cross-section), density, shape, enrichment, purity, temperature, and surroundings.The concept is important in nuclear weapon design "A startling number of American restaurateurs have turned to caviar chic as a sure way of winning customers," Tony Allen Mills, "This roman à clef sets out to recount the struggle between the media moguls Robert Maxwell [...] and Rupert Murdoch," "Review by Laurence Meyer of Jeffrey Archer's, "The pictures he took of [Julia] Roberts — sans new boyfriend — will run in the American tabloid. The concept originated as a French term for mass conscription during the French Revolutionary Wars, particularly for the one from 16 August 1793. Stoffmengden er gitt av antall protoner, nøytroner og elektroner som det inneholder (med et lite relativistisk avvik). We are each of an unsocial, taciturn disposition, unwilling to speak, unless we expect to say something that will amaze the whole room, and be handed down to posterity with all the éclat of a proverb," Jane Austin, "Ruby day is a demi-clad femme fatale in pantomime boy's clothing, channelling Liza Minelli and EF Benson's Quaint Irene – as alluring to women as she is to men. Wikipedia: Translation En Masse. "But just because a word has briefly become part of the nation's playground patois, does that qualify it for a place in the OED?," Jon Stock,"Mish to explain – a rap session wiv yoof". Kritisk masse – for et fissilt materiale, er den masse af materialet, der er påkrævet for, at en fission kan opretholde sig selv. Levée en masse (French pronunciation: ​ [ləve ɑ̃ mɑs] or, in English, "mass levy") is a French term used for a policy of mass national conscription, often in the face of invasion. Crampe en masse is a Québécois comedy duo composed of Mathieu Gratton and Ghyslain Dufresne active from 1998 to 2005. Previous Next. Ce type de poêle à bois bûche (certains modèles peuvent aussi fonctionner avec des granulés de bois [1], [2]) pèse entre 1 et 6 tonnes [3] suivant sa conception. En Masse Entertainment (also EME) was a Seattle-based PC and mobile game-publishing company known for localizing and publishing the Korean MMO TERA in North America.. En Masse was founded to release TERA in North America. "May I remind your readers that planning permission has not yet been sought for the [Foster] tower, nor is it a fait accompli," Paul Drury (English Heritage), Letters to the Editor. At the end of the assembly, the students moved en masse toward the gym doors. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web, where hypertext documents include hyperlinks to other resources that the user can easily access, for example by a mouse click or by tapping the screen in a web browser. Many words in the English vocabulary are of French origin, most coming from the Anglo-Norman spoken by the upper classes in England for several hundred years after the Norman Conquest, before the language settled into what became Modern English. "Bouncing out of the shower to investigate the commotion came a boxer whose nom de guerre says it all: the Grim Reaper," Peter Hillmore, "Pendennis". She thought she could get away with anything," "Interview of Keith Michell". This page was last edited on 24 October 2020, at 03:08. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application layer protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. The term levee en masse has to be understood in context of the French Revolution as a rather short-term "'requisition' of all able-bodied, unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 25" (Quote Britannica) to fight off the enemies of the revolution. Define en masse. Therefore it was decided to consider the whole group as one class. Also there are expressions that, even though grammatically correct, do not have the same meaning in French as the English words derived from them. "Prices of developments [at Rotherhithe] are rising as professionals working at Canary Wharf and elsewhere in Docklands seek a pied à terre". Biography Edit Their second album Roule-toi par terre has sold more than 15 000 copies and won 2000 Félix Award for Humoristic album of the year. In one group or body; all together: The protesters marched en masse … "De Gaulle was always proud of displaying 'la différence' vis-à-vis the Americans in the Arab world," Kirsty Lang, "They're not all right, Jacques". Note that the "phonetic" versions of spelling are presented as shown and not the IPA. Entre 2011 et 2014, une fusillade de masse se produisait en moyenne tous les 64 jours, contre une moyenne de 200 jours entre 1982 et 2011 [19].. For example, The activists marched en masse to the capitol. Als oplossing voor deze hopeloze situatie en het verdedigen van Frankrijk tegen heel Europa werd een levée en masse in duidelijke termen afgekondigd door Nationale Vergadering-lid Lazare Carnot op 23 augustus 1793, beginnend met: . en masse As one unit or group. It looks like the package is en route and should arrive today. 10.07. "Support for the Tibetan movement stopped in 1971 when President Nixon and Henry Kissinger pursued a policy of rapprochement with China." Learn more. Evelyn Waugh was very close to not being asked back to La Mauresque after one grave faux pas that Maugham, known for his stammer, did not find amusing. Levée en masse (French pronunciation: ​ [ləve ɑ̃ mɑs], which is, when translated into English, essentially "mass uprising" or "mass mobilization." To his host's question about what a certain individual was like, Waugh replied characteristically, 'a pansy with a stammer'. "Nigel Lawson used to be known by the sobriquet of 'Smuggins'," Peter Hillmore, "Pendennis". "So they come up with a succes d'estime and a series of flops d'estime follow," Christopher Fildes, "Take it easy Mr Bond, help is on the way – Miss Moneypenny will fix it", Business News. Some others were once normal French but have become very old-fashioned, or have acquired different meanings and connotations in the original language, to the extent that they would not be understood (either at all, or in the intended sense) by a native French speaker. International authorities have adopted a number of words and phrases from French for use by speakers of all languages in voice communications during air-sea rescues. "This has provoked speculation that Yeltsin is too ill to be operated on. Some of them were never "good French", in the sense of being grammatical, idiomatic French usage. Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "lev'ee en masse" is defined. adv. We're en route to the party and should be there in five minutes. The parsley massacre (Spanish: el corte "the cutting"; Creole: kout kouto-a "the stabbing" [page needed]) (French: Massacre du Persil; Spanish: Masacre del Perejil; Haitian Creole: Masak nan Pèsil) was a mass killing of Haitians living in the Dominican Republic's northwestern frontier and in certain parts of the contiguous Cibao region in October 1937. . "She liked to alternate her smart parties with much more louche affairs at which drugs circulated as frequently as the cocktails," John Whitley, "A little place in the sun". Om du kom hit via en wikilänk, får du gärna ändra länken så att den hänvisar direkt till den avsedda sidan. Part of the work is given, Low flow trips shall be individually adjustable. As of this writing, it is available in over 280 different languages. Closed alpha tests began in September, with closed beta launched in November. ; En masse – (med fransk udtale) betyder i store mængder. This French term, with exactly the same meaning, was adopted into English about 1800. a piece of sugar slightly soused with coffee or cognac (or another strong alcohol). "Except for the strong possibility that – like former Bishop Roddy Wright of Argyll and the Isles – I would, in fact, be breaking off to pen a billet-doux to a divorcée of the parish, or a furtive birthday card to my secret teenage son," Mark Lawson, "The boy who would be Pope". Thoroughly English words of French origin, such as art, competition, force, machine, money, police, publicity, role, routine and table, are pronounced according to English rules of phonology, rather than French, and are commonly used by English speakers without any consciousness of their French origin. You can just about see how it might. 13 synonyms for en masse: all together, together, as one, as a whole, ensemble, as a group, in a group, all at once, in a mass, as a body, in a body, as a group. A collection or mass of small objects that are fused together. In spoken English, at least some attempt is generally made to pronounce them as they would sound in French; an entirely English pronunciation is regarded as a solecism. That fair was held in 1905 in Portland, Oregon, to mark the centennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Antonyms for en masse. "a nation of voyeurs: people who get their gustatory kicks from watching other people cook but don't actually do it themselves", Brenda Maddox, Cooking for kitchen voyeurs, The Times, September 11, 1996. Borrowed from French en masse (literally “in a mass”):[1] en (“in”) + masse (“dough, paste; something perceived as a whole without distinguishing its parts; sum or combination of things treated as a whole”) (from Latin massa (“dough; bulk, mass”), from Ancient Greek μᾶζᾰ (mâza, “barley-bread or cake”), probably ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *meh₂ḱ- (“to increase; to raise”)). They are most common in written English, where they retain French diacritics and are usually printed in italics. Masse har flere betydninger: . masc. General (7 matching dictionaries) levee en_masse: Merriam-Webster.com [home, info] levee en_masse: Collins English Dictionary [home, info] Lev'ee en masse: Dictionary.com [home, info] Levee en masse: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info] masse (plural massez) A lump, blob, or mass. "But then the dossier will be buried and with it the real truth," Roger Faligot, "Grave issue that won't die down", "The late Elizabeth David, the doyenne of cookery writers, must be turning in her grave,". "Throughout the year, the acquisition of a new vase or photograph, or the discovery of an object trouvé – a skeleton leaf, a fragment of painted paper, an intriguingly shaped piece of wood – is the excuse for a bout of rearranging," Elspeth Thompson, "Still life with Agnès", Learn how and when to remove this template message, Subst. How to use en masse in a sentence. Le tourisme de masse est un mode de tourisme qui est apparu en raison de la généralisation des congés payés dans de nombreux pays industrialisés, la croissance du pouvoir d’achat, dans les années 1960 permettant aux « masses » populaires, à la part la plus importante de la population, de voyager et de soutenir le secteur économique du tourisme [1]. Boisson généralement alcoolisée, réputée stimulante pour l'appétit, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/c'est%20la%20guerre, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/c'est%20la%20vie, "CHANTEUSE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary", "chanteuse | Origin and meaning of chanteuse by Online Etymology Dictionary", The meaning and origin of the expression: Cherchez la femme, "cul-de-sac - Definition of cul-de-sac in US English by Oxford Dictionaries", "Pour encourager les autres - Everything2.com", Tibet: Assessing its Potential for China's Instability, "Refoulement | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization", Combined Communications-Electronics Board, "French words within complete sentences, text + audio files", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Glossary_of_French_expressions_in_English&oldid=1002786664#En_masse, Articles that may contain original research from September 2019, All articles that may contain original research, Articles needing additional references from September 2019, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. "a sweet but intoxicating digestif", Satyr, "Into the mouths of babes and sucklings". If a group of people do something en masse, they do it together and at the same time: 2. "Brunswick Street [...] a small-scale version of Manhattan's East Village, [...] where there is always an intense would-be litterateur scribbling madly at a corner table in some smoky dive," Douglas Kennedy, "Light relief in a tale of two cities". en masse: UltraLingua English Dictionary [home, info] En masse: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info] en masse: Rhymezone [home, info] En Masse: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898) [home, info] en masse: Free Dictionary [home, info] en masse: Mnemonic Dictionary [home, info] en masse: WordNet 1.7 Vocabulary Helper [home, info] ", "The Times Diary". Sidan redigerades senast den 30 december 2018 kl. en masse. Thoroughly English words of French origin, such as art, competition, force, machine, money, police, publicity, role, routine and table, are pronounced according to English rules of phonology, rather than French, and are commonly used by English speakers without any … If a…. en masse. "An investigation was started over allegations that the local jeunesse dorée had been involved in a drugs, drink and sex orgy in the cemetery," Roger Faligot, "Grave issue that won't die down".

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