lego star wars holiday special length

Poe asks where is the rest of the band and thinks this won't work. Yoda explains that Rey Skywalker and her friends had traveled to Kashyyyk to celebrate with Chewbacca and his family. Producer(s) Before Rey and BB-8 can go home, they are followed by Darth Vader who ignites his lightsaber. As part of the training, Luke has to stand upside down while he levitates Yoda and several tools. The Emperor orders Ren to also kill Rey and Darth Vader as well. Rey and BB-8 then travel in time to Coruscant following the assassination attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala. Stars: Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford show up, briefly, having not read the fine print on their contracts. Rose senses Poe's despondency and asks what is wrong. As she holds the artifact and ponders about what it unlocks, the door begins revolving, opening a portal through space. Back in the future, the Emperor learns the truth about his betrayal and death at the hands of Lord Vader during the Battle of Endor from Kylo Ren. Because when you hire Bea Arthur, you hire a pro who can commit to the bit, even when the bit in question is this ingloriously shambolic, and yet emerge somehow unscathed. The Emperor asks Ren for his lightsaber and toys with his cross-guard blade. However, the porgs let go of one of the cables, which crashes into the ice GNK-series power droid. The snow-capped mountain is surrounded by snow and a snowy forest. We’ll come back to this! Luke asks if that was what Yoda meant when he said that she had all the power all along. The special, produced by Atomic Cartoons, the LEGO Group, and Lucasfilm Ltd, was inspired by the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special. Length: 44 minutes! BB-8 tries to warn her not to let them see her but the two are noticed by Kenobi and Skywalker, who ignite their lightsabers. The future Lord Vader and two snowtroopers follow. Kormans!, oh and the cartoon that introduces the character of Boba Fett (did I mention there’s a cartoon that introduces the character of Boba Fett? LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special | Official Trailer | Disney+, Watch the Bricktastic New Trailer for Disney+'s The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special (2020). Hux stutters before withdrawing. The Emperor warns Kylo Ren not to get cold feet. That impression is certainly bolstered by the fact that The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special knows not to overstay its welcome. Both Vaders order their snowtroopers to destroy Rey. Seeing BB-8 damaged, Luke offers to help repair BB-8, restoring the droid. However, the remote stings Finn in the backside. The trailer uses music from "The Nutcracker Suite," which was composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.[4]. Ren stops spinning on the Emperor's throne and says that when Vader returns with Luke Skywalker, he will chuck them down the reactor shaft. Back on Kordoku, BB-8 is playing with his igniter when the green crystal drops, followed by Rey, Vader, and the younger Luke Skywalker. Foregrounding Rey as much as this special does will likely turn those fans off, and once they see how centrally she now figures in, say, one of the most memorable moments in A New Hope, well. The Death Star explodes. Chewbacca chides his grey-furred relative for swallowing a porg. Hamill and Fisher perform with gusto — Fisher even sings a song, passably enough. Like-. Poe notices Finn and Rose are smiling and asks why they are enjoying the biggest disaster since Jar Jar Binks' Galactic Senate speech. Yoda asks if Rey understands. Ken Cunningham[1] Vader grumpily complies before leaving. Ren however is unsure but the Emperor displays a hologram chart showing that the Emperor is clearly above the Supreme Leader. Finn pleads with her not to leave, saying that he knows he can become a Jedi. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special is a much better production than the earlier iteration. He communicates with others across the vast empty void of space via a Commodore PET that the set dresser couldn’t be bothered to snazz up, even a little. However, Lord Vader uses the Force to hurl BB-8 aside and retrieve the green crystal. However, the Emperor is more interested in the source of the portal and sends Lord Vader through the portal to investigate. Rey stops him. What It Is: Pretty good, is what. The short spans only 45 minutes, making it the perfect length — any longer and the schtick would have run dry. On Tatooine, nine-year old Anakin Skywalker races against Sebulba in podracers during the Boonta Eve Classic. In Vader's absence, Ren warns the Emperor that sending Vader to fetch Skywalker will lead to the exact chain of events which ends up with Vader hurling the Emperor down a reactor shaft. The two tackle Skywalker and the three of them get sucked through a portal. Just then, Chewbacca and the porgs fell a tree, which lands on the hull of the Falcon. Rey realizes that by focusing too much on the books, she hurt Finn's feelings and forgot about him. "The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special” reunites Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewie, Rose and the droids for a joyous feast on Life Day. Rey realizes that the crystal is a key to the galaxy's past that helps makes a Jedi's future clearer. D-O pleads with BB-8 not to leave but he follows Rey. Rey turns the crystal, reopening the portal into a Force gateway. The service is available on most internet-connected devices and offers commercial-free programming with a variety of original feature-length films, documentaries, live-action, and animated series and short-form content. The Mandalorian Character Posters, Life Day Celebrations with LEGO, and More! While the Emperor is briefly distracted by Ren and Rey's interaction, BB-8 takes the key from his hands. She hands Finn a wooden lightsaber. The older Luke stays behind and watches as Lord Vader flings the Emperor down the reactor shaft, telling him that he has had enough taking orders from him. Michael KramerJohn Williams (Original Star Wars music)Leland Chee (Verses to "Joh Blastoh")[2] He assigns Finn to do the decorating and asks Rey if she could help to roast the tip-yip. While falling through the portal, Rey and Lord Vader continue their duel, rapidly entering and exiting a large number of portals, gathering more and more people with them. Starring Yoda replies that showed her all she needed to know and tells her that she had the power all along before disappearing. Run time Characters of Star Wars: The High Republic, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, All Terrain Armored Transport (Galactic Civil War). Outside, Rey prepares to depart on her T-65 X-wing starfighter. And it does so while gently satirizing the franchise, in much the same way the many LEGO Star Wars games do. Just then, BB-8 is grabbed by a swamp slug. Star Wars fandom isn’t monolithic, after all. The Emperor decides to go thirty years into the future. Rey however uses her Force powers to cast the rocks aside. Rose is concerned that the party is deteriorating and Finn adds that Poe might lose arms. BB-8 tells an incredulous C-3PO about his encounters with numerous Master Skywalkers. and Chewie returns home. Rey responds that she is not alone. Vader disagrees and opines that "Death Star Two" feels derivative. : Because you … have other things going on in your life, presumably? Okay. Finn parries with the newly repaired training remote but it sets his wooden blade alight. As Finn struggles, Rey tells him to relax and concentrate. Ren replies that he broke it, showing his Sith guests the altar where it rests. The Star Wars Lego Holiday Special, in all its warm and fuzzy glory, is a nice addition to the holiday season, but it cannot entirely redeem the dumpster fire that is the original. Poe replies joy. Rey promises not to miss the party while BB-8 decides to leave. Individuals celebrate Life Day aboard the Millennium Falcon. Rey leaves her friends to prepare for Life Day as she sets off on an adventure to gain a deeper knowledge of the Force. When Rey puts down the crystal, the door closes. Rey meditates and uses the Force to light up the other crystals in the cave. Vader explains that this is a key that allows them to travel through space and time. I guarantee that you do not. Waugh and Rimes hope The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special would be timeless[5] despite the current age of nonstop content,[8] becoming a tradition celebrated alongside Rudolph and Frosty for people who love Star Wars, LEGO, and holiday specials. Rey thinks she can train Finn by travelling back in time to watch other Jedi Masters train their students. The Emperor sends Darth Vader to fetch Luke Skywalker from the Forest Moon of Endor. On December 9, 2020, the Star Wars YouTube channel launched a LEGO Star Wars Holiday Contest based on the film in coordination with Star Wars: Force for Change, robotics builders club FIRST, and the LEGO Group. Rey brushes aside snow covering a circular doorway and uses the Force to summon a blue-green crystal, which she believes to be the key to the galaxy's past but wonders what it opens. Copyright 2020 NPR. Poe asks why they invited Max since nobody has listened to him in thirty years. Rey wonders what she is doing wrong. The goal for the holiday special thus became to bring over 40 years of Star Wars together, and a 'bucket dump' moment was envisioned for it. ), (If I were to tell you that another writer credited was named Mitzie Welch — and I am, I am telling you that — your reaction to the fact that someone named Mitzie was partly responsible would probably go something like, “No, yeah, I kinda figured that, somehow.”). Lego Star Wars Holiday Special. Poe asks who is up for party games but this doesn't work. Rey recognizes him as a younger Master Skywalker while Darth Vader recognizes his son but pretends to be referring to the twin suns of Tatooine. At a mysterious temple, she is hurled into a cross-timeline adventure. They open a portal in the ground, taking some stormtroopers and Death troopers with them. The two fight over the green crystal key, causing the key to open a portal sucking them inside. As Luke and R2-D2 fly their starfighter through the Death Star trench, Rey and BB-8 land in the cockpit, interrupting Luke as he is trying to aim his starfighter's cannon at the reactor shaft. At the second Death Star, the Emperor spins in his chair when Lord Vader returns with the green crystal key. Like a lengthy interlude featuring a troupe of holographic acrobats performing a routine that’s 20 percent Cirque du Soleil, 20 percent Studio 54 and 60 percent the very concept of cocaine. We'll come back to this! The motion generated by Sebulba's podracer engines triggers the crystal key, which sucks everyone onto the planet Exegol. Rey says she has to go for his sake. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special (2020) Premiere Date: November 17, 2020. Rey tells Yoda that she failed to teach Finn and to stop Darth Vader and find a way out of here. I would have liked it better if The Rise of Skywalker hadn’t dropped so many threads introduced in The Last Jedi, so imagine my surprise when The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special, of all things, started picking them up again. Length: 44 minutes! Back on Kordoku, Luke Skywalker asks where they are and who Rey is. D-O is lonely while Poe experiences an allergic reaction caused by the Wookiee fur and tree pollen on Kashyyyk. Poe and Zorii also spend a tender moment together. Poe invites Finn to cut up the tip-yip but Rey gives Finn the honors of doing so. It does still have its moments though and is overall a fun time, but it's just a bit disappointing. The creative team on the special took inspiration from their own favorite holiday classics, such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Planes, Trains and Automobiles, as well as by observing how children played with LEGO Star Wars. Before he can do so, BB-8 blocks his path long enough for Rey to intercept his blade with her lightsaber. She manages to activate the portal and escape. The Emperor activates the time portal with the crystal and invites Kylo Ren to change their destiny. So, even though George Lucas and Co. ordered that it never be broadcast again, and, further, that it be completely wiped from the Jedi Archives like some kind of cheese-tastic variety-show Kamino, bootleg copies circulated at cons, and inevitably migrated online, as is the way of such things. Rey says this is the worst Life Day ever while Luke drinks blue milk. Solo hears that over the intercom and tells Skywalker he is welcome, believing that Skywalker was referring to him. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special At that point, they are interrupted by Lando Calrissian, who praises Poe and his team's effort. The short spans only 45 minutes, making it the perfect length – any longer and the schtick would have run dry. Overall though, this is a cute enough Lego-style tribute to the Star Wars franchise, but sadly it spreads its gimmick far too thinly across a 45 minute length. Before we chew over the new LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special, reader, it behooves us to embrace the historical perspective. Writer(s) The promotional video featured Kelly Marie Tran, who had played Rose Tico in the Sequel trilogy.[12]. Where to begin. The past Lord Vader exerts his authority, prompting a lightsaber duel between the two Vaders. She tells Finn to be mindful of his surroundings and asks if he can feel the remote. So little is known about this prop because of the limited reference available. Just then, a time portal appears and Rey exits. I belong to the cohort of fans who like the final trilogy just fine, thank you very much. Call it Loud Mime. The Emperor orders Ren to destroy them. Rey believes she can learn something from this. What It Is: Pretty good, is what. Yoda explains that Life Day is a holiday of friendship, family and connection. Poe asks what is going on. We’ll come back to this! It even includes references to the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special, which, as I trust I have amply illustrated, was a fiasco, stuffed inside a debacle, wrapped in the guy who voiced The Great Gazoo. Just then, the portal opens and a snowtrooper and two stormtroopers land on Sebulba's Podracer. Just then R2-D2 starts beeping and Luke loses his concentration. We'll come back to … Ford performs with whatever the opposite of gusto is. So apart from its various and sundry other grievous sins, it pre-empted episodes of both The Incredible Hulk and Wonder Woman. As Rey flips through the book, she wonders what she is not doing right. Some elements unique to the special also work nicely. Before Skywalker can thank Rey, she travels back in time. While the Sith Lord tries to figure out what the device is, Rey charges at him with her lightsaber. Rey takes the younger Luke Skywalker back to Tatooine. However, Rey's course deviates from traveling to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk as she is hurled[1] by a key into an adventure across space and time[4] at a Jedi temple, meeting various figures of galactic history. Like and subscribe! Rey and Lord Vader continue their fight. While reading the book, Rey smiles. Holding Luke's hand, she commands the crystals to circle around them. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special seems designed to effectively neutralise a lot of the stench of The Star Wars Holiday Special by repurposing the core concept and idea in a manner that is easier to package and distribute without potentially harming the overall brand. Disney+ is the dedicated streaming home for movies and shows from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic, and more. Imperial troops invade Chewie’s house and search it, Art Carney outsmarts them (!) The fact that she gets more lines of dialogue in this silly thing than she did in the entirety of The Rise of Skywalker is … well, it’s sad, frankly, but I’ll take it, because you know why? Premiere Date: November 17, 2020. Kylo Ren decides to update his guests about history but the Emperor tells him to put a shirt on. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special (2020) Premiere Date: November 17, 2020. Ren is surprised to see his uncle. She tells BB-8 that he will be fine because he is one tough Jedi even though he does not know it yet. Aboard the second Death Star, Emperor Palpatine gloats over his trap for the Alliance Fleet above Endor. More Rose. We'll come back to this! (In fact, all of the electronic equipment in the special has a very 1970s burnt-ochre Texas Instruments feel.). Helen SadlerOmar MillerJake GreenKelly Marie TranMatthew SloanBilly Dee Williams They’ll be incensed, and they’ll stew, because when this particular subset of fandom is angry is when they feel most themselves. Just then, the portal opens and Anakin and Sebula's podracers race past. On Mustafar, Obi-Wan Kenobi and the fallen Anakin Skywalker, who has become Darth Vader, are dueling on platforms above the molten lake. Shortly later, three Wookiees arrive. Rey, the future Vader, the snow troopers, Kenobi, and Anakin slide down the time portal as the lava flows down a valley. Case in point: Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose. Happy New Year! Rey tells Skywalker to listen to his master. Music by Just then, Luke Skywalker asks who are they. I … Length: Two hours. The Main Thing About It, Though: It drags. Rey then comes with the brown Jedi book and reads a passage telling her to visit the temple on Kordoku on Life Day where a key to the galaxy's past will help make a Jedi's future clearer. The Emperor hurls the mug through the portal, prompting Vader to complain that he had to search hard for it on Batuu. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special is a production of Atomic Cartoons, the LEGO Group, and Lucasfilm. Which tracks. [5] Along with Matthew Wood, David W. Collins worked on the sound for the holiday special at Skywalker Sound. Members get extended access to PBS video on demand and more. The two younger Wookiees go for the food while an older grey Wookiee attempts to eat a porg but is stopped by Chewbacca. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special is a LEGO short film that debuted on Disney+ on November 17, 2020. Luke grumbles that the blood is starting to rush to his head but Yoda tells him to concentrate. This is not just a quick show that allows families to celebrate Christmas and “Star Wars” together. Except … Well. The Emperor then unleashes Force lightning on Darth Vader, crippling him. [1] However, she must return home in time for Life Day.[5]. Attribution information : Good question. The Emperor orders Ren to destroy Skywalker. Skywalker hears the Force spirit of Kenobi telling him to use the Force. He also throws the Emperor's mug down, wishing him a "happy Life Day." One of the Wookiees hurls BB-8. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special (2020) Premiere Date: November 17, 2020. Just as Rey and BB-8 enter through the time portal, Vader reminds the Emperor that today is Life Day. In the special, set after Episode IX , Rey begins to doubt her abilities as a teacher to Finn. Rey realizes that they have traveled back in time to when Luke was training on Dagobah under Yoda's tutelage. The Emperor uses the Force to repair Kylo Ren's helmet. Kenobi implores Luke to use the Force. BB-8 follows but is covered by snow. The past Lord Vader walks into the base with a contingent of Cold weather assault stormtrooper. Aboard the second Death Star, the Emperor and Kylo Ren regale about the Death Stars and Starkiller Base. A Tuesday. Length: 44 minutes! His family is celebrating Life Day, the Wookiee celebration of hope and peace and what have you. Rey convinces a reluctant BB-8 to follow her aboard the Trade Federation battleship Saak'ak where Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi are waiting to meet the Trade Federation for negotiations during the Naboo trade dispute. Rey says yes and he wishes her a happy Life Day. What It Is: Pretty good, is what. … Yoda tells him that there is no try. Kenobi senses that Anakin is eager to see Padmé but he reminds him that they are on a mission. A fact that seems surprising at first and then, suddenly, completely and irrevocably not. A Tuesday. The Emperor grumbles about Kylo Ren being the Supreme Leader but their voices are heard by Kylo Ren, who is excited to see his grandfather and the Emperor. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special was released on November 17, 2020 on Disney+, a sequel to and satirisation of the Star Wars Holiday Special (1978). With freedom restored, Life Day could once again be celebrated. The special has a running time of 44 minutes, which is the perfect length for families with younglings. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas!! Plot: Hoo boy. Poe is excited and starts to enjoy the music. He says that he has witnessed its awesome power and believes they can use it to rule the galaxy. When Rey and Vader charge after him, he tells them it is a private farm. The Emperor is impressed and asks Kylo Ren if he has a mask. I need more Holiday Special references! The Emperor invites Rey to join him as his newest apprentice. They are interrupted by Poe Dameron, who tells them that they have got a Life Day party to set up. A frustrated Finn asks if she is sure that he is meant to become a Jedi. [9] Chee later changed his Twitter header image to that of Finn preparing to sing on the Holiday Special, and his Twitter account status to "Huttese songwriter". Partaking of new family traditions is one of the joys of joining a religious community. 33 images (& sounds) of the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special cast of characters. They race after the podracers, sirens blaring. All those nonsensical interludes — the tumbling routine, Space-Diahann, Jefferson Starship, All! She says that good will always triumph over evil. Star Wars LEGO Holiday Cheer, A Mando Mondays Mystery, and More! Yoda tells her that he will show her what she failed to see before showing her a Force vision of her friends celebrating Life Day aboard the Millennium Falcon. Tags: Disney Plus, Lego Star Wars, LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special, Review, Star Wars, The Star Wars Holiday Special, TV Review The fall of 1978 must have been a strange time to be a Star Wars … Plus, the scenes of Chewie’s family aren’t subtitled, so it’s just three people in furry costumes incessantly grunting and snarling at each other while gesticulating broadly. Poe is followed by Rose Tico, C-3PO, R2-D2 and Chewbacca. Rey and Darth Vader land on opposite sides of the engines of Anakin's podracer. A horrified General Hux sneaks out of the room. Production information Rey lands her X-wing and approaches the entrance to the temple, a narrow way through rock-face. That’s right: Let’s talk Korman, you and I. To Rey's surprise, Ren deactivates his lightsaber, offers his hand and invites her to rule the galaxy with him. They are interrupted by Vader, whose presence the Emperor does not welcome. (Photos 2 through 6 courtesy of Stuart Immonen Lego Star Wars Replicas). Rey attempts to summon the crystal but it generates a portal on the hull of an Xyston-class Star Destroyer, sucking everyone include a group of First Order stormtroopers in with them. Back at the Kordoku, Rey regrets her recklessness. Vader is impressed but the Emperor asks Kylo Ren if he would betray his master under any circumstances. Like Harvey Korman as a lovestruck cantina bar patron who drinks liquor via an opening at the top of his head. The End. With the Sith distracted, Rey departs with the younger Luke and BB-8. If that seems to you like just a flimsy excuse to have Rey meet characters from every Star Wars movie and their spin-offs, pour yourself a blue milk. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special (2020) Premiere Date: November 17, 2020. Kenobi is bored but Master Jinn tells him that Jedi do not seek adventures. The Emperor is caught off-guard and Rey takes the opportunity to throw Kylo Ren into Vader. The! They’re solid, mostly. The Emperor attacks her with Force lightning and threatens to destroy both Skywalkers, Ren, and Vader if she does not join him. To put it simply, it is not good. Rey suggests that one of them could do the tip-yip but Finn reminds her that it is about family. Outlet: Disney+ Length: 44 minutes! Aboard the Millennium Falcon on the planet Kashyyyk, Finn trains with a Marksman-H training remote while wielding Rey's yellow lightsaber. This article covers a subject containing comic or obvious non-canon material or that Lucasfilm otherwise declared non-canon in the canon continuity. For another: A holiday special featuring the main stars of the film Star Wars and … just … so much else. Rey then takes the various combatants back to their time zones before returning to the Jedi Temple on Kordoku. Ren attempts to use the Force to get the key from BB-8, but it fly passes him to Rey. [Source]. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special is a fun addition to the Star Wars universe! The two clone troopers realize they don't see podracers everyday, voicing their excitement over the racers' sudden appearance in unison. You’ll want to take a quick shower to get the stink off you. Confused, the Emperor asks Ren who Ben is. The film begins with Yoda establishing that the First Order and the Sith were no more, saying that peace has spread across the galaxy. Rey remarks that he has no idea who. Ditto Rey training Finn — a notion that the films only feinted at, but that here drives the entire plot. We must cite precedent, examine trend lines, peruse the vicissitudes of causation. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special (2020) Premiere Date: November 17, 2020. The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special is a LEGO short film that debuted on Disney+ on November 17, 2020. The past Lord Vader and his troops encounter the future Lord Vader. When Luke suggests that trying is a good thing, Yoda responds that participation trophies are not for Jedi. -Doesn't bring justice to the name enough! A Tuesday. [7] Eventually, Lucasfilm found itself talking about holiday specials, and the heritage of coming together and watching holiday specials every year, as well as how beloved and timeless such things are. The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special. Become a member of WLIW21 ($5 monthly or $60 annually) and get access to WLIW21 Passport as our thanks for your support. Rey is excited to see the older Jedi. He activates the portal and departs with the mug. What It Is: Pretty good, is what. Finding that children made use of all elements of the franchise, mixing LEGO from different Star Wars time periods, James Waugh and Josh Rimes—vice president managing franchise content and strategy and director of animation development at Lucasfilm, respectively—discussed how a story could be crafted that allowed for such integration. Right in there. There she witnesses a younger Luke Skywalker training under Yoda's tutelage while R2-D2 watches. Rey realizes that these masters and students shared a friendship. I mean, it’s pure fan-service and little more than that, but at the end of the day? The portal opens, dumping everyone on the desert. There are a lot of laughs, and a lot of fan service. I mean, it's pure fan-service and little more than that, but at the end of the day? Chewbacca roars in frustration. Meanwhile Han Solo shoots Vader's escort TIE fighters and damages Vader's TIE Advanced, causing it to spin out of control. Huge. Rose says that Life Day is about being with friends and family. I mean it was just lying there. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Photos of the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special (Show) voice actors. Luke pushes Rey out of the way as he tries to find his targeting computer. Poe quips that it is about the tip-yip until Rose punches him playfully. Rose points out that she has invited Max Rebo to set up a drum. She remind him that a Jedi must let go. In the future, the now Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is fiddling about shirtless in his chambers when General Armitage Hux stumbles on him. Outlet: Disney+. Above, the aurora borealis glows over the mountain temple. Yoda tells Luke to concentrate.

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