psnp ethiopia 2019

Ethiopia Productive Safety Net Programme phase 4 (PSNP 4) Changing the way in which households, communities and different levels of government do things in … “Looking at the difference made by the rural safety nets on the lives of the vulnerable population, the government of Ethiopia decided to initiate a similar program to support the poorest segment of the urban population,” said the Minister. Posted by The Ethiopia Observatory (TEO). US$ 378 m six-month (May- October 2019) net funding requirements. 2 Introduction • Beginning in 2005, the Government of Ethiopia with support from its development partners has implemented the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) • Outside of South Africa, the PSNP is the largest social protection program in sub-Saharan Africa 3. The Ethiopian government spends 1.1 percent of GDP on PSNP and a complementary scheme called the Household Asset Building Program (HABP). Ethiopia first introduced public-sector pensions and work injury laws in 1963, as part of its social insurance system. While Ethiopia battles residual needs from the 2015/2016 El Niño-induced drought, below average 2016 autumn rains in the southern and southeastern parts of the country have led to a new drought in lowland pastoralist areas, as well as in pocket areas across the country. One of the main problems with the humanitarian system is that responses are often delayed and can be inappropriate. 129 Indeed, the productive focus integrated into the PSNP as part of the government’s attempt to construct a ‘developmental state’ mirrors the literature … The program Downloaded from by University of Manchester user on 16 April 2019 THE POLITICAL DRIVERS OF ETHIOPIA’S PSNP 21 800 700 600 Contribution ($m) 500 Donor finance 400 GoE cash contribution 300 GoE operational costs 200 100 0 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Figure 2 Financial commitments to the PSNP … The Board approves the Ethiopia interim country strategic plan (2019–2020) (WFP/EB.1/2019/6-B/2) at a total cost to WFP of USD 871,337,120. The annual needs-based plan for the ICSP of USD 623 million was funded at 81 percent. STRENGTHEN ETHIOPIA’S ADAPTIVE SAFETY NET (SEASN) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK (ESMF) Draft. WVE’s Operational Areas in Ethiopia 2019-08-25 7 ... •Site selection criteria : •400-800 RF •Dependency on PSNP •Population density 2019-08-25 DryDev Ethiopia program. “This first phase is envisaged to support over 600,000 beneficiaries in 11 cities in Ethiopia,” he said. Needs assessments are often conducted only once the effects of a crisis have manifested themselves. Ethiopia’s productive safety net programme (PSNP), is currently filling the food shortage gap by providing food (approximately 80% of the programme) to the chronically food insecure during pre -harvest shortages and cash to access markets post -harvest (as part of a cash … An appeal for funds then follows, and resources are mobilised and delivered, usually some months after the need has been identified and the crisis has hit. ", "Since the land was taken away from us we are impoverished. The success of the project will depend on a strong implementation arrangement, capacity and commitment at all levels, noted the Director. 21 January 2021 Addis Ababa – With funding from the European Union (EU), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has procured a USD 921 000 machine that will enhance the production of thermo-tolerant Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) vaccine in Ethiopia. She said that the World Bank team would continue to provide the necessary technical support to the UPSNP project. Stakeholder Engagement Plan Ethiopia Desert Locust Response August 21, 2020. ADDIS ABABA, Jan. 12 (Xinhua) — Ethiopia and the World Bank (WB) on Tuesday signed a loan agreement of 300 million U.S. dollars, which will be used to finance urban productive safety net project in the East African country. October 2019 . PSNP IN ETHIOPIA .   The program will reach close to 130,000 households in 36 woredas across the Ethiopian highlands. Facilitated by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), ESSP II works closely with the government of Ethiopia, the With more than 112 million people (2019), Ethiopia is the second most populous nation in Africa after Nigeria, and the fastest growing economy in the region. Ethiopia’s PSNP provides chronically food-insecure households and the poor with cash and food transfers through two mechanisms: Public Works for poor people with labour capacity and unconditional grants for poor people who are unable to work. ADDIS ABABA (MoF) – Two grant agreements amounting to £120 million (ETB 4.23 billion) were signed on 23rd August 2019 between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) and the United Kingdom at a ceremony held at FDRE’s Ministry of Finance in Addis Ababa (MoF). Food security analysis conducted in six regions of Ethiopia indicates that, despite ongoing assistance, an estimated 8 million people (27% of the 28.7 million people analysed) were severely food insecure in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) or worse between July and September 2019. The Government of Ethiopia (GoE) and multi-partner Joint Review & Implementation Support (JRIS) Mission started on 17th May 2019 with a kick off meeting to identify and agree on high-level priorities for the mission. Ethiopia aims to reach lower-middle-income status by 2025. The urban productive safety net project (UPSNP) is the first flagship urban safety net in Africa, said the WB Country Director. Ethiopia Country Climate Risk Assessment Report (2018) Support Needs for the Implementation of Ethiopia's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), 2019 Climate-Fragility Risk Brief: Ethiopia (2019) Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Agriculture and Food Security in Ethiopia: Technical Report (2013) ", Africa succumbs to colonial-style land grab * This is a draft decision. In Ethiopia, the process of early warning, assessment, a… This publication was produced at the request of the United States Agency for International Development. ======= The past two decades have seen a rapid increase of social protection programs in African countries to alleviate poverty, food insecurity, and vulnerability of poor households (World World Bank, 2012).Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is one of the largest social protection schemes in sub-Saharan Africa and has been implemented since 2005. Motivation • Since 2005, PSNP addressed poverty and food insecurity –reduced the food gap by 1.3 months and increased livestock holdings by 1.4 TLU after 5 years (Berhane et al 2014) Bellmon Analysis 2019/20 . “The project will contribute to the realization of Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan II (second GTP) ensuring that the urban poor and vulnerable receive a predictable safety net and the support they require to experience faster income growth,” said Turk. Tags: $300 mln agreement, abdelaziz mohammed, carolyn turk, finance minister, inclusive growth, income improvement scheme, Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP), upsnp five-year project, urban poor, urban productive safety net program (upsnp), World Bank, "When they [government officials] first came they told us an investor was coming and we would develop the land alongside one another. Finally, Ethiopia’s PSNP provides one developing country example in which the design of social protection policy is adapted to the demands of the underlying production regime, as has often been argued with respect to social policy in welfare states. WASHINGTON, September 14, 2017 — The World Bank today approved a $600 million International Development Association (IDA)* grant to support the Government of Ethiopia’s vision of building a national safety net system to provide effective support in chronically food insecure rural areas, including providing cover during droughts.. The Rural Productive Safety Net Project (RPSNP) … The Ethiopia Strategy Support Program II is an initiative to strengthen evidence-based policymaking in Ethiopia in the areas of rural and agricultural development. The urban productive safety net project, which will be implemented over five years with a total cost of 450 million dollars, aims to improving income of urban poor households and establishing urban safety net mechanisms in Ethiopia. Ethiopia | Annual Country Report 2019 8 In 2019, WFP transitioned from two Protracted Relief and Recovery Operations, one Country Programme, a Special Operation, and a Trust Fund, to the Interim Country Strategic Plan (ICSP, 2019-2020). Turning Ethiopia’s economic growth into inclusive growth with World Bank resources. Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) Final Draft Document. • In FY 2019, FH developed 13 springs and 8 wells in five woredas, providing access to drinking water for nearly 2,900 participants. Ethiopia introduced a Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP), which is its first social assistance programme, in 2005. In March and August 2019, we conducted face-to-face surveys with mothers of children under the age of 24 months to assess how access to Ethiopia’s flagship social protection program, the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) had affected their food security and nutritional status. Background on PSNP and TASC Productive Safety Net Program Phase Four (PSNP4) and Rural Productive Safety Net Program (RPSNP): The PSNP and RPSNP are integral components of the rural development policy of the government of Ethiopia, to support Ethiopia’s chronically and transitory food insecure rural households. It is modeled after the rural productive safety net program (PSNP), whose success could not exceed in rural areas beyond keeping body and soul together for the poorest of the poor! Italy voices willingness to mediate between Egypt and Ethiopia, Morsy’s talks with politicians, Ethiopia “war” broadcast on TV spurs criticism, Mubarak era power play on the Nile must give way to genuine Basin-wide cooperation: The Nile River: Least developed of all major international rivers, Museveni dismisses Egypt's claims over Ethiopia's Nile dam threat, Nile Council of Ministers Approve NBI Work Plan 2011-2012, Nile River Dispute Between Egypt, Ethiopia Sparks Tensions, Renaissance Dam attains 90 percent financial traget, claims official, South Sudan: Govt Urges Egypt, Ethiopia to Cooperate On Nile, Sudan and Egypt clash over Ethiopia's Nile dam, Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia agree on committee for Nile dam, Sudanese FM says his country impartial in Egypt-Ethiopia crisis over Renaissance Dam, Timeframe set to complete study on effects of Ethiopian dam, Turkish analysts say Ethiopia acting unilaterally on Blue Nile dam, UN chief urges Egypt, Ethiopia to resolve differences on dam project through dialogue. World Vision: World Vision Ethiopia: East Africa Children's Crisis Situation Report | June 1 - June 30, 2019 29 Jul 2019 Ethiopia OCHA: 2019 Ethiopia … ET Productive Safety Nets Project 4 (PSNP 4) (P146883) 4/30/2019 Page 2 of 10 Implementation Status and Key Decisions (Public Disclosure) PSNP continued to deliver transfers (food, cash, or mix) to about 2.5 million households (8 million beneficiaries) across 350 woredas. However, it is also one of the poorest, with a per capita income of $850. It was prepared independently by PM Consulting Group and George Gray, under the Innovative Design Services contract (#7200AA18C00078 ). News, analysis, current affairs, opinions, politics, society, economy, development. Is Ethiopia’s rendezvous with history really arriving, or are we in some fantasy? Together with the rural productive safety net project (RPSNP), the program will promote the Government commitment to expanding productive safety net to a national coverage, she added. Both schemes are largely donor funded. Targeting and the Productive Safety Nets Programme (PSNP) Guush Berhane (& PSNP evaluation team) Inclusive Transformation of Rural Ethiopia: Patterns and Options Addis Ababa, Ethiopia May 2, 2019 2. FH is also constructing latrines and roof water harvesting structures to improve community access to potable water. • Additionally, in FY 2019… Strengthen Ethiopia’s Adaptive Safety Net (SEASN), Strengthen Ethiopia’s Adaptive Safety Net (SEASN) PSNP V​, SEASN PSNP5 Updated ESMF Dec 162020 with track, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK (ESMF) Final Draft​, Environmental and social management framework (ESMF) Draft final Document, FINAL DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL and SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP), STRENGTHEN ETHIOPIA’S ADAPTIVE SAFETY NET (SEASN), ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK (ESMF) Draft, Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) Final Draft Document, Stakeholder Engagement Plan Ethiopia Desert Locust Response August  21, 2020, Labor Management Procedure- Locust Response Project  P173702-August  21, 2020, Emergency Locust Response Program -P173702 Social Assessment August   21, 2020, GBV-SEA-SH Action Plan for EDLRP -August 21, 2020 - Clean, P173702 ET Locust Response Project Draft ESCP April 15, 2020, P173702 ET Locust Response Project Draft LMP April 15, 2020, P173702 ET Locust Response Project Draft SEP, April 15, 2020, Natural resources and food security sector, Agricultural inputs and production market sector. Abdulaziz Mohamed, Ethiopian Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation (MoFEC), and Carolyn Turk, WB Country Director for Ethiopia, signed the agreement at a ceremony held on the premises of MoFEC in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa. Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page. The urban safety net project was inspired by the success gained by the rural productive safety net project implemented over several years since 2005 here in the country, said Abdulaziz during the signing ceremony. This was followed by the Regional and Federal JRIS Missions from May 20 – 24, 2019 and May 29-31, 2019, respectively. Nothing has gone right for us, since these investors came. “Livelihoods for Resilience” works in support of the livelihoods component of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP 4) and collaborates closely with Ethiopian government counterparts at all levels. For the final decision adopted by the Board, please refer to the decisions and recommendations document issued at the end of the session. The objective will be achieved through provision of cash transfers, financial and technical support to access livelihood opportunities, building the capacity of institutions to effectively deliver the support, and developing core systems for delivery of safety nets and complementary livelihood services, according to MoFEC. Channel 4 News, 7 January 2012. The goal for USAID/Ethiopia’s1 2019-2024 Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) is: Ethiopia transitions to a more democratic, prosperous, and resilient society, with accountable institutions and private-sector led growth. Diets, Affordability and Policy in Ethiopia: From Evidence to Action Addis Ababa | December 12, 2019. Error: Twitter did not respond. To achieve this goal, USAID/Ethiopia will partner with the Government of Ethiopia (GOE), other donors, the private Ethiopia Productive Safety Nets programme (PSNP) : the history, objectives, and coverage Poster designed with FAO support, and using various sources of data From Livelihood trajectories to graduation: information sharing and learning from Ethiopia Incentives for graduation: to what extend have the incentives at the administration and household June 2019 Regular monitoring of SA activities and ensuring linkages to PSNP management decision-making; Semi-annual progress reports on the status of PSNP ESAP 3 results and PSNP management and decision making May 2019 October 2019 Improving Financial Transparency and Accountability Tailored FTA template developed March 2019 I don't understand why the government took the land. Labor Management Procedure- Locust Response Project P173702-August 21, 2020 The Ethiopian Government will contribute 150 million dollars of the project’s total cost of 450 million dollars, according to the Minister. She further said UPSNP would contribute to the Government’s strategic commitment to promoting inclusive growth and ensuring shared prosperity. 1. It is a collaboration between Ethiopia’s Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the OECD Development Centre and the Ethiopian Development Research Institute carried out as part of the European Union Social Protection Systems Programme. Ethiopia, WB sign UPSNP $300 mln loan agrt on improving urban income of poorest of the poor – the rural productive safety net program (PSNP) extension, urban productive safety net program (upsnp), Potential solutions to Egypt-Ethiopia dam dispute remain murky, 27 percent of bank transactions add up to ETB 11.6 billion towards the Renaissance Dam, Aida, Verdi's opera, stands ou as reminder of the ongoing Nile Dilemma, ‹‹ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር ከመደራደር ይልቅ ሌሎች አማራጮችን መውሰድ እንፈልጋለን›› የግብፅ የውኃ ሚኒስትር, ለታላቁ የህዳሴ ግድብ ግንባታ አዳዲስ የገቢ ማስገኛ ፕሮጀክቶች ተዘጋጁ-የህዳሴ ግድብ ግንባታ ብሔራዊ ምክር ቤት, ለታላቁ የኢትዮጵያ የሕዳሴ ግድብ ግንባታ ቃል ከተገባው ገንዘብ ከግማሽ በላይ ተሰብስቧል, ኢትዮጵያ በአባይ የውሃ አጠቃቀም ላይ ያላት አቋም ለሌሎች ሀገራት ምሳሌ የሚሆን ነው … አቶ አለማየሁ ተገኑ, ኢትዮጵያ ከግብፅ ጋር የተስማማችባቸውና ያልተስማማችባቸው ነጥቦች ይፋ ተደረጉ, የህዳሴ ግድብ በተቀመጠለት የጊዜ ገደብ ይጠናቀቃል- የውሃ፣ መስኖና ኢነርጂ ሚኒስቴር, Cairo knew of planned Blue Nile diversion in advance: Govt source, Cracks show in Egyptian opposition bloc after Moussa's Brotherhood meeting, Dozens protest Blue Nile dam move outside Ethiopia's Cairo embassy, Egypt could be harmed by Ethiopian dam: Irrigation ministry, Egypt demands Ethiopia halt Nile dam, upping stakes, Egypt irrigation minister hints at covert response to Ethiopia dam project, Egypt says it would take action to guarantee its water security, Egypt should end 'chauvinistic' statements over dam: Uganda president, Egypt's Coptic pope holds meeting on Nile row before meeting Ethiopian counterpart, Egypt's image of Africa needs to improve: Morsi's advisor, Egypt-Ethiopia water dispute escalates after threatening remarks, Egypt: FM – Egypt Offers to Finance Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam, Egypt: FM Meets UN Chief to Discuss Syria, Libya, Ethiopian Dam Crises, Egypt: Politicians Advise Attacking Ethiopia, Egypt’s Instability Triggers a New Proxy War Against Ethiopia and its Allies, Egyptian anchorwoman suspended after live row with Ethiopia envoy Ahram Online 19:35 Sun, 22 Jun 2014, Egyptian diplomats left red-faced after Nile dam meeting broadcast live, ElBaradei apology to Ethiopia ‘disgusting’: Salafist Nour Party spokesman, ElBaradei calls on Morsy to apologize to Ethiopia, ElBaradei Warns Against Repercussions of Sinai, Ethiopia Crises, Entebbe Agreement not binding on Egypt: Minister of irrigation, Ethiopia dam could lead to 'disaster' for Egypt: Irrigation minister, Ethiopia dam is 'declaration of war': Al-Gamaa Al-Islamiya, Ethiopia summons Egypt's ambassador over Nile dam, Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam 32 pct completed, efforts 'intensifying': Ethiopian spokesman, Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan to meet on Nile waters by end of August, Ethiopia: Halting Dam's Construction Unthinkable, Ethiopian irrigation minister invites Egypt for more 'Renaissance Dam' talks, Ethiopian refugees protest persecution over dam project, FANTASTIC JOURNEY ON THE NILE OF JOANNA LUMLEY NILLY, Filling Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam with water would take five to six years, Ethiopian minister, FM Fahmy: Ashton didn't propose any reconciliation plan; discusses Nile issues, Former Egyptian commander: Striking Ethiopia dam 'impossible', GERD to start generate 700MW by next year, Internal Divisions Weigh on Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. 3 Introduction This presentation has three objectives: 1. The current phase of PSNP (2010-2014) which includes HABP, costs more than $2 billion. Operational Updates • A total of 8.3 million Ethiopians require humanitarian assistance in 2019. 1. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! In 2003 and 2011 respectively, sickness and maternity laws and private-sector pensions were introduced. Introduction. 5 m people assisted in April 2019. Progress is being made – such as the revision of repressive laws – but for the average Ethiopian life remains challenging. 2 Ethiopia: Pro-poor policies put in place; challenged by persistent and chronic food insecurity due to recurring droughts. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. In 2019, Ethiopia continued its programme of political reforms, although momentum seems to be waning. Conflicts over resources and (perceived) injustices from the past lead to violence, often along ethnic lines. Ethiopia . long-term financing of social protection in Ethiopia. They didn't say the land would be taken away from us entirely.

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