borderlands 3 side missions glitched

Since I have it done it shows up still.The last one is “Baby Dancer” from Claptrap on the ship at the end of the game after you’ve done everything else with Claptrap, which takes you to Devil’s Razor. Sorry to hear this bugged on you, literally the most annoying thing that can glitch out 🙁Ok, thanks! It’s worth noting that some quests (Circles of Slaughter, Trials) don’t get tracked in the log:There are 10 side missions in the 1st DLC Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot. Once they release a patch for the wrong counters it should show correctly but in the meantime even with glitched counters the trophies / achievements unlock fine.Have you done the quest childhood end in konrad’s rest? Here you can find Walkthroughs for all Side Missions in Borderlands 3. For Borderlands 3 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Is the Just A Prick side mission glitched?". I can not find anything online about what I’m missing. The repeatable burger quest isn’t the one you’re missing there.Do all side quests have to be done on one playthrough for the trophy or can I do some on Normal and some in TVHM?They have to be completed in single difficulty mode (playthrough).I can confirm you do NOT need to do any of the Sanctuary rare bounty board quests for the trophy. If you are really sure you did everything listed here but didn’t get the trophy, then what I would do is to load a save before last side mission, reinstall the game, redo last side mission and hope that triggers the trophy. Cause that would mean that the “Kill xy” Sidequests doenst count for the Trophy.Are the kill requests supposed reappear after you complete them?That’s normal, all kill quests reappear after a while. Some of the links are still being added over the next few days but all missions are on the list.1) For the Dynasty Dash side-missions, the name of the one in Eden-6 and Pandora slightly changes when they become “repeatable” after initially beating it (i.e. It completes in devils razor, rolands rest.

I’ve done all 6, a couple of them several times. The randomly spawning kill requests from Sanctuary’s notice board are not required for the trophy so they can be skipped.Rare Randomly spawning Kill Requests (Notice Board):These are all side missions in Borderlands 3 (BL3). Borderlands 3 is chock full of main missions and side quests. Then there is Eden- 6… I was everywhere and still missing somethingI’ll release guides for the locations over the next days. Then when you go near the quest marker it shows up again. Doing Trials and Circles of Slaughter again might be worth a shot, but might also not solve anything.The event missions are not needed for trophies / achievements.Did i have to do this with the Same character ? This helps.In case you want an alphabetical view to match to your Missions tab:“Getting a little on the side” trophy glitch on me did all the side missions . In this article, I’ll list about the top side quests you should do in Borderlands 3 if you want to play it through slowly or you’re revisiting after completing the main game!If a side mission isn’t available it will mean you need to complete or talk to someone before you can access it.Subscribe to our Newsletter for new blog posts, tips and more! The repeatable burger quest isn’t the one you’re missing there.That’s because all Dynasty Diner’s second missions are repeatable. Dynasty Dash: Eden-6 becomes Dynasty Dash: Floodmoor Basin). is the “repeatable” side-mission a new one, or is the name change just a bug? Pandora is the circle of slaughter.

I have every side mission on your list, I have the trophy for the Slaughter Shafts, but I cant get the Proving Grounds trophy.

The last is any dancer for the ninth. A list of all optional side missions in Borderlands 3 and how to start them. Mine also shows 3/4 and I got the trophy, other days it shows 3/3, the in-game trackers are all broken and should be ignored.Hey PowerPyx, thanks for all your work on this. Do you need to repeat them once more (i.e. marks on the map but after I got two the others where goneYes, had the same happen a bunch of times. I have 203/194 crew challenges and 57/46 quick traveling points. I got the trophy anyway, it doesn’t void anything. Step 3: Crew Challenges For this A nightmare if its the latter.2) Where on Sanctuary is the notice board?

mark disappearing off the map, it’s happened to me twice now and both times they haven’t come back As a example when I entered lectra city there was 4 ! I know you said that these SHOULD respawn, but do they respawn at the same location or could it be anywhere in that area? Wtf idk what to do?The tracking in orbit is completely broken. !turns out you don’t need to finish the rarely spawning kill side quests to get the trophy.Wildlife Conservation didn’t spawn for me after finishing Life of the Party…any advice?You need to reach Konrad’s Hold area first, which is where the main part of the quest takes place.Question: does matchmaking for the circles of slaughter count towards this trophy?Mission list is all complete now.

the complete all side missions trophy is my last trophy to platinum and these two mission cannot be playedSo at the top you say there are 72 side missions, but in the orbit menu where you track them it says I’ve done 74/80. It shows that I have all the missions from the list “picture” but no trophy.

It reads also in mission card.One of those missions is bugged out on devils razor.

?I have the same thing, I’m guessing it’s the dynasty dash one. I’ve navigated to the planet, used the drop pods and all that.If that still doesn’t pop it then no idea, seems to be bugged hard and something went wrong in the save game files.

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