Don’t miss the opportunity of the lifetime traveling throughout Iran and spreading the message of peace.Leading the trip was CodePink National Co-director and long-time anti-Israel agitator, [BDS activist and CodePink National Co-Director Ariel Gold shows off her visa to Iran. Peacemaking is all about dialogue…with people who see the world from very different perspectives.Whereas CodePink is so dedicated to pressuring others to boycott, sanction, and divest from Israel that the group will send activists to Israel and cause a ruckus at Jewish holy sites to say so, it continues to oppose all sanctions of Iran—and refuses to “dialogue” with people who advocate those sanctions. ]Every day Iranians are starving, with about a third in absolute poverty — but Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin As reward for their pro-regime efforts, Medea Benjamin, Ann Wright, and CodePink friends were granted a The truth is that Code Pink has no interest in communicating with ordinary Iranians fighting for freedom against a regime that tolerates no dissent.
But there are no rights—only privileges of an easily revocable kind. Though most of them have not announced any formal sanctions against Iran, they have stopped trading or cooperating with it in order to save their relations with the US. Most of the imported essential commodities are expensive due to depreciation of the Iranian Rial against the USD. The poster also claims that the United States funds and supports ISIS, and blames the United States for the “genocide” of “Yemeni innocent people”.Gold did not take issue with any of the accusations.Their time at the former embassy was not the only occasion in which CodePink participants glossed over repressive regime policies or bigotries. She apparently did not realize she was posing next to images of two of the most revered Zionist rabbis of all time.the CodePink delegation did more in Iran than exploit the remnants of once robust Jewish communities. )In Iran, CodePink has long found a willing partner in its quest to denigrate Israel, and the organization’s romance with the Islamic Republic dates back to at least 2006, when the group sent a delegation to the country to [A photo from CodePink’s April 2006 trip to Iran, archived on the website. It has also severely impacted the living standards of the vast majority.
Code Pink amplified Saddam’s false propaganda saying sanctions killed 500,000 Iraqi children; today, Khamenei counts on NIAC to be his propaganda bullhorn in America. Note: three of the activists in this photo (circled in red in our featured image located at the top of this post) are Ithaca, New York-based activists Beth Harris JVP activist and former Ithaca College Professor; Ariel Gold; and Amber Galewski, Gold’s protege and an instructor at Tompkins Cortland Community College.…RT @AdamMilstein: Code Pink reaches stunning new lows in #Iranian government propaganda tour, insulting women and Jews. Hundreds of thousands of children died due to starvation and lack of essential supplies in Iraq as a result of more than a decade long, the most inhuman sanction regime imposed by the US against it. Anti-Semitism intensified. [For this tweet, as in the one above, Ariel Gold evidently used her cell-phone to record video during the Torah service on a holiday.…RT @AdamMilstein: Code Pink reaches stunning new lows in #Iranian government propaganda tour, insulting women and Jews. Screenshot from FARS news English-language site, October 2019. ]In 1978, on the eve of the Islamic Revolution, Iran’s Jewish population consisted of approximately 80,000 individuals, most of them in Tehran. According to the estimates the inflation rate in Iran is touching 40% which also affects the essential commodities produced at home.When it comes to their effectiveness, sanctions are overrated. ][CodePinker Rae Abileah in Iran, next to a sign advertising a shop selling the full body covering Iranian women are often forced to don. What a shameful excursion. It may have its way.Sanctions prevent US companies from trading with Iran.…‘DESPICABLE’ COMES 2 MIND Code Pink sells out women and exploits Jews on propaganda tour of Iran @LegInsurrection: Code Pink sells out women and exploits Jews on propaganda tour of Iran @LegInsurrection: Code Pink sells out women and exploits Jews on propaganda tour of Iran Pink sells out women and exploits Jews on propaganda tour of Iran @kweansmom: For an encyclopedic summary of CodePink's relationship with Iran, see @LegInsurrection's recent report. Chief among CP's pr…RT @LegInsurrection: Code Pink sells-out women and exploits Jews on propaganda tour of Iran Its unilateral withdrawal from the deal and re-imposition of sanctions lifted in May 2018 comes with a narrow regional ambition of keeping the hostilities alive to enable its armament industry booming as Iran was gradually seen as the stabilizer in the region.The sanctions imposed under the so called “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran can be divided in three broad categories; economic sanctions which includes ban on the trade of oil and other commodities and freezing of its global assets (including the assets of Iranian individuals) including the payment for commodities exported with the objective of drying the state revenues and crippling the economy which is highly dependent on oil and related sectors.
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