All aspects of male female imbalance on whatever level or world now merging through us in pure love. The Autumn Festival when the crops are harvested, the second quarter of the year waning to midwinter and contemplation of death. Pollux is the second brightest star The Waxing Crescent Moon is the crescent moon just before the New Moon. Clarity of Understanding, and to release the resistance'. Tonight from 12:30 to 03:30 am make sure to turn off your phone, cellular, tablet etc & put far away from your body! For some it’s not an issues for others it is, either way be in the stillness and peace, allow and surrender to this beautiful awakening to ourselves.The old is breaking down, our ego is breaking down, you might observe the systems we have been under that are controlled by fear or greed are breaking down. It will be natural cities, not smart cities and will run on free energy, people will learn to communicate more telepathically but still have their devices. as we are rapidly shifting now and big changes are happening in our physical bodies and energy bodies.ON MY RECENT SHOW WITH LAUREN GALEY I GUIDE YOU TO CONNECT WITH THE STAR ALLIANCEWhere I take you through basic inner planes work guiding you to suss out the energy for yourself with a decision or problem, connect with someone in your life and see who they really are what your connection really is, and to see from bigger perspective an issue in your life. So rather than getting caught up in what's wrong and thinking it needs to be fixed, which is an illusion, as all is already whole and divine, rather see the joy and love in all beings and start to play more.celebrating co-operation in unison, the individual parts remain unique but are now able to align in the polarization of the Sagittarius Full Moon as it shoots straight to the heart. Orion was total dark and light games and these also came to Earth, which was originally settled by Lyrans who went on to settle the Pleiades. According to Coon, between now and 12 Jan 2020 the ‘cord can be strengthened through meditations and creative acts for anyone who works at Uluru for this purpose’.For all of us regardless of where we are located this is a huge event to connect in with on the inner planes. And for a lot of us we are here to raise the consciousness in the collective as we are already Beings of Light and have come here for this mission.Alpha Virginis, is the brightest star in the southern constellation Virgo and the 16th brightest star in the sky. This year, it is also the October 2020's Hunter/ Harvest Moon is also a Micro Full Moon—it occurs when the Moon is closest to its The best time to see the shooting stars of the peaking Draconids is The Orionids are the second meteor shower in October. Tonight 12:30 pm to 3:30 am for our Planet will be very high radiation! There are many levels of initiation and it is not necessary to follow some school of thought, it’s all pretty obvious: to transcend the attachments to the material world, sure we need to utilise material things but not with attachment or greed. Much can be achieved on this New Moon in your journey to unity, selfless service, surrender and peace within and for all creation. We all know the dark forces agendas behind the lockdown, and the destruction that is has ripped into the economies of the world and the fear ,starvation, lack of human rights, loss of livelihoods. As we be the stillness and peace. Real and authentic. If we fail, we die, or worse still become an AI puppet completely, it seems quite a few already choose this. The shower peaks on October 21-22 but usually remains active between October 2 and November 7. We can shift it fast by loving the virus and all the agendas connected with it.The planet Mercury reaches greatest western elongation of 27.8 degrees from the Sun. Now the Starmaps have been anchored back in alignment with the Earth in preparation for the Golden Age, it is now up to us to do the inner connecting within ourselves. This full moon is always a powerful one and assists us to connect deep Lunar Eclipses are working more on the emotions, inner and hidden aspects, you will be able to go deep not only into your own psyche and centre, but work with the Councils of Light in holding the Divine Source/Light portals worldwide in oneness and unity, anchoring into the denser realms and third dimension the higher frequencies and multi-dimensional worlds.A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth's partial shadow, or penumbra. If you feel responsible for others, wish to heal, rescue, save others, the Earth then look deep into your guilt and grief. This is the best time to view Mercury since it will be at its highest point above the horizon in the morning sky. Utilising your compassion and kindness for all in your life especially children, those less fortunate and animals, insects, birds, plants, all creation. The full integration. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. This is the best time to view and photograph Saturn and its moons. The witch's New Year A the time when the veil between the two worlds is thin, we can move easily through the worlds and into the darkness of the womb. The days of having time for co-dependent relationships is over, and we have choices of where we put our energy as we are illuminated with light that shines on all the webs and games to be embraced now in love and acceptance, and so transcended.The eclipse will be visible throughout most of Europe, Africa, Asia, the Indian Ocean, Lunar Eclipses are working more on the emotions, inner and hidden aspects, you will be able to go deep not only into your own psyche and centre, but work with the Councils of Light in holding the Divine Source/Light portals worldwide in oneness and unity, anchoring into the denser realms and third dimension the higher frequencies and multi-dimensional worlds, as the BeAm you hold the higher frequencies as we move beyond the illusion.With this Lunar Eclipse in Cancer we go deep to see where we need to nurture ourselves and the Earth.
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