east bridgewater building department

175 Central St, East Bridgewater, MA 02333 (508) 378-1612. Town of East Bridgewater 175 Central Street East Bridgewater, MA 02333-0386 508-378-1600 (Massachusetts Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network) and is part of the State Mutual Aid Program.Residents are asked to keep water conservation in mind, as it limits the demands of our water resources.In addition to these examples, many other staff members from other departments are working on how to best provide services and to plan for any disruptions that will most likely occur.Although Town departments are closed to the public, employees are working to continue to serve the residents of East Bridgewater. The Town of East Bridgewater will host a public meeting to discuss our work on a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan. “We are incredibly grateful for everything our local first responders do within our community every day,” said Perry. Most meetings will be held in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room in the Town Hall or in the second floor large meeting room where the larger space affords some ability to provide more physical distance between attendees. (508) 378-3991 (508) 378-9558 76 North Bedford Street, East Bridgewater, MA 02333 Mon-Fri 9-5 A small fire was located in a vacant part of the building. The Building Department establishes building codes and standards for the construction of buildings and addresses virtually all aspects of construction, including design requirements, building materials, parking, resistance to natural disasters, and trades such as electric and plumbing.

For questions about COVID-19, follow the link to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) on the Town’s website, or contact the East Bridgewater Health Department at 508-378-3946. We are here to provide efficient and comprehensive service by verifying that these standards set forth to ensure the health, safety and general welfare of the community are being met. Site Design by EAST BRIDGEWATER — Town Administrator Brian S. Noble and the Board of Selectmen report that the Town of East Bridgewater is closing several Town buildings in response to the evolving novel coronavirus (COVID-19) health crisis.Effective Wednesday, March 18, all Town of East Bridgewater buildings will be closed to the public. The team includes Public Health, Police, Fire, Schools, DPW and the Town Administrator.The team is in daily contact with various state and federal agencies. East Bridgewater Planning Department in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts In addition, payments can be made via the Town’s click on “Online Payments,” and both credit cards and electronic fund transfers can be used). The Town of East Bridgewater was an early industrial inland town located on the northern portion of the Taunton River system. East Bridgewater Ocean State Job Lot recently donated personal protective equipment, PPE, to the East Bridgewater police and fire departments. Reducing those interactions helps to reduce the chances of spreading and transmitting COVID-19.Residents and others will be able to pay bills by check or money order by placing the bills, along with the checks and/or money orders, in an envelope and dropping them in the drop box located at the entrance of Town Hall. This plan will be communicated by the School Department.Council on Aging Director Nancy Hill and staff are in communication with the Mass Department of Elder Affairs as well as other area Directors to monitor the situation and plan for service changes as needed.Provisions are being made to provide necessary transportation to seniors for medications, critical doctor’s appointments and groceries.Questions have been raised if coronavirus can be passed by drinking water. The Town of East Bridgewater was an early industrial inland town located on the northern portion of the Taunton River system. The Town will continue to provide the services that residents and others expect during this unprecedented period.Several weeks ago, town officials established a working group to begin to address how the coronavirus may impact East Bridgewater. As such, the Town will be limiting the exposure of these employees to the Public so that the water supply operations continue to be staffed to supply the Town with drinking water.Water Department Offices are closed to the public. The Town Administrator will also assist and work under the direction of the Selectmen in the formulation of policy.The Town Administrator must maintain a close working relationship with all members of the Board of Selectmen.

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