“They operate within the accepted framework: helicopters, private jets, luxurious surroundings. To Jaubert, Latifa described her interactions with her father as perfunctory at best: “[The Sheikh] would meet many people in the hall and would greet them one after another, stopping and saying, ‘Hi, how are you? Still, he had favorites; he was particularly close to the crown prince, Hamdan, for example, who is, like his father, an enthusiastic horseman and falconer.His relationships with several other offspring were more distant—including Latifa, his third child with his wife Huriah Ahmed Al Ma’ash. As far as the princess’s “closeness” to her bodyguard, most insiders are skeptical. But women stuck in conservative households—with no ability to maintain a bank account, travel without permission, marry or divorce freely, or sleep with a man of their choosing—often chafe at the limitations of their lives. The Jordanian socialite tells me that Haya has played things masterfully up to now, winning public sympathy in the wake of Latifa’s capture, hanging on to her children, and hiring the best legal team in England. (Bassel was killed in a car crash in 1994, and his brother Bashar was anointed the dictator’s successor.) Seht, ich bin ein liebevoller Familienvater, der viel Zeit mit seiner Familie verbringt.“ Hintergrund für den Vorstoß auf den sozialen Netzwerkkanälen ist vielleicht d… Before Latifa’s escape attempts, her older sister Sheikha Shamsa bint Mohammed Al Maktoum fled the family’s equestrian estate in England in 2000, when she was 19, and remained at large for several weeks before being seized on a street in Cambridge and flown back to Dubai. Auf dem geposteten Foto sieht man einen sympathisch wirkenden Papa, der mit seinen Kindern spielt: Während der Scheich am Boden liegt, werfen sich drei seiner angeblich 30 Kinder offenbar mit Freude auf ihn. Meanwhile, the British tabloids have begun speculating about the cause of the couple’s split—from rumors about the princess’s closeness to a particular bodyguard to charges of intolerable conditions imposed by the prince at his palaces.The sheikh, a poet in classical Arabic, lashed out at her “treachery and betrayal” in a verse published in June on his official Instagram account. Princess Fatima Al-Alia bint Hashim, on 5 November 2011.
But her new freedom was closely monitored. In 2002, when she was just 16, she attempted to cross the border into Oman during a riding expedition, and in February 2018 there was an escapade worthy of Hollywood that involved crossing into Oman in a car, then continuing via an inflatable dinghy, jet skis, and a yacht named Nostromo. Im Jahr 2000 startete sie als Springreiterin bei den Von 2006 bis 2014 war sie gewählte Präsidentin der Seit Anfang 2011 ist Prinzessin Haya Repräsentantin der Prinzessin Haya ist Athletenbotschafterin der Entwicklungshilfeorganisation Im Juli 2019 floh sie mit ihren zwei Kindern, Zayed und Al Jalila, nach But at last report, Princess Haya remains in seclusion and is said not to be taking anything for granted. There she quickly hired Shackleton, filed for divorce, and petitioned the British High Court to grant her both a forced marriage protection order (which allows her to keep her daughter from having to return to Dubai, where arranged unions are common) and, even more humiliating for the sheikh, a non-molestation order aimed at preventing “harassment” by her estranged spouse. All that is known is that in July 2000, Shamsa crept past a napping guard at Sheikh Mohammed’s $90 million Surrey estate, where various wives and children often spent holidays, and drove through an open gate in her black Range Rover. When I flew to Dubai last fall, few Emiratis or expats would talk to me about the Haya scandal (or about Latifa or Shamsa), and the expats who did agree to speak did so on condition of anonymity. She was born into royalty and attended the University of Oxford. “But she was very naive,” Jaubert says.
Princess Haya, a wife of Dubai’s ruler, Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum, has … She would never cover up. “Every single day I thank god that I am lucky enough to be close to him,” Haya gushed to By the end of July, Haya and the kids had turned up in London. Any revelations of family disharmony, or of rebellion from his women, my source tells me, threatens his carefully cultivated image. She would appear with him at state visits. “In the Arab world you don’t interfere with someone else’s business—and this was his daughter from another marriage.” But in recent months Haya reportedly became troubled by what she had learned about Latifa’s imprisonment—and her reaction prompted intense hostility from the sheikh’s inner circle. At stake is the reputation of one of the region’s most dynamic, seemingly progressive leaders, as well as the safety of his wife and children. Prinz Harry & Herzogin Meghan REUTERS/Tom Nicholson By Latifa’s account her father forbade her to travel beyond Dubai, ordered her to be accompanied by a male security team, imposed a curfew, and required that all of her contacts be vetted by Dubai’s intelligence services. Her Royal Highness Haya bint al-Hussein, 45, is the only princess to have successfully escaped one of the world's richest and most powerful families. The episode, says one person close to the family, caused a breakdown in trust between her and her father. In a video she made before her 2018 escape attempt, she described her father as “pure evil” and said that if people were watching it, she was in a “very bad situation”. “If there is one daughter, two daughters, it is not representative of the other 20,” he tells me over a cappuccino at an opulent hotel near the Dubai airport.
He is preparing for his succession, and his place in history.”The city’s boulevards, hammered by the blazing Gulf sun, are lined when I visit with ubiquitous posters showing “Sheik Mo” in various guises: waving warmly to his people; posing beside one of his Arabian horses at Godolphin, his racing stable; standing with his 37-year-old son, Crown Prince Hamdan.
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