laser slope efficiency formula

In CW operation, η ext is a function of temperature and is given by. I often need to present data in a way that differs from how the data was originally gathered. I have spent much of my summer dealing with issues related to the high temperature characteristics of lasers. I am interested in how SEchanges at temperatures above room temperature, which I will define here as 25 °C. For full-text searches on the whole website, use our Note: the article keyword search field and some other of the site's functionality would require Javascript, which however is turned off in your browser.However, nonlinear curves can occur under certain circumstances, e.g. These issues have stirred within me an interest in laser slope efficiency . Interpolation allows me to obtain the data I need with minimal effort.How can I theoretically calculate the slope efficiency of a fiber laser (either RE-doped or Raman)? where Th is the heat-sink temperature, Δ Tj is the junction-temperature rise (i.e., T = Th + ΔTj ), and T1 is the characteristic temperature coefficient for η ext that signifies how quickly the slope efficiency degrades with a rise in temperature. It is obtained by plotting the laser output power against the input pump power. The dual slope laser has the ability to give you a read on two slopes on separate axis at the same time, which allows you the possibility of coming up with a compound grade. The ratio of the pump wavelength to the laser wavelength. Author: Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta. The owner of will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The data always comes to me in the form of an Excel worksheet, and it shows Figure 1: Drive Current Versus Optical Power and TemperatureFigure 2 shows a screenshot from Mathcad of my data and interpolation approach. as a consequence of Note that the slope efficiency may be defined with respect to incident or absorbed pump power. curve, ∆P/∆I, above threshold current. Such fl uctuations of tracking ratio can be The effi ciency of a diode laser is also derived from the L/I curve.
It varies from part-to-part and with temperature. I used a Mathcad program to actually process the data. The typical value of ηIDQE is almost 1 which indicates that the injected electrons are efficiently converted to photons.
Usually, this curve is close to linear, so that the … An important property of an optically pumped laser is its slope efficiency (or differential efficiency), defined as the slope of the curve obtained by plotting the laser output versus the pump power (Figure 1). Note: this box searches only for keywords in the titles of encyclopedia articles. I have drive current versus optical power and temperatur… I find the programs simple to develop and easy to use.Figure 2: Test Data Component and Interpolation Programs.Figure 3 shows the final result of my work. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. Assuming a Fabry-Perot cavity, the total stimulated emission rate in the active region is, vggnpVa. Slope efficiency, also known as This post will assume some knowledge of the electrical characteristics of a laser, which I covered in Figure 1 shows a plot of the data I have. Slope efficiency, also known as SE, is simply the slope of the laser's output power versus drive current curve. The slope efficiency is the slope of this line. Slope or grade lasers come in two basic types: single and dual slope with options for adjustment. This is done as explained below.

laser’s output facet and the input end of the fi ber. The single slope laser gives you a read on a slope one axis at a time.

These issues have stirred within me an interest in laser slope efficiency . Although not as apparent as threshold shift, laser … The slope efficiency is an important property of a laser. We can determine the External Differential Quantum Efficiency value of a real laser diode by measuring its slope of the L.I. your website, social media, a discussion forum, Wikipedia), you can get the required code here.We have published a number of comprehensive articles where we explain how a wide range of tools for the marketing of photonics, optics and laser product works.You will learn not only about the tools which we offer ourselves – the © RP Photonics Consulting GmbH      All rights reserved worldwide

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