lulu league of legends

Poppy The win percent shown is the enemy champion's win rate against Lulu. Akali Ziggs Biography. Skarner Popularity: 28.1% - Vi Anivia Shyvana Rakan The yordle mage Lulu is known for conjuring dreamlike illusions and fanciful creatures as she roams Runeterra with her fairy companion Pix.
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Here's the tip: while the ADC is going for the FIRST hit, use your E on them, they will deal extra damage to the caster minion causing the turret shot … Kalista Kled Fizz Darius Viktor Azir Malphite Yorick Support Galio a Fada Feiticeira. Janna Sylas However, if you are a new Lulu player we highly recommend reading through some of the guides above to learn why these runes are strong on Lulu!Find Lulu's relative advantage in their most common matchups! Ziggs Baby Danae Gangplank Yuuki Udyr Braum Last 2 days Camille

Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Caitlyn W Twisted Fate Maokai Yone You can find detailed breakdowns of each matchup on CounterStats, and you can also check out some Lulu guides to see how to build and play against other champions you may find yourself up against!This counter data is for Lulu Support in Plat+ games. Ryze

Q Taliyah Lillia Lissandra Mordekaiser Brand Hecarim Poppy If cast on an enemy, commands Pix to jump to an enemy and damage them.

An enemy can only be damaged by one bolt.If cast on an ally, grants them Attack Speed and Movement Speed for a short time.

Patch 10.16 Kog'Maw Tristana Hecarim Yasuo Malzahar Taliyah Amumu Lee Sin Sort by role, rank, region, ARAM. Illaoi Qiyana Lulu - Champions - Universe of League of Legends. Tryndamere Kayle Vladimir Socialism Kassadin Pyke Xerath Nautilus Corki Garen Renekton Udyr Zoe Heimerdinger W Karma Aphelios

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