piranha facts for preschoolers

Piranhas are opportunistic carnivores (flesh-eaters). These young fish are known as fry. The aquarium must resemble their natural habitat in many areas including water temperature, foliage and a riverbed appearance.Any ecosystem is a delicate balance that could be disrupted by the introduction of exotic breeds of animals or plant types. 2020 National Geographic Partners, LLC. This has done a great disservice to the Piranha fish.

The average Piranha fish has a deep body, blunt head, and saw-edged bellies with strong jaws suitable for their scavenging lifestyles. Their jaws have powerful muscles which make about two percent of their bodies; thus the strong bite, they can even tear through bulletproof vests and steel rods. Piranha can be 5.5-17 inches in length and weight about 7.7 pounds. Their diet mainly consists of fruit, crustaceans, plants, worms and insects.Piranha come in different colors, ranging from silver, orange, red, and  black. Red-bellied piranhas live in lakes and rivers in South America. They sometimes use their mighty mouths to gobble up other Despite their big bite, scientists believe that the animals’ fearsome reputation has been exaggerated. Piranhas are opportunistic carnivores (flesh-eaters). Piranha Diet. A piranha is a type of fish that lives in rivers and lakes of South America.

Even the largest shoals only have about 20 fish in them.Though they do feed together as a group that is not the reason that Piranhas are eaten by a variety of other animals, including piranhas themselves.There are lots of different kinds of piranhas, though the most common variety is known as the red-bellied piranhas, which is named because of its red belly.The most famous, or infamous, a feature of a piranha is its teeth. They do not travel through waterways outside the optimal conditions for the fish.When the female is ready to lay its eggs, its abdomen swells as it produces eggs which are then ready to be laid. It is doubtful many would survive the less than optimal temperatures and conditions outside Latin America anyway.Fact 17 – They’ve Been in the Amazon Region for 9 Million YearsAlthough it seems an impossibly long time, a study in 2007 found that their common ancestry goes that far back. The piranha (also known as the caribe) is a ferocious, schooling, fresh-water fish.It is native to warm lowland streams and lakes in South America, east of the Andes Mountains. Learn more amazing facts about these amazing creatures with National Geographic Kids. Newer Piranha fish species are being discovered making the exact count of species difficult. 12. Their barks are just like those of the dogs, they are a means of communication. The Piranha is a good source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, that are good for development in children and other adults. The fish glides closer and opens its mouth to reveal rows of razor-sharp, triangular teeth. Fact 2 – The Piranha is an Omnivore. They also have a very powerful bite, which has been measured to have about 72 pounds of force.Since they are such active chompers, a piranha has to replace its teeth all of the time. The fry lives for five years before they are considered an adult Piranha fish. Piranha will not attack you as they rarely attack large animals, since they fear you more.Fact 10 – Piranha are Found Naturally Only Around the Amazon BasinMost Piranhas are found in South America, occurring naturally in these ecosystems. However, you will still find Piranha fish with missing lower teeth occasionally.Piranha fish possess such as strong bite, and can bite with quite a force. Red-bellied piranhas live in lakes and rivers in South America. Some species also have spines on their skin to ward off predators. And reports of the fish going after humans are extremely rare.When some red-bellied piranhas do get aggressive, they have an interesting way of telling others to "back off"—they make bark-like sounds! Fact 3 – Piranha Are a Colorful Fish. Suddenly, it spots dinner: a shrimp swimming nearby.

They will make noise that scientists have named ‘quick calls’ to scare the enemy away. Their average weight is about 10 lbs across the different species of the fish.

Piranha Facts: Appearance & Size. The word Piranha literary translates to ‘toothfish’ in local Brazilian language ‘Tupi’. Interesting Piranha Facts: 11-20. While not being a cuddly looking animal, it is certainly not the frenzied monster that many might believe. A Piranha tooth is said to be of a chiseled shaped, with enamel covering the teeth like those of the whales. Piranha live exclusively in the warm Amazon basin and surrounding lakes. The extinct mega-piranha species was about 100cm and weighed more than the existing Piranhas.The young Piranhas fry are hatched from eggs laid in the mud by the females, which the male Piranha fertilizes and takes care of the eggs. These fish are one of the oldest species of fish left on the planet. Piranhas will not eat food below 54 degrees Fahrenheit. Local tribes use the teeth as tools.Although Piranha teeth are intense, they are replaceable. The piranha is a relatively small fish with a round body, large head, and bulldog-like face. Their teeth, luckily, grow in four sets. Modern Piranha are only thought to have been around for 1.8 million years.Preferring to remain in the same area all of their lives, Piranha do not migrate because of the very unique conditions of the Amazon basin. 2020 National Geographic Partners, LLC.

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