snouts in the trough smh

3 year surgery delay.
So there are seven people who are taking an enormous amount of salary. David Craig spent most of his career working for some of the world s best and worst management consultancies. Bruce says not getting proper attention resulted in a secondary injury, which required a second surgery. ''I got a bit emotional about it because I'm a Greek migrant … and 18 per cent of the Portuguese community live in my ward,'' he said.Any controversy could prove a headache for Marrickville's Labor mayor, Jo Haylen, who is seen as having aspirations to become a state MP.Cr Haylen supported the Portugal trip, but not a failed push to extend council's existing sister city budget to include the cost of flights.Among other councils, Canterbury says it budgets less than $20,000 a year for its programs with Korea and China. Workers struggled to get treatment owing to the lack of human contact in the early days of an injury and employers were ignored.This led to a significant decline in return to work rates, a crucial indicator of how workers' compensation schemes are performing.Donnelly describes icare's return to work rate as abysmal. "It put me in a point where I have never been so low or felt so low in my entire life as I had at that point. Forty years ago, for instance, senior ministers earned roughly the same as their departmental mandarins. Brown says that is the only way to guarantee the system's integrity.Long-serving MPs, Labor and Liberal, say their perks - such as electorate and travel allowances, first-class round-the-world trips, free petrol in virtually cost-free cars, with even road tolls paid by taxpayers - are part of a mutually beneficial understanding since the 1960s that MPs needed trade-offs for pay rises denied them. John Prescott, for instance, found himself newly embarrassed in 2006 - while still serving as Tony Blair's deputy prime minister - by the serialised reminiscences of his secretary and mistress Tracey Temple, who obligingly revealed that her paramour had an intimate part the size of "a cocktail sausage".If Westminster can survive such assaults on its dignity, one may presume it to be indestructible.But the cloak of ancient tradition and mystery surrounding the Palace of Westminster encourages such outrages.No institution does pomp and circumstance quite like the British Parliament, which retains snuff-boxes in its chambers, and loops of twine in the robing-rooms where MPs are permitted to hang their swords.Openings of parliament have all the outre appeal of Mardi Gras; the Queen is guest of honour, but she is escorted by a band of 50 lickspittles, each proudly bearing ceremonial titles such as Maltravers Herald Extraordinary or Rouge Dragon Pursuivant.While individual MPs are routinely treated as figures of fun, the institution retained a sort of secret grandeur; is it surprising that the British public is so enraged, having discovered that those gorgeous trappings concealed little more than an expenses diddle of the most plebeian and predictable kind?Most entitlements for Australian MPs are disclosed, albeit not in easily digestible fashion and typically not made available online. | INVESTIGATION by theage, smh and 4corners smh 4corners I spent 10 years not getting treatment. "That is a terrible result," he says.The poor return to work rate owing to management of claims has pushed up weekly payments and medical costs.Nagle says icare "anticipated" the rate would go backwards initially but that it went back further than expected. "I’m saying the liabilities are undercooked by about $6billion, money they don’t have," he says.In an interview, icare CEO John Nagle vigorously denies there are any solvency issues and says he welcomes SIRA’s scrutiny of its accounts and valuations. Number of Covid-19 infections in SA rises to 566,109, there have been 426,125 recoveries and 10,751 deaths to date

"The return to work rate is completely unacceptable and the financial deterioration is a concern. Many years ago Gough Whitlam saved me from Vietnam and for many years he was my hero, then I found out he instigated a thing called the LIMA declaration. I couldn’t watch the news yesterday. Retired senior EY associate and actuary Peter McCarthy, who spent 35 years advising governments on staff’ compensation, was scathing in his evaluation of the present state of the system. Seats are hotly contested.One of the great perks goes to time servers when they retire and are no longer accountable to voters. One MP even snuck out of the building early each morning so he could be filmed "arriving".Some state MPs have been jailed for rorting allowances.Yet, for all the whingeing, no vacancy goes unfilled. "There have also been issues on a lack of transparency in contracts. About author David Craig. Skip to sections navigation Skip to content Skip to footer. That's thousands of workers. What a name. March 9, 2014 — 3.00am. The sins of a parent are often visited on the young, tarnishing them with the stench of the elder's excesses. He submitted a shopping list of expenses for his 13th-century country estate including about $5000 for moat-cleaning and $1500 for mole control.Carol Ann Duffy, Britain's newly appointed poet laureate, was inspired by Hogg to pen for primary school students: "What did we do with the trust of your vote? "The major problem appears to be Australia's biggest ISP, Telstra, and that's quite a curious situation given the amount of intellectual property they themselves own and that they have content deals with most of our stakeholders [for online services such as BigPond Music]," Heindl said.So far the Federal Government has refused to become involved, but it is already in the process of implementing a mandatory "clean feed" internet service for all homes, school and public computers.This would require ISPs to filter out internet content that could be harmful or inappropriate for children, but Heindl said there would be little stopping the Government from extending this to also block out illegal downloading.

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