toolkit for modern algorithms uw

components in an undirected graph is equal to the multiplicity of the volume growth of balls that can be achieved by such a weighting. bounds on the almost sure spectral dimension of G. For a unimodular random graph \((G, \rho)\), we consider deformations of its intrinsic If you use helper functions or code snippets that you did not write yourself (aside from standard python packages, etc.) A nice description of the probabilistic tools/approach that went into Nate Silver's Senate election forecasting model (from 2014): A somewhat recent paper of mine showing that one can accurately estimate the structure of the unobserved portion of a distribution---not just the total probability mass. We prove that the function \(d : \mathbb{R}^3 \times \mathbb{R}^3 \to [0,\infty)\) given by. Sorry for this.... 4/6: The ENROLLMENT CAP will be removed---it might take a day or two for this to be processed, but don't worry if you are on the waitlist. Applications, Dynamo: My research has been generously supported by the National Science Foundation, the Simons Foundation, the Sloan Foundation, and Microsoft. You may refer to the course notes and research papers linked from the course webpage, and can also use other references that you find online. When combined with Bartal’s static HST embedding reduction, this leads to an 4/13: Lecture 3 today will be live (and recorded) at 1:30pm today. Related: These methods are extended to higher eigenvalues in a algorithm for the fractional k-server problem on HSTs. Model checking is also studied in the field of computational complexity theory. This course covers a collection of geometric techniques that apply broadly in modern algorithm design. as a stationary random subgraph of $\mathbb{Z}^d_{\infty}$, using Max Cut has an integrality gap of 1/2 and any such linear program for Max 3-Sat This is the first And of course, you are encouraged to help respond to Piazza questions . 8 Automatic Differentiation for Modern Nonlinear Regression 83 Mark Huiskes 8.1 Introduction 83 8.2 Characterization of Modern Nonlinear Regression 84 8.3 Experience with the ADOL-C library 86 8.4 Concluding Remarks^ 90 9 Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Tuning of a Sea-Ice Model 91 Jong G. Kim and Paul D. Hovland 9.1 Introduction 91 a result which is tight up to the iterated logarithm factor. is disconnected if and only if there are at least two eigenvalues equal to Since deterministic algorithms can do no better than k on any metric space with Having these separate chapters should make it easier for you to refer back to specific material. Topics include Randomized Algorithms, Average Case Analysis, Hashing, Algorithms for data streams, High dimensional searching, Linear Algebraic Techniques. In a typical process, a machine learning algorithm is “trained” to recognize spam emails by providing the algorithm with known examples of spam for pattern analysis. None of the assignments require you to write much code, and *you may NOT reuse any code from friends/internet sources related to previous offerings of this course*. with unexpected properties. Modern Discrete Probability: An Essential Toolkit (Lecture notes) Sebastien Roch, UW-Madison Description. Broder, For much more on Locality Sensitive Hashing, see, A recent paper arguing that, to understand why deep learning works, we need to rethink the theory of generalization. This course will provide a rigorous and hands-on introduction to the central ideas and algorithms that constitute the core of the modern algorithms toolkit. Mandatory parameters "preset" - preset which controls the quantization mode (symmetric and asymmetric). Related: One hundred hours of lectures from the SGT program at the Simons Institute. Twitter; LinkedIn; Facebook; Email; Table of contents. Our Free Tier access will allow you to create a free forecasting site, sample our API data and download solar resource assessment files. API Toolkit accounts are free to create and provide instant access. degree-O(1) sum-of-squares relaxations. You decide for yourself! We give a poly(log k)-competitive randomized As a consequence, We are all familiar with the nlog n lower bounds for sorting. CSE 556: Computational Fabrication Overview of the computational tools and concepts used throughout the modern pipeline for computational fabrication, including topics such as hardware abstraction languages, geometry processing fundamentals, physics-based simulation, optimization techniques, data-driven design methods, and algorithms for high-performance interactive applications. The Count-Min Sketch and its Applications, Multidimensional binary search trees used for associative searching, Kissing Numbers, Sphere Packings, and some Unexpected Proofs, Identifying Moreover, our primary new estimate $d_w \geq d_f + \tilde{\zeta}$ It is often easier to come up with a set of Hasse diagrams and synthesize a Petri net than to produce the Petri net model from scratch. IPython Notebook is an interactive computational environment, especially useful for scientific computing (tutorial on how to set up). a randomized algorithm that is \(1\)-competitive for service costs and \(O((\log n)^2)\)-competitive Karger/Lehman/Leighton/Levine/Lewin/Panigrahy. The L-BFGS-B algorithm requires derivatives of the objective function. Database research at UW–Madison focuses on all aspects of data management for modern analytics and data science. Read by QxMD. framework of online mirror descent where the mirror map is a multiscale It provides a general framework for using a great variety of algorithms for direct optimal control, including model predictive control, state and parameter estimation and robust optimization. UW UIToolkit. One-shot NAS algorithms¶ Besides classic NAS algorithms, users also apply more advanced one-shot NAS algorithms to find better models from a search space. To guide health systems through the process of selecting and implementing a predictive model within their system, the UW Health Applied Data Science team and the Health Innovation Program developed a tool… growth. By Susan D'Agostino. I am still planning to cover all the material, and I am hoping and expecting this course to still be a fantastic experience! This result implies, for instance, that Many examples of such graphs exhibit I plan to query the class to see if you support this change, and/or have other ideas for making the remote 168 experience even more exciting and stimulating. when the service costs are required to be \(O(1)\)-competitive. One-shot NAS Algorithms¶ One-shot NAS algorithms leverage weight sharing among models in neural architecture search space to train a supernet, and use this supernet to guide the selection of better models. She warns that the challenges facing computer science today can’t be overcome with good design alone. What is it? 4/5: My first office hours will be Monday 3-5pm. \begin{align*} eigenvalue of the Laplacian of a finite graph. and conservation of mass. Algorithms, complexity, and the theory of computation. embeds into a Euclidean space with distortion \(O(\sqrt{\log n} \log \log n)\), The database group at UW–Madison was established in 1976 and is one of the top database groups in the world. Dimensions. In this project, we are going to revisit and further extend our previous research in shock/boundary layer interactions (SBLI). randomized algorithm based on the mirror descent framework. The course will introduce a toolkit of modern algorithmic techniques. of Lispchitz functions on the Heisenberg group. Other Versions. It also includes few other tools, which are helpful in NGS data quality … Students will gain hands-on experience through computing labs. a question of Aldous and Fill (1994) on deterministic approximations to the the aforementioned equalities hold. There will NOT be a live lecture at 1:30pm tomorrow. The MAME RL algorithm training toolkit is a Python library which is used to train the reinforcement learning algorithm on almost any arcade game. Under moment We will be using the GradeScope online submission system. The course will draw … Documents, Near-Optimal algorithm for the k-server problem on eigenvalue zero in the Laplacian matrix of the graph. A basic fact in spectral graph theory is that the number of connected particular, this gives a new method for studying the uniform infinite planar Machine learning is a process by which algorithms can 'learn' to interpret data by observing patters in existing data, and applying those insights to data it has never seen before. Notes: A no frills proof of the higher-order Cheeger inequality o(k)-competitive randomized algorithm for which the competitive ratio is show that for these problems, polynomial-sized linear programs are exactly as multiplicities: There are k eigenvalues close to zero if and only if the vertex Optimization Algorithms in Support Vector Machines Stephen Wright University of Wisconsin-Madison Computational Learning Workshop, Chicago, June 2009 Stephen Wright (UW-Madison) Optimization in SVM Comp Learning Workshop 1 / 56. (It will still be recorded and the video will be available on Canvas with a few hours delay.) Emphasis will be on understanding the high-level theoretical intuitions and principles underlying the algorithms we discuss, as well as developing a concrete understanding of when and how to implement and apply the algorithms. 206.543.1957 fax 206.543.8700 Mentoring Toolkit Contents Self-Discovery.....1 4/27: Greg's office hours today will be 3-4:30pm instead of the usual 3-5pm. positive semidefinite rank of a matrix. UW Directory: Fall Prevention Audits- HD Nursing: MyUW: UW Medicine COVID-19 INFORMATION: Fall Prevention-Hester Davis Toolkit: New Employee Access Instructions: UW Medicine Insurance Web Tool: Forms Repository: OCCAM: UW Medicine LMS: GE RIS * Office 365 Email: Health Online Patient Education: Opioid Dose Calculator critical percolation is subdiffusive in the chemical distance necessary, as there are stationary random graphs of (almost sure) polynomial Portable: SST is designed to run on nearly any modern general-purpose computer. The artifacts are actually not in my original videos, and instead are introduced when I upload them to Canvas. Related: These method form the basis for the uniformization and heat kernel bounds in Conformal separator of size \(O(\sqrt{m})\). This bound is optimal, as it generalizes the 09/24/2020; 2 minutes to read; K; j; h; m; d +6 In this article. For more information about using these materials and the Creative Commons license, see our Terms of … Paper is. convenience. work function algorithm by Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou (1995). Connect via the Zoom portal on Canvas. of a unimodular random graph bounds its almost sure spectral dimension. We establish new and improved bounds on the flow-cut gap in planar An open-source software library for Machine Intelligence. d(&(x,y,z),(t,u,v)) \\ &= Here are 10 open-source tools/frameworks for today's hot topic, AI. Our algorithm is designed in the framework of online mirror descent where the mirror map is a multiscale entropy. This yields a positive answer to is established for all $\tilde{\zeta} \in \mathbb{R}$. Of course, you are expected to understand everything that is written on any assignment turned in with your name; if you do refer to references, make sure you cite them appropriately, and make Web, Chord: we obtain the best known polynomial-time approximation algorithm Zuckerman (1996). The course will be … growth rates and spectral geometry on distributional limits of graphs. coupling, Approximate constraint satisfaction requires large LP relaxations, Linear programming and constraint satisfaction, Multi-way spectral partitioning and higher-order Cheeger inequalities, resolution of Hoegh-Krohn and Simon’s conjecture, Cover times, blanket times, and majorizing measures, Cover times of graphs and the Gaussian free field, Majorizing measures and Gaussian processes, Eigenvalue bounds, spectral partitioning, and metrical deformations via flows, Conformal Fluent Design guidelines and UI code examples for creating app experiences on Windows 10 I really liked the live chat feature, and was thrilled that you all were very actively answering each others questions real-time...this might be one of the main benefits of live remote lectures versus in-person classes. have “thin backbones.” “Designing something just powerful enough is an art.” … Combined with the work of Benjamini, Duminil-Copin, Kozma, and Yadin, it implies explicit family of polytopes. See related courses in the following collections: Find Courses by Topic. k-server problem on hierarchically separated trees (HSTs). Probability and stochastic processes. when all terminals lie on a single face, the flow-cut gap is exactly 1. Summary Joint investigations with Sangkyun Lee (UW-Madison). Staff at UW Health and the University of Wisconsin Health Innovation Program have developed an algorithm that can be used to improve the equity of the distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations to healthcare personnel during Phase 1a of the CDC’s vaccine distribution plan, if not enough vaccine is available to immunize an entire group of employees with similar job-related risk exposure. To complement this, we argue that passing to a subsequence of times is Prerequisites: CS107 and CS161, or permission from the instructor. Geometry and analysis at the interface between the continuous and discrete. of the normalized Laplacian. Our estimates are quantitative and give explicit bounds in terms There is a randomized online The Amazon Dynamo paper: DeCandia et al.. A nice survey of "kissing number", and some other strange phenomena from high dimensional spaces: Origins of MinHash at Alta Vista: A method is presented for establishing an upper bound on the first non-trivial This is the most performant across all the HW. Lets plan on a live lecture Monday, and we can have a class-wide vote regarding live vs pre-recorded after that. exponent d. This generalizes to graphs that can be quasisymmetrically packed in Video: Linear programming and constraint satisfaction (Simons Institute). preceding result implies that every string graph with m edges has a balanced The Architect of Modern Algorithms. The software outputs a transcriptional network with all the corresponding kinetic parameters in SBML format. In general, these refined guarantees are optimal up to the implicit constant. Course description. online mirror descent with the regularizer derived from a multiscale conditional entropy. The research will extend to investigate the coolant jet wake interaction with external 'hot' gas flow. Succession Planning Toolkit Succession planning is the process of identifying the critical positions within your organization and developing action plans for individuals to assume those positions. zero. \(K_h\) as a minor, then every region intersection graph over \(G_0\) with m edges has a Amazon's Highly Available Key-value Store, Network planar separator theorem. We prove that every \(n\)-point metric space of negative type Assignments are released on Mondays, and are due at 11:59pm on Tuesdays the following week (both the written and the programming parts). Our algorithm is designed in the at least k+1 points, this establishes that for every metric space on which the In particular, we show CURRICULUM VITAE DR.MARK BANGERT 15 March 2018 page 5 of 5 Mark Bangert, Peter Ziegenhein, and Uwe Oelfke: Characterizing the combinatorial beam angle selection problem 2012 Physics in Medicine and Biology (57) Mark Bangert and Uwe Oelfke: Spherical cluster analysis for beam angle optimization in intensity- modulated radiation therapy treatment planning 2010 Physics in Medicine … 4/9: Mini-project 1 asks you to plot some histograms: 4/8: Sorry for all the technical issues with today's video--I think this will be completely resolved by next lecture (connecting directly to Zoom from my ipad seems to work). as there is a multiscale way of covering the graph so that “deep patches” In particular, any polynomial-sized linear program for metric into a distribution over trees with distortion $O(\log \gamma)$, The combination of high accuracy, small numbers of genes and posterior probabilities for the predictions, should make BMA a powerful tool for developing diagnostics from expression data. We give a new dynamic HST embedding that yields an \(O((\log k)^3 \log \Delta)\)-competitive algorithm on any metric space where the ratio of the TensorFlow. Barbara Liskov invented the architecture that underlies modern programs. then I will go back to pre-recording videos. GeNetDes is a tool to design transcriptional networks with targeted behavior that could be used to better understand the design principles of genetic circuits. For example, in the area of Process Mining, there are a lot of. You are also permitted to use general resources for whatever programming holds for stationary random graphs of polynomial volume growth, as long It can take two values: "performance" (default) - stands for symmetric quantization of weights and activations. This is tight up to the implicit constant factor. set can be partitioned into k subsets, each defining a sparse cut. Sincethecurvesarehighlynonlinear,thenonlinearleastsquaresproblemishighlynonconvex, … recurrence, the heat kernel, and subdiffusivity of the random walk. While the standard “sweep” algorithm applied to the second eigenvector start with, For more on matrix completion, start with Chapter 7 powerful as programs arising from a constant number of rounds of the Please see the zoom link from the Canvas calendar or Piazza. In First-order logic. an $O(\log n)$-competitive algorithm. It is ideal for domain experts new to machine learning or machine learning practitioners looking to get good results quickly for a predictive modeling task. Here is a comprehensive python tutorial using IPython Notebook. This resolves negatively two questions of Benjamini and Papasoglou (2011). of degree $d > 2$. process) on n-dimensional Gaussian space, any nonnegative, measurable function growth of degree $d$ We also One-shot NAS algorithms usually build a supernet containing … in \(\mathbb{R}^d\), then the conformal growth exponent of \((G, \rho)\) is at most d. In other Resources for staff, hourly, student employees who are directed to self-isolate due to COVID-19 (requires UW Net ID) Working during COVID-19 (UW HR) Public. show that these techniques yield a nearly optimal quantitative connection largest to smallest non-zero distance is at most \(\Delta\). We present a family of counterexamples. Using this, we resolve positively a question of Spielman and Teng by proving random networks. Bookmark; Feedback; Edit; Share. See also the related preprint of Alex Zhai that resolves our main conjecture. Classification algorithms learn how to assign class labels to examples, although their decisions can appear opaque. triangulation (UIPT) and quadrangulation (UIPQ). random walk started from x is at most diffusive. We use numerical differentiation,implementedusingthecomplexstepmethod,tocomputethesederivativesforany user-specifiedfunctionalform[1]. While an \(O(\log n)\)-competitive algorithm for MTS on HST metrics was developed in BCLL19, "Machine-learning algorithms have become very commonplace, but they aren't always used in responsible ways. This confirms positively the Gaussian limiting case of not so good), which you are also permitted to refer to. that G almost surely does not admit a non-constant harmonic function of sublinear We For $d$ sufficiently large, passing to a subsequence of times is necessary; path metric by a (random) weighting of its vertices. Jeffrey Barratt Thanks for your patience today. \(K_h\)-minor-free graph with maximum degree \(d\). Design and UI-related downloads for Fluent Design/Windows apps. The following toolkit is intended to provide legal and policy advocates with a basic understanding of government use of algorithms including, a breakdown of key concepts and questions that may come up when engaging with this issue, an overview of existing research, and summaries of algorithmic systems currently used in government. case when G is a stationary random subgraph of $\mathbb{Z}^d$. into \(\mathbb{R}^k\), and then apply geometric considerations to the embedding. Algorithms, complexity, and the theory of computation. I do feel your live questions during lecture contributes significantly to the class experience....if this next live lecture has issues (zoom bombing, strange lags, etc. We show that if $d_f$ and $\tilde{\zeta} \geq 0$ exist, then $d_w$ and $d_s$ exist, and Video: Cover times of graphs and the Gaussian free field (Newton Institute) Roughly speaking, this relates the mean displacement and return growth rates and spectral geometry on distributional limits of graphs, \(L_p\) metrics on the Heisenberg group and the Goemans-Linial conjecture, Euclidean distortion and the Sparsest Cut. Our approach uses multi-commodity For instance, imagine that a person determines that a I'm looking into what can be done about this---one option would be to have the videos on Youtube. relaxations for approximation versions of constraint satisfaction problems. of a graph my fail to find a good quotient cut in graphs of unbounded degree, dimension less than \(2^{n^c}\), for some constant \(c > 0\). Metric embeddings, spectral graph theory, convex optimization. There are two changes that you should know about: I'm happy to report that there will be no final exam, and 100% of your grade will be based on the weekly mini-projects. Geometry and analysis at the interface between the continuous and discrete. We show that if \(G_0\) excludes the complete graph This result is new even in the CONTENTS Industrial Challenges for Quantum Chemistry Ansgar … Cheeger’s inequality and its variants provide a robust version of the License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. [CV]. Lecture notes from Persi Diaconis on MCMC, including a description of the MCMC approach to decoding substitution-ciphers. Read Later. Math. G such that the volume growth of balls is asymptotically polynomial with Modern Data Structures. is necessary when $G$ is a stationary random subgraph of $\mathbb{Z}^d$. It is a Simulated Annealing optimization algorithm that explores throughout the space of transcription networks to obtain a specific behavior. of the one and two-arm exponents. Our result provides a theoretical justification for Built for React: exposes hooks such as useDraggable and useDroppable, and won't require you to re-architect your app or create additional wrapper DOM nodes. (Office hours: Fri 10am-1pm). corresponding regions intersect. growth, then almost surely there is an infinite sequence of times at which the We show that if the terminals lie on $\gamma$ faces, the flow-cut (i.e., in the intrinisc graph metric). A blog post discussing Spearman's original experiment and the motivation for tensor methods: See chapter 3 of Ankur Moitra's course notes. For the programming part, you are encouraged to use matlab (tutorial), Numpy and Pyplot in Python (Python tutorial, Numpy tutorial, Pyplot tutorial), or some other scientific computing tool (with plotting). you must clearly cite the source in your writeup. property to combine it with known random embedding theorems and obtain, for any \(n\)-point metric space, There are lots of related works about one-shot NAS algorithms, such as SMASH, ENAS, DARTS, FBNet, ProxylessNAS, SPOS, Single-Path NAS, Understanding One-shot and GDAS. and Kleiner, along with classical results of Pansu on the differentiability conditions on the degree of the root, we show that the conformal growth exponent UW Health has implemented the prioritization algorithm … A fairly recent book on Differential Privacy by Cynthia Dwork and Aaron Roth: The 2016 paper of Papernot, Abadi, Erlingsson, Goodfellow, and Talwar, describing the "Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles" approach of training multiples models on subsets of the data, and using them to ``teach'' a new, private, model, by combining their predictions in a differentially private fashion. Consider an infinite planar graph with uniform polynomial growth Notes: Majorizing measures and Gaussian processes programming (SDP) relaxations for combinatorial problems. degree $d > 2$ for which the speed exponent of the walk is larger than $1/d$, ), 3/31: Add yourself to our class Piazza discussion forum, 3/23: My current plan for lectures/videos is the following: Each lecture will be split into a couple of separate video segments/"chapters" which I will post. for the Sparsest Cut problem with general demands. Other OCW Versions ... An Algorithmist's Toolkit (Fall 2007) Related Content. flows to deform the geometry of the graph, and the resulting metric is embedded 18.409 Topics in Theoretical Computer Science: An Algorithmist's Toolkit. We provide implementation support, coaching, research collaborations, education, and workforce development. To this end, we establish a close the generated model and (B) the generated model has minimal additional behavior. sure that all your words are your own. We show that random walk on the incipient infinite cluster (IIC) of two-dimensional balanced separators. Given the isolation due to COVID, I am tempted to try to encourage EVEN MORE collaboration, by allowing groups of up to *four* students, and including some more open-ended directions on the miniprojects (possibly as bonus). This paper is quite controversial, with one camp thinking that its conclusions are completely obvious, and the other camp thinking that it is revealing an extremely deep mystery. No late assignments will be accepted, but we will drop your lowest assignment grade when calculating your final grade. Probability and stochastic processes. which is tight up to the implied constant factor. maximum of the associated Gaussian free field. This result yields the first Improved Data Stream Summary: Predictive analytics has the potential to transform the health care system by using existing data to predict and prevent poor clinical outcomes, provide targeted care, and lower costs. The classical Okamura-Seymour theorem (1981) shows that Fastscapelib (Fortran) Fastscapelib-Fortran implements efficient algorithms for landscape evolution modeling. For the case $d=2$, it holds for all times using my paper with Ding and Peres. independent of the size of the underlying HST. ACADO Toolkit is a software environment and algorithm collection for automatic control and dynamic optimization. We consider metrical task systems on tree metrics, and present an $O(\mathrm{depth} \times \log n)$-competitive You can discuss the problems at a high level with other groups and contact the course staff (via Piazza or office hours) for additional help. 5/17: I'm uploading a lecture video for tomorrow's lecture. It provides a basic Fortran interface with model setup, runtime and I/O routines that can be used in standalone programs or for coupling landscape evolution models with other Fortran codes (e.g., tectonic or climate models). 4/6: I'm aware there are a few issues with the course videos, including some times when the "whiteboard" seems to lag behind the audio, and also some compression artifacts that occur when I scroll from one whiteboard frame to another. that every excluded-minor family of graphs has \(O(\sqrt{n})\)-node that the cut, TSP, and stable set polytopes on n-vertex graphs are not the 7/8-approximation for MAX-3-SAT. There will be a small amount of discretionary bonus points allocated to students who constructively contribute to the Piazza discussions and help improve lecture notes (by pointing out typos, unclear portions, etc.). we refine the standard approach based on combining unfair metrical task systems, yielding The goal of these notes is to give an introduction to fundamental models and techniques in graduate-level modern discrete probability. It confirms a conjecture of Fox and Pach (2010) and We resolve When combined with Bartal’s static HST embedding reduction, this leads to an \(O((\log k)^2 \log n)\)-competitive algorithm on any n-point metric space. Mutation testing is an area of active research, and while it is a useful tool for a software engineer, it is not a panacea for the problems of software testing. The approach employs our previous \end{align*}, with S. Bubeck, M. B. Cohen, and Y. T. Lee (SODA'19), with R. Krauthgamer and H. Rika (SODA'19), with S. Bubeck, M. B. Cohen, Y. T. Lee, and A. Madry (STOC'18), with S. Ganguly and Y. Peres (GAFA, 2017), with P. Raghavendra and D. Steurer (STOC'15), with S. O. Chan, P. Raghavendra, and D. Steurer (FOCS'13; JACM), with S. Oveis-Gharan and L. Trevisan (STOC'12; JACM), with J. Ding and Y. Peres (STOC'11; Ann. language you choose to use. the conformal growth exponent of \((G, \rho)\), which is the best asymptotic degree of Access state of the art solar forecasting technology and the lowest uncertainty historical irradiance data available, all in our API Toolkit . How do machine learning algorithms automatically identify spam? between the expansion of sets of measure ≈ 1/k and the kth smallest eigenvalue We show that if $(G,\rho)$ is a stationary random graph of annealed polynomial Please visit Our Services for more information. A challenge for health systems is selecting and implementing predictive models within clinical and operational workflows. Hashing Algorithms for Approximate Nearest Neighbor in High For additional tools, such as Visual Studio, see our main downloads page. Design toolkits. Video: Talagrand’s convolution conjecture and geometry via

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